It Is What It Is


This was bad. Sehun could feel it in his gut. He lost his phone once or twice when he was a teenager and not even the anger and disappointment from his parents made him feel the way he is right now. Something bad was going to happen and it was going to be all because he lost his goddamn phone.


He had already searched the entire studio, even forcing poor Junmyeon to help him. But it was as if the world hated him and said 'no phone for you Sehun!' the world is what he's thinking at this point.


Sehun laid face down on his bed with Jongin digging through his dresser in an attempt to help him even though he already told him he lost the phone at the studio.


"Are you sure you had it at the studio?" Jongin asked as he shut the top drawer of the dresser. "Maybe it's in your bag?"


Sehun sniffled and cuddled with his pillow. "I checked already. I dumped everything out. Nothing. Nothing. Empty. Dark. Just like my soul."


"Alright Socrates. Whatever you say. But I don't get why you're making such a big deal out of losing your phone. You could get a new one with your current plan." Jongin leaned against his dresser as he eyed the moving lump on the bed.


Sehun sat up properly and wrapped his blanket around him. "I don't why I am too. But I have this really bad feeling and it's not going away."


Jongin didn't know what to say to the cocoon that was Oh Sehun at the moment. All he knows is that whenever Sehun gets a bad feeling it's either:


A) Someone's gonna dump him




B) He ed up badly enough to get dumped.


Jongin has seen this happen way too much. Although it seems like it's worse than the previous thousand times it's happened. But that's not going to stop him from teasing Sehun.


"Maybe Baekhyun's gonna dump you cause you couldn’t stay in a relationship and now you can't even have a phone without losing it. Lame if you ask me," Jongin shrugs and waits for Sehun's outburst of 'nooooooooo you're wrooong' but it never comes. He looks at Sehun with an arched eyebrow and sees Sehun wrapped up into a ball on his bed. That definitely was not the reaction he was expecting.


He slowly walk over to the lump and carefully pokes it. It doesn't move although it does make a pitched whining sound. "Dude you alright?"


A muffled 'no!' comes out from within the blankets and it moves slightly and Jongin sighs. "Dude. I was kidding. There's no way for you and Baekhyun to break up. You two are aren't even official yet. Have you even asked him to be your boyfriend yet?"


Sehun shoots out of the blankets and struggles to untangle himself from the sheet. He eventually gives up and ends up sitting on the blankets with his legs still tangled in them. Sehun points at him as he caught his breath from the slight struggle. "I haven't!"


Jongin rolls his eyes and takes a seat on the edge of the bed. "Then what are you so worried about?"


Sehun's hand drops to his lap as he stares dejectedly. "What if I ed up even before we could get together? How am I supposed to even contact him anymore?!" He faked a sob as he covers his face with his hands.


"I could ask Yixing to ask Baekhyun to meet up with you?" Sehun slightly lowered his hands, he stared at Jongin with suspicious eyes. "What? I know I usually tease you, but I am your best friend. I'll be nice to you. Only because you just need to settle your damn down."


"This is highly suspicious..."


"Oh come on. You're acting like I've never done anything nice to you."




"Shut up before I take back my offer."


Baekhyun was freaking out. Flipping his . Crying in despair. He was not okay at the moment.


Not even a day after Jongdae said sudden ignoring is a sign of breaking up (They weren't officially dating, but that's another problem for another day) Sehun suddenly doesn't answer his call and doesn't respond to any of his texts. That's not a good sign and Jongdae even had the nerve to laugh at his misery.


He swears he'll get Jongdae back. Baekhyun somehow manages to him every time so he'll keep that effort up, even though he wasn't even trying. Luck can get people far in lives, just not your friend's life.


Anyhow. Yixing got a text from Jongin that was Sehun that said he was going to take Baekhyun out for lunch on Thursday. That message lit up all the bad signals in his brain.


Jongin's phone? Why Jongin's phone? What were they doing? Why couldn't  Sehun use his phone? Why text Yixing? If he needed to contact Baekhyun he should've had his number memorized. And he's not just staying that because he has Sehun's number memorized. Nope. Not at all. Not true. Completely untrue.


Now fast forward to Thursday, Baekhyun's manning the counter while Minseok was making drinks for the few people scattered around the cafe. He's drumming his fingers as he waits and waits and waits....


It's already past noon and Baekhyun's starting to get antsy and Minseok is giving him his annoyed look when he walks back to the counter and Baekhyun won't stop drumming on the counter. Every time the bell rings when someone walks in, Baekhyun immediately straightens his posture, but slouches again when it's just another businessman or college student.


He's lying against counter playing with a random pen he found when a shadow looms over him. Baekhyun looks up and shoots up, dropping the pen to the ground in the process.


"Hey," Sehun greets him with a sheepish smile as he scratches the back of his head.

Baekhyun struggles to speak. But quickly composes himself to say hello back. He suddenly feels small compared to Sehun when he remembers what Jongdae said.


He knows he shouldn't be worried, but the fact that Sehun won't stop scratching the back of his head and looking around nervously is making all reason go out the window.


"Is it your lunch break soon?" Baekhyun nods without asking Minseok first. "Oh good. Because I wanna talk to you about some stuff." ALARM. ALARM.


All the alarms are going off in Baekhyun's head as he registers Sehun point at a table and saying he'll be sitting there waiting for him. He also remembers that Sehun said to get them something for lunch.


This is where Baekhyun is sitting with Sehun as he brought Sehun a salad and a sandwich for himself. He'll pay for it later. Right now, Sehun is his main concern. And their possible breakup-but-not-a-breakup.


Sehun manages to eat about half of his salad when he notices Baekhyun picking out the cucumbers in his sandwich.


"Don't like cucumbers?" he asks. Baekhyun pouted and dumped the cucumbers into Sehun's salad. Sehun laughed and ate the cucumbers as he watched Baekhyun stared at him in disgust. "I'll gladly eat anything you don't want to eat."


Baekhyun's heart swelled at the comment and immediately bit into his sandwich to hide his embarrassment. All the people he's met, mocked or about his intense dislike of cucumbers, but Sehun ate it for him. He swears he can't get any more perfect. Well. He'll be even more perfect of this talk isn't about breaking up.


The two finish eating in silence and Baekhyun nervously plays with his napkin as Sehun sets down his fork.


"Sorry for not talking to you for the past few days. And asking Yixing to relay a message to you, but I lost my phone!" Sehun awkwardly chuckles as he scratches the back of his head. "The company has yet to get me a replacement phone...."


Baekhyun wants to scream to the heavens and shove Jongdae into box that'll mail him to Madagascar for putting those stupid ideas into his head. He's ready to like no one has ever done before.


Even though Sehun got the phone problem out of the way, the sinking feeling in his stomach hasn't gone away. But he figures it might be because of the job offer and it'll go away after he talks to Baekhyun about it.


"Also," Sehun begins and Baekhyun suddenly wants to strangle someone. "I got offered a full time job at the station." The strangling feeling seems to be gone now. "But I don't know if I should take it..."


"Why?" Baekhyun leans forward and looks at Sehun worriedly. "Do you not want to do it?"


Sehun thinks about the question for a second and Baekhyun thinks he looks really cute when he furrows his brows like that. "It's not like I don't want it."


"Then what's the problem?" Baekhyun's slightly confused by the conflict, but he'll try to understand for Sehun's sake.


Sehun runs a hand through his hair and Baekhyun is suddenly taken back by the sudden hotness Sehun just emitted. "I'm still in college. I still want my degree and I don't know if I can do that with a full time job. I can only do it now since all I'm doing is taking online summer courses, but when the semester comes back...I don't know what I'm supposed to do."


Baekhyun nods after listening carefully. He was almost distracted by Sehun's face, but he managed.


He can't exactly relate to Sehun, but he does understand where he's coming from. Sehun's only twenty one and very close to finishing college. Not to mention the last year or two tend to be where all the classes bunch together, creating more and more stress. Especially since other people are going to fighting for those class spots. And then juggling a job on top of everything.


Baekhyun had a part time job while he studied, so he knows the struggle of working while trying to go to college. But that was only part time. Sehun was offered something full time. It's either the job or his education.


"Have you talked about this with your parents?" Baekhyun asks to get him talking while he tries to think about his answer for Sehun.


Sehun gives him a disgruntled look. "My mom definitely enjoys the fact that she is able to see her on on tv. My dad...he wanted me to be a doctor so no matter what I do, he's gonna hate it. Parents aren't any help."


Baekhyun gnaws on his lip as he thinks. He thinks he's got it figured out.


"Well. Is it possible for you to juggle the job and school?" Sehun shrugs. "The news is at might be able to do it if you do morning classes. But then there's the issue of sleep. What time do you get home usually?"


Sehun looks up in thought. "Usually around ten."


Goddamn that's late and Baekhyun isn't sure about his answer anymore.


"Do you want me to continue?" The question makes Baekhyun freeze. He hesitantly nods, looking down to avoid Sehun's gaze. Sehun hums as he crosses his arms, leaning back in his chair. "Maybe I could ask for a transfer to the morning news. Do afternoon classes. Maybe that'll help with my sleep schedule."


"But do you want the job?" Panic rises up in Baekhyun's throat. "I don't want you to take the job just because I like to watch you on tv." Baekhyun's slaps his hands over his mouth suddenly wanting to hide under his blankets for all eternity.


Sehun gives him a small smile before continuing. "I was going to accept. But I don't really know how balance out my school life and work. But I think the morning thing might be my best bet. Get up at like four, work six to eight, go to class for another six hours, homework for another six or so hours. Hopefully in bed by midnight."


Baekhyun's jaw dropped open at the amount of work Sehun was going to put himself under. Sehun chuckled at the face Baekhyun was making. "I'm planning to graduate next semester. My online courses cover up a good majority of my credits and I need like two more classes to finish."


"Then what was the point of asking me about this if you figured it out already?" Baekhyun mumbled, crossing his arms and slouching in his chair.


"So that you aren't surprised when I don't seem to have time when next semester starts." Sehun nudges their feet together with a smile. "After all I can't make a decision without telling my boyfriend about."


Baekhyun blinks. "What?"


Sehun reaches over the table and grabs Baekhyun's hand as he cutely tilts his head to the side. "Be my boyfriend?"


Baekhyun almost wants to laugh at the cute act, but smiles broadly instead.


"I thought you'd never ask."


The two smile brightly at each other, cheeks dusted in pink.

And yet, the sinking feeling in Sehun's stomach doesn't leave.


A/N: I was going to put this up on tomorrow, but I saw 40 suscribers and I got happy and put it up. So thank you for 40 subscribers! Like wow! I can't believe it. THank you all for reading this story of mine and I hope you enjoy it!

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975 streak #1
Chapter 18: I finally finished this beautiful story.
They have a beautiful relationship and a beautiful circle if friends.
I hope you are still around to read our comments. Thank you so much for sharing.
975 streak #2
Chapter 7: Just started reading this sebaek fic.
I'm lovibg it.
smilingsadpanda #3
Chapter 18: Hi... I read it again... And I still find my comment from 2016... And I still love this story the same...
Thank you
Shipping_Life #4
Chapter 18: Awww~! This is so cute~! I really LOVED THIS!! ♡~♡ plus this story made me cry a little curse you author-nim! (Joking) but really love this story an all the details!!! ☆_☆
Chapter 18: Wooohhhh i was at the peack trying to get all giddy giddy but there was no next.-.
Poooor me
*-* sebaek xiuhan my loves
loved the story
it was smooth and soft
with hints of pink
specially the last part
i couldhave enjoyed it with cofee and marshmellow lol
Chapter 18: Wait, oh god i was just reading and then i realized that was the end TT_TT
smilingsadpanda #7
Chapter 18: After many months I came back to read it again... And still love it the same when I first time read it...
R_nine21 #8
Chapter 18: ASDFGHJKL sebaek
R_nine21 #9
Chapter 2: Luhan n Sehun LOLOL