Growing Relationships

❝Growing Relationships❞
Chapter 8

Jasmine stared at the long table formed out of smaller ones in front of her, unable to comprehend the situation. The whole restaurant was empty besides the employees, a customer would occasionally walk to the door and then leave in sadness due to their early closing.

She was going to attend Seventeen’s comeback stage but unfortunately they needed her here, at the restaurant to serve the exact same boys she was going to cheer on an hour and a half ago.

I’m perfectly fine when it comes to seeing them on stage but if they can see me too, if I suddenly stand out to them I don’t think I can take it. I’ve already been through too much with them… Jasmine started overthinking things as she stayed staring at the table. 

Someone tapped her on the shoulder and Jasmine turned around seeing her coworker. Min Hyo, she said her name was about a week ago and it still felt strange know that this was the very girl that had threatened her on the phone for being close to Woozi. Not that Jasmine was, but it’s also not like she was about to tell Min Hyo that she was the one on the phone.

“Are you okay? You look nervous,” Min laughed seeing Jasmine’s face when she turned around.

Her voice came out barely audible, “Yeah.”

It only made Min laugh more, “Okay I get it, you’re nervous about seeing Wonwoo after what happened last time.”

Jasmine was confused, “What do you mean? Why would I be nervous about Wonwoo?”

“Don’t worry, I’ll keep your secret,” Min winked and walked back behind the counter.

I wonder what that was about, what does she think happened between Wonwoo and I? Jasmine had just forgot about the current situation she was in when two white vans pulled up in front of the building. Jasmine’s eyes went wide as she realized what it meant. Suddenly, a girlish scream came from behind the counter. She turned around and saw Min covering jumping up and down in excitement. Thankfully the cook wasn’t there yet, so he couldn’t see Min’s fangirl breakdown.

Jasmine walked behind the counter and tried to calm her down, “Min, you need to-“

She slid her hands down, no longer covering , “I know but-! They’re here, it’s really them! I think I might pass out from actually seeing Woozi!”

Jasmine grasped her wrists, “You know you’re going to get fired if Jaeho catches you!”

The both glanced at the back entrance, he should be getting here any minute now.

“You’re right, I don’t know what came over me,” Min took a few deep breaths and tried to calm herself down.

Jasmine nodded to her, approving of her effort. She returned to waiting at the table as she saw one each getting out of their vans at a time. She glanced over them and as she caught Mingyu’s eye, she smiled and he did the same. Wonwoo got out right behind him, seeing their exchange. He sighed and as Jasmine saw Wonwoo her smile disappeared. As soon as she saw Joshua she couldn’t help but flush with embarrassment, he was always cute but it only got better when she would see him in person.

As Jasmine was dealing with her own predicament, Min was still dealing with hers until Jaeho walked in and the door slammed with a loud bang. The girls both looked at each other knowing full well there was something going on with him.

He rarely talked to them, only when it came to work, seeing it as tedious to affiliate himself with girls of their sort. Sometimes, when they were bored, they’d talk about how good looking he was and wondered what kind of girl he would date. He did have a girlfriend and sometimes she would stop by but they never saw her face, it’s like she was hiding something. It did eventually become evident that he was a relative of Wonwoo, however, they never asked him about it for fear of them losing their jobs. They were always cautious about mentioning Seventeen to anyone at the workplace, but they did whisper about them amongst themselves.

The bell at the front door dinged and their attention immediately diverted back to the thirteen boys making their way inside.

Their talking instantly filled the silence as they conversed about their comeback, wondering if the fans really liked it, and if it would make their company proud and happy. She could see Mingyu and Wonwoo joking about something at the back of the line, they genuinely seem like best friends. 

Joshua came and sat in the chair in front of her, causing her to blush once again. She could feel Mingyu’s gaze shift and she moved her eyes to his seeing pain but it was gone almost exactly as she saw it making her wonder if it was there to begin with.

Jasmine cleared her head and remembered she was to greet them. Once they were all settled it became quiet.

“Welcome, Seventeen. Did you guys have a great comeback stage?” She asked.

“Yes! It’s always fun to see our fans enjoying it as much as we are,” S.Coups answered.

She smiled genuinely, “That’s great to hear! What can we get you guys?”

“Our usual,” S.Coups responded.

“Alright, I’m sure he heard you and he’ll get right on it,” she bowed and made her way behind the counter to sit with Min, she was practically burning a hole into Woozi with her intense gaze.

The noise picked up again as they continued talking about so many different things. She suddenly realized that there was a lot more to them that she didn’t know about.

There was one topic amongst them that she picked up and became extremely curious about.

“You’re not dating anyone, right Joshua?” S.Coups asked him. Jasmine suddenly felt very defensive but then remembered he had a right to his own private life and it’s nothing she should be worried about. Still, her curiosity got the better of her.

“No,” Joshua laughed, “When would I meet her anyway?”

“I don’t know,” S.Coups admitted, “It’s just, there’s something I heard about one of you dating and I don’t know who it is. I just want to talk to them about it.”

Joshua stared at him in shock, “Someone in our group?”

S.Coups nodded, “If you learn anything about it, can you tell me?”

“Sure,” Joshua agreed.

“Thanks,” S.Coups smiled at him.

Min shook her shoulders, disrupting her from her eavesdropping, “Did you hear that?”

Jasmine nodded, her eyes wide.

Min smirked, assuming the couple was her and Wonwoo.

“What?” Jasmine asked innocently.

“Don’t play coy, I know you're dating someone!” She shouted drawing the attention of a few of the members, Mingyu and Wonwoo included.

Jasmine looked over at the members of Seventeen, gulping when she saw Mingyu and Wonwoo looking her way.

Min continued, “I can’t believe you hid it either!”

Jasmine returned her focus to Min, “I’m not dating anyone.”

“You can try to lie but it’s obvious you’re not telling the truth,” Min stated.

A loud screech interrupted them as Mingyu got up and walked to the restroom. 

Jasmine’s phone lit up and Min released her shoulders remembering that she was supposed to call someone. Jasmine looked at it and saw that Mingyu had sent a text.

M: Are you really dating someone?


Jasmine looked toward the bathroom and laughed.

J: Why? Are you jealous?


M: What if I am?


She suddenly couldn’t breathe, what is he saying?

M: Wait! Not in the way you’re thinking! I’m jealous as a member of Seventeen and as your friend.


Jasmine released a breath she didn’t know she was holding in.

J: How exactly does that work?

M: As a member of Seventeen, I’m jealous that you’re going to be focusing all your time on him and not us.

J: That’s being greedy, not jealous.

M: I didn’t say it was for monetary gain! Anyways, and as a friend, I’m jealous that you didn’t tell me but you told a girl that you just met not too long ago.

J: I just met you not to long ago…

M: Yeah, but you still knew me before her.

J: I’m closer to her than I am with you.

M: Well then… I guess we’ll just have to spend more time together if I want to know more about you.

J: I guess so.

M: Ok, you’re on! Later though, I have to get back or they’re going to wonder what’s taking me so long.

J: K, have fun.


He returned and looked at Jasmine through the corner of his eyes. She saw him and smirked. He looked away then sat back down and continued conversing with Wonwoo.

Thirty minutes passed and Seventeen’s meal was finally ready. Jaeho ringed the bell and Min and Jasmine served it to the members who were now sitting quietly, anticipating their meal. After serving them, she sat down at the table Min was at with their own meals. Since they were working slightly over time and it was technically a restaurant event, they were allowed to eat. Her phone vibrated, signaling that she received a text message. Unlocking her phone she saw that it was Angie.

A: I’m dropping by okay? I know you have some important event going on but I’ve got to tell you something I’ve been stalling on.


She responded.

J: Does it have to be right now? Why can’t you just tell me by text?


Angie replied.

A: Because I’m already at the door and there’s no turning back since I’m already here. Don’t worry, I’ll go through the back. By the way, save me some food.


Jasmine scoffed at the last sentence, so that’s why.

The back door opened and all of Seventeen’s eyes instantly fell on Angie.

“What are you doing here?” Hoshi asked, still the only one knowing who she truly is.

Her eyes went wide, not expecting to see the rookie group here. “Uh…” she stammered.

“She works here!” Jasmine shouted on a whim.

All of Seventeen’s eyes shifted to her. Hoshi questioned her statement, “How could she work here? She’s-“ he looked around at the other members, seeing Jun stare at him, wondering why he was downgrading the girl he thought was cute. “We’ve never seen her before,” he finished.

“That’s because she was just hired today, right Angie?” Jasmine asked, motioning towards them with her eyes. 

They all returned their gaze to her.

“Yeah!” she shouted, faking a smile. Jasmine noticed she didn’t rub her wrist this time, she’s improved.

Min was looking at Jasmine like she was crazy for suggesting something like this.

Hoshi looked at Angie conveying they were going to talk about the incident later.

Jasmine thought she was going to get away with it when Jaeho walked out of the kitchen.

Min tensed, Jasmine froze and Angie gulped as Jaeho looked over them. He glanced at the girls and then Seventeen. He shook his head and then walked out the back door of the building.

All the girls let out a sigh of relief. Angie walked over and pulled up a chair to the table Jasmine and Min were at. Seventeen continued their conversation and it was as if nothing had ever happened.

“What are you doing here?” Jasmine said through her teeth.

“I told you,” Angie replied, “You should have told me Seventeen was here, I would’ve known not to come in then.”

“Well, now you know,” Jasmine sighed in frustration.

“Uh, what’s going on here?” Min asked, pointing toward both of them.

“Oh sorry. Min this is Angie, Angie this is Min.” Jasmine introduced them to each other.

They both acknowledged each other.

“Anyways,” Min started, “Why is she here?”

“She’s supposed to tell me something,” Jasmine stated.

Min stared daggers at her, “You almost lost both of our jobs for that?”

Angie smiled, “And free food.”

Jasmine bit down on her lip, trying to keep her cool and from strangling Angie, “So what is it that’s so important?”

“Actually due to all this excitement, it’s probably best I don’t tell you right now,” Angie shook her head.

Jasmine shook her head, “I swear, I should just tell all of Seventeen who you really are and let them eat you alive.”

Angie shrugged, “Well, they’ll know soon enough.”

“What do you-? You mean-?” Jasmine pointed to them.

“Yup,” Angie nodded.

Ugh Angie, why do you have to make my life so difficult? 


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I'm returning to continue this fic, thank you for waiting patiently ^^ New chapters will be updated in February, I am currently working on them right now.


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Misufitto #1
Can you please update? T_T PLEASE! I'm dying waiting for new chapters!!!! <3
Chapter 5: this story is too cute omg