Fan Meeting

❝An Accidental Fan Meeting❞
Chapter 2

“What are we going to do?” Jasmine asked Angie as she held the phone out to her.

Angie took it, “I’m not sure.” She inspected the device like it was a foreign object. “I could still get something out of this right?”

“Angie! No, you can’t! You said Hoshi, not Woozi.” Jasmine said defensively.

“Fine,” she crossed her arms, “We have to give it back somehow, without looking suspicious.”

“Hmm…” Jasmine tried to come up with a solution, “At least silence it for now, we can’t let it give us away. I don’t want to look like a thief in front of my favorite group.”

“Well, you technically are one…” Angie stated as she lowered the volume on the phone.

“This isn’t my fault, It’s all you,” Jasmine said sternly, upset at the unfairness of the situation.

“You didn’t have to go along with it,” Angie argued feeling accused.

“It’s not like you gave me much of a choice,” Jasmine rolled her eyes.

“Well you didn’t have to come! I could’ve done this without you!” Angie shouted causing the surrounding people to stare.

“I’m so sure.” She rolled her eyes once again and turned toward the front of the line away from Angie.

“Ugh!” Angie said frustrated, “Next time I’m not even going to offer.”

“Good, because even if you did I wouldn’t take it,” Jasmine grumbled.

“Um, are you girls okay?” Joshua asked with a concerned expression.

Oh my gosh! He heard our argument! Jasmine blushed from embarrassment. “Yes, thank you for your concern though.”

“She’s always like this.” Angie pointed her thumb toward Jasmine.

Jasmine gritted her teeth and forced a smile, “Not really, she just loves to torture me.”

“Ah,” Joshua nodded unsure of what to say due to confusion and fear that they might target him next.

“Oh yeah,” Jasmine took out the album and his photo card, “I’m a huge fan of yours.” She placed them in front of him.

He smiled relieved they were entering familiar territory, “What’s your name?”

“Jasmine.” She smiled back, thrilled it was actually happening despite their current situation.

He wrote her a message on his photo card and passed both it and the autographed album to her, “Here you go.”

“May I take a photo of you? It’s for a fansite.” She took out the camera from Angie’s bag.

“Of course!” He laughed and it caused Jasmine’s heart to flutter, “With you or without you?”

“Both please,” She said nervously.

He posed as she took his solo photo and then she passed the camera to Angie. Please, she pleaded to her with her eyes. Angie reluctantly nodded and took the camera.

Jasmine got closer making them only a couple inches apart, she could literally feel the warmth radiating off of him. Her heart skipped a beat as she realized how close they were. He assumed a different pose as Angie prepared to take the picture.

“Is this okay?” He whispered.

Jasmine giggled, “Definitely.”

After the picture, she thanked Joshua and moved on to the next line feeling that nothing could top what she just experienced.

“So?” Angie asked.

“Okay, I admit it was kind of worth it. It felt like I was in a dream.” Jasmine couldn’t help but smile at her new treasured memory.

“Well now that I got you back on board, we need to return this and I thought of a way but you’re not going to like it,” Angie admitted.

“What is it?” Jasmine asked, she was in a mood to do anything now that she met Joshua.

Angie was shocked she didn’t refuse but took the chance, “We need to sneak into the building and leave Woozi's phone in his studio.”

“Okay,” Jasmine nodded.

“Okay?” Angie asked.

“Yeah, it’s not like we really have any other choice but it’s not going to be easy. You’re coming this time too.”Jasmine explained.

“I know. I said ‘we.’” Angie stated, “We’re going to have to cut getting your autographs short though if we don’t want to get caught.”

“At least let me get six more, the lines are cutting down too.” They were waiting in Jun’s line.

“Okay, but we have to be quick,” Angie said

After five minutes, they were in front of Jun. “Hi!” He waved with a happy grin.

“Hi!” Jasmine said back to him.

“H-how… are you?” He asked still smiling. The attempt at English was cute.

“We’re great,” Angie answered from behind trying to speed up the process.

He looked at her and laughed lightly then turned to Jasmine and whispered, “She’s cute.”

The words shocked her. She turned and looked from Angie to Jun… Did he just say what I think he said?! She thought.

“What’s your name?” He asked still grinning.

“Jasmine” She took out the album and handed it to him.

He signed it quickly and said goodbye before winking at Angie as they walked away.

“What did he whisper to you?” Angie asked questioning at the situation that arose.

“Well… he said your cute.” Jasmine said before getting into another line.

“Wait. He what?!” Angie shouted in Jasmine’s ear unintentionally.

“Ow!” Jasmine instantly covered her ear, “getting in trouble isn’t enough now you want me to go deaf?”

“Sorry,” she said sympathetically.

“Anyways, he said you were cute,” Angie’s jaw dropped, “I know, I was shocked too.”

“IS THIS ON?” The two girls turned looking for the sudden loud voice. Oh no… have we been found out, Angie thought.

“Attention fans! We are sad to inform you that we will be cutting this meeting short. As of now you have thirty minutes left, use them wisely!” Angie let out a sigh of relief.

Jasmine pouted, “Great now I can’t get any more autographs.”

“Okay… we need to go. Like right now.” Angie was starting to panic.

“Ugh, fine. I know a back way in, follow me.” Jasmine started walking toward the back of the building.

“Wait, I need to put this in the car first!” Angie began running in the other direction with her bag.

“Angie there isn’t any time, just throw it in a bush for now,” Jasmine said making Angie turn around.

“But… do you know how much this cost me?” She said gesturing to the bag.

“No, but do you know how much ‘this’ is going to cost you?” Jasmine held the phone up.

“When did you take that out of my pocket?!” Angie asked

“We shouldn’t worry about that right now, let’s just go!” Jasmine grabbed Angie’s wrist and dragged her to a bush near the back door. “It’ll be here when you get back, don’t worry. My CD’s in there too so you’re not the only one risking it.”

Angie pouted and put her bag in the bush. She turned to Jasmine trying to forget what she just did, “Okay where’s the door?”

“This way,” She quickly ran to the door and looked around checking to see if anyone noticed them. She pulled the door slightly open surprised that it wasn’t locked. She looked at Angie. Angie returned the look with a shrug. Jasmine carefully opened it trying not to make noise, she peeked through the gap. Coast is clear. She signaled for Angie to follow her with her head. Slowly and quietly, they started walking down the hall.

“Where do you think it is?” Angie whispered.

“It could be anywhere, keep your eyes peeled,” Jasmine said looking through each window on the doors.

Angie continued down the hall and searched the windows. After searching three-fourths of the building for twenty-five minutes, they were thinking of giving up and leaving it in a random room. Coming to the conclusion that it would be to suspicious they continued their search.

“You think they would hate me if I revealed it to the public?” A masculine voice said down the hall loud enough for them to hear.

Jasmine and Angie turned to each other, both with a look of terror.

“No, it would take some time, but they will definitely get used to it.” Another masculine voice replied.

Upon hearing the other voice, they ran into the room closest to them. Angie ran into the practice room and then it's closet praying that no one would find her. Jasmine ran into the restroom knowing they wouldn’t be able to discover her there.

After five minutes, Jasmine checked to see if anyone was in the hallway. Resolving that there wasn’t anyone, she walked out and called out Angie’s name as loud as she could without giving herself away. She waited for another five minutes to see if she was coming but decided Angie may have found the Studio meaning it should be somewhere near.

It took her four tries before she found the room, but Angie wasn’t there. “Angie!” She whispered,

“Ugh, where is she at?” Realizing she shouldn’t waste this valuable chance, Jasmine put Woozi’s phone on his desk and turned around right as someone opened the door behind her.

He walked in looking down at his phone, “Woozi, are you sure yo-“ He looked up and his eyes went wide. Why did Mingyu have to come here of all places? “You’re not Woozi.”

“U-uh…..” The silence seemed to drag on forever, have we been found out?

“Do you know when he’s coming back?” He asked her.

“W-what?” Jasmine said confused.

“You’re a staff, right? You should know what time he’ll come back and start working on some more music.”

“Oh!” Jasmine said trying to sound enthusiastic, which caused Mingyu to laugh. “Yeah, he should be coming back soon…”

“Okay, thank you.” He smiled which revealed his boyish charm. Her heart started beating pounding in her chest.

“Um…” Jasmine started looking around trying to think of something to say in order to dismiss herself.

Mingyu silently laughed, she was cute. “Can I have your number?”

“Excuse me?” Jasmine turned to him not sure if she heard correctly.

“May I have your number? I have all the staff’s numbers, but you seem to be new.” Mingyu held his phone out to her.

“Oh yeah… sure.” She took the phone from his hand and entered her phone number subconsciously instead of putting a fake number like she intended.

She handed it to him and he thanked her.

“Um… I’ve got other things to take care of now,” She bowed and walked in the direction she came willing herself not to look back. Everything is under control right? I’m okay and Mingyu wasn’t the least bit suspicious. She still wondered what happened to Angie but thought that maybe she returned to the car so she walked to the bush they threw their items in and found nothing there. Okay, so she did go to the car. She rushed back to the car finding it still there with no one inside or outside. She franticly looked through the vicinity and realized Angie was nowhere to be found meaning that she was probably still in the building and someone took her bag. Knowing that Angie left her phone in her bag she decided not to try and call her, “Ugh, what am I supposed to do?”


She sat in the closet quietly and still hoping no one would open the door. Music starting playing in the practice room causing her to bring her knees up her chest and hug herself tightly. She played out the options in her head. One. You could wait here until the late hours of the night when everyone is gone, which is not guaranteed. Two. You could wait here and be found out eventually. Three. You could sneak out with the likely hood of getting caught since there are mirrors all over the practice room. Or Four. Come clean. None of them sounded like very good options, at least not to her. After an hour of wallowing in her sorrow, she got up and walked to the door, opening it slightly so she could see what was happening. The boy that called her cute earlier was dancing with Hoshi and two other guys. Suddenly the music stopped and she thought she was found out, causing her to close the door a little more.

“Okay guys, Great practice!” She heard Hoshi say.

“Woo!” They all cheered.

“Anyone want some water?” One of them asked.

It became silent, but she realized they probably raised their hands since after Hoshi said “Let’s go get some water!”

“Hey guys before we go, I found this outside. You think it belongs to anyone?” Jun said, she remembered the boy who called her cute’s name.

“Wah! That’s a purse! A girl may be looking for it!” Hoshi exclaimed.

“I found it in the bush outside, though, why would anyone leave it there?”

At that, she opened up the door enough so she could see what it looked like when she realized it was hers.

They all shrugged.

“Maybe we should look inside to see who it bel-“ The shortest one was cut off.

“No!” Angie shouted as she came out of the closet, trying to protect her identity, however, also revealing it at the same time.

They all jumped at the sudden appearance of her and instantly hugged each other tightly thinking she was a ghost, “Who- What- How long have you been in there?!” Hoshi asked.

“For an hour, and you guys have no idea how hot it can get in there.” She wiped the sweat off her forehead and then blushed at the thought of her appearance.

“Wait, you were the girl from the fan meeting!” Jun said.

Angie’s cheeks turned a brighter red, “Maybe…”

“She’s a fan? Then what is she doing in here?!" The cute one with silver hair said, "Are you a sasaeng?!” 

“No! No, I’m not I swear! This is a misunderstanding!” She tried desperately to cover up her tracks.

“How can hiding in our closet be a misunderstanding?” The shortest one said again.


“Hey guys!” A guy walked in with Jasmine behind him. Wait… Is that Baekho? She thought Jasmine got caught until she saw Jasmine’s new roommate Noemi, behind her. What is going on?

“Hey Baekho!” The all shouted a cheerful greeting in seeing their friend.

“Um… what is going on here?” Angie asked completely confused.

“Oh yeah, Baekho! This girl just came out of our closet after practice, now we don’t know what to do.” They all turned to him for help.

“She’s actually a friend of mine guys, don’t overreact.” He smiled.

“You’re friend?” They asked.

“Yeah, I asked her to get me something from the closet but she probably didn’t want to look like a sasaeng in front of you guys which is why she came out now. Right?” He turned to Angie and she nodded slowly trying to process the situation.


“Oh, okay,” Hoshi said.

They all bowed, “Sorry for the misunderstanding.”

“We also found this bag,” Jun said as he lifted it up.

“That’s mine!” Angie said.

Jun gave it to her, “Oh, we found it in the bush outside…”

“Sorry guys,” He scratched the back of his head and smiled, “I was kind of pranking her.”

They all laughed, “Classic Baekho!”

“Okay well, we’re all going to go get some water. See you guys later!” Hoshi said as they walked out.

Once they were out of earshot Angie immediately asked the question she was waiting to ask, “What just happened?”

“Baekho saved your ,” Jasmine said.

“But how?” Angie was in complete shock.

“He’s an old friend of mine.” Noemi smiled.

“But… Jasmine, you knew about them?” Angie looked to her.

“No, I had no idea they were friends. I just asked Noemi for help and she called Baekho. I’m as baffled as you are really, but I had to look calm for your sake.”

Finally Angie turned to Baekho, “Thank You.”

“No problem, though I should ask why you were here in the first place, but I’ll take Noemi’s word that you aren’t a sasaeng,” He smiled. “Nice meeting both of you, but I have to go practice with my own group.” He winked at Noemi and she smiled again.

“Thanks for all your help!” Jasmine shouted as he left.

Noemi turned to them, “Have you both learned your lesson?”

“Amy, you know I did this for Seventeen. If only you would have told me and I wouldn’t have resorted to this.” She pleaded.

“I was just trying to do my job… which actually didn’t happen.” Angie sighed.

“I know, I’m just giving you a hard time.” Noemi smiled at both of them. Though she hardly ever talked to Angie they were still somewhat friends. “How about we go get something to eat?” They nodded and laughed, then filed out of the building.


Noemi decided to drive Angie’s car to the restaurant allowing Angie to turn her phone on and see five new text messages from Kyung. “Oh no!” 

“What?” Jasmine asked.

“Nothing…” Angie shook her head after she read the first message, “It’s not important.”

She read the messages in her head over and over again:

Hey, Minseo’s parents wanted to meet tonight so I can’t go.

I’m sorry.

Angie, don’t be upset.

Please text back. You’re worrying me.


The last one was only minutes ago. She threw her phone in her bag and sighed… I need to get over this. He’s getting married and I have to accept that. She took out her phone again and scrolled through her contacts, deleting his. She then went to the messages and texted him:

Hey, sorry I worried you. Work had me tied today so it’s alright, but… about you and I. I think you’re right. You need to focus on her cause she’s your future and I’m honestly no competition with that. I wish you a good life with her and please I beg you, don’t talk to me at work you’ll only make it worse, also, don’t text me. Maybe we’ll talk again in the future but right now, I have to get over you. I’m honestly not trying to be mean, but this is just something I have to go through. Bye.

She sent the message, deleted her text history, then locked her phone and closed her eyes. No turning back.


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I'm returning to continue this fic, thank you for waiting patiently ^^ New chapters will be updated in February, I am currently working on them right now.


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Misufitto #1
Can you please update? T_T PLEASE! I'm dying waiting for new chapters!!!! <3
Chapter 5: this story is too cute omg