Changing Circumstances

❝ Changing Circumstances ❞
Chapter 6

She turned around, trying to decide whether she should tell Jasmine she had to go or not. That was the point of her coming to the restaurant in the first place after all. Well, that and avoiding Kyung. I probably should tell her. Setting out to go back in, her bag vibrated, stopping her in her tracks. Finding her phone in her bag, she took it out and pressed accept. “Hello?”

“Angie!” her boss boomed on the other end of the line, “I trust you’re working hard.”

“Yeah! I’ve been busy!” She lied, resisting the urge to rub her wrist. I really need to get rid of that habit.

“Great! Come to my office ASAP, I have a great opportunity for you!” He said enthusiastically.

“An opportunity for me?” She asked, skeptical. “I’m not being pranked right?” It wouldn’t be the first time…

“Are you questioning my generosity?” He asked angrily.

“NO! No sir! I understand, I will be there in 10 minutes!” She exclaimed, trying to recover the conversation.

“Don’t be any later then,” He remarked before ending he call.

“I guess I can always tell Jasmine later,” she locked her phone, put it back in her bag then ran to her car.


As things were finally slowing down, Jasmine headed toward the table Angie was sitting at. Stopping abruptly, she noticed Angie had left and a new person was there. He looks like a lot Jun from Seventeen.

“Jasmine!” The cook called, snapping her out of her daydream.

“Coming!” She acknowledged, rushing behind the counter.

“I need you to bag these and hand them to customers along with her,” he gestured to the girl that was just at the register.

“Sure thing,” She nodded and started putting the ready entrees in the bags.

“I can’t believe they come here either,” The girl next to Jasmine whispered

“What?” She turned to look at her, “Who?”

“Seventeen,” she stated obviously.

“I don’t understand…” Jasmine shook her head.

The girl sighed in frustration, “The guy you were staring at. He’s Jun from the rookie group Seventeen.”
“He’s-“ Jasmine pointed behind her and bit down on her lip trying not to scream. “Why would he be here?”

“Why else?” The girl retorted but then it dawned on her that Jasmine legitimately had no idea why. She laughed, “I know you’re new, but they didn’t tell you? Seventeen has come to this restaurant since before debut. That’s why it’s so hard to get a job here, they don’t want any employees slacking to hang around idols or at least potential ones.”

Jasmine soaked it in, “So you’re saying Seventeen comes here? All the time?”

“Not particularly. They haven’t come as a group since their debut, it’s usually for celebrations. However, they send someone for take out every now and then. I’ve been waiting for Woozi to come in.” She answered.

Wait, Woozi… and that voice… I’ve heard it before. If we find out that you’re Woozi’s girlfriend, we will get you. The girl’s snide remark played in Jasmine’s head and she gulped.

“Aw, lucky,” the girl pouted, “You got Jun’s order.” She handed Jasmine his ticket, “Don’t let him think you know who he is, this place prides itself on treating idols with respect. I don’t want you to get fired, I haven’t been able to bond with any other employees!” She smiled and motioned with her head toward the counter.

Jasmine nodded and turned to face the counter. She looked at the ticket, her hand refusing to steady itself. Looking back, she tried to find some kind of reassurance from a girl she was terrified of. She was already busy packing the next order. Turning around she took a deep breath and said his name in barely a whisper, “Jun… you’re order-” She looked in his direction. He won’t recognize me. I doubt he remembers, why would he. I have nothing to worry about, so why am I here hesitating? 

“Fighting!” The girl behind Jasmine shouted cheerfully to her.

I can do this! It’s going to be my job from now on, this should be no problem! She shook off her nerves and put on a passive face, “Order for Jun!”

He came up and took the bags. “Thank you,” He smiled.

Jasmine froze, he smiled, what am I supposed to do now? He knows doesn’t he… Maybe I should smile and ask him before I really overthink this. She forced a slight smile back to him, “Is there something else I can help you with?”

“No, sorry just in thought,” he laughed, “Thanks again.” He bowed and then walked out the door.

Jasmine let out the breath she was holding in as soon as he exited the building. I almost ruined this for myself.

“Jasmine! We still need you over here!” The cook called out once again.

“Sorry!” She turned and continued packing the meals.

“How was it?” The girl asked, “You took forever, I got four meals handed to their owners by the time you did one,” She laughed teasingly.

“Sorry, I guess I shouldn’t handle the idol orders from now on.” Jasmine laughed along with her.

“It’s okay, that was only your first time, it gets better.” The girl smiled.

“How long have you been an employee here by the way?” Jasmine questioned.

“Almost two weeks,” She stated then whispered quietly so the cook couldn’t hear, “Between you and me I applied for this job so I could get closer to Woozi.”

“You what?!” Jasmine exclaimed.

“Shhh! He’ll hear and I don’t want to be fired.” The girl pointed to the window the meals were coming out of, “He’s the boss’s son and rumor is, they’re related to someone in Seventeen.”

Jasmine started to get a creepy aura from her again, “How do you know all these things?”

“I just do,” she shrugged and smiled wickedly.

A shiver ran down Jasmine’s spine. What is wrong with this girl?

The door rang, and a file of people walked in, “Well, here’s round two. Get ready guys!” The girl turned to the register and began taking orders again.


“You’re five minutes late,” Angie’s boss glared down at her.

“Sorry, it’s just, there were a lot of people out right now and I couldn’t get here any faster,” Angie apologized.

“Okay, lets get down to business,” He commanded, completely ignoring her apology and moved to sit at his desk.

“Yes sir,” She responded, sitting across from him.

“I heard you were planning to quit,” He started.

Her eyes went wide and she started rubbing her wrist, “What?! Who told you that?”

“That’s not important, but is it true?” He asked glaring at her.

She gulped then looked down at her hands, “Well the thing is…”

“You want to become a radio host?” He finished her sentence.

She looked up and hesitated, “We-well… yes. It’s true.”

“You do realize that being a gossip columnist isn’t going to get you any closer to your ambitions right?” He asked.

“I figured that by being one, it could expose me to the industry, like learning about idols and actors.” She added.

“I guess that is true,” he nodded.

“Sir, I wasn’t planning to quit immediately. I was going to put my all into working here while I could. Please don’t fire me!” She slid to the floor and sat on her knees pleading.

“Angie, I did say I brought you over here for a great opportunity. Why would I fire you if that was the case?” He asked.

“Oh… sorry.” she apologized, got up and sat back in her seat. Swallowing her embarrassment she looked to the floor, “Continue please.”

“I’m going to assign you exclusively to Seventeen despite your lack of progress last time. Also anything you find out about Pledis in general will be in high interest so don’t hesitate to look into that.” her boss told her.

“Seventeen? Why Seventeen?” Angie asked, her head shooting up at the sudden mention of the group she was cursed with.

“They’re going to have a comeback soon and are quite popular for only debuting a few months ago. Stats predict that they’ll be the next big thing in Kpop a few years from now,” He stated.

“Okay, but why are you assigning me to it? I’m unreliable!” She pointed to herself, he gave her a look which conveyed he knew that too well. “In some cases…” She slowly shrinked into her seat.

“Our only other choice besides Kyung, was Seokju,”He said.

That explains it. To Seokju slacking off was his forte. If he wasn’t playing games on his computer, he was sitting in the lounge gossiping with other employees. He was even more unreliable than her, despite what the staff poll results said. The only reason they hadn’t fired him was the exact reason why he beat her in that poll, he was the son of the CEO.

“Why can’t Kyung do it then?” She asked. Not talking to him left her out of the loop, she’d only seen him once the past two weeks. She was slightly hoping he would still try to get her attention but whenever they did walk by each other he wouldn’t even lay an eye on her. It pained her that he agreed with what she texted him that day.

“At the moment Kyung is assigned to Exo, so he’s busy but once he’s done I’m going to assign him to Seventeen. It’s only temporary but there are benefits. If you don’t want them then I guess we’ll stick it out with Seokju even though he’s going to do a horrible job. In case you forgot, he hates to talk to people better looking than him.” He got up from his desk.

“No! Wait! Hold on! Benefits? What kind?” She asked.

“Well… in your case you want to be a radio host so I can give out a few recommendations to take you in, maybe even secure you a spot.”

Angie’s eyes went wide, “You could do that?!”

“Yes, I do have the connections,” he admitted.

“I’ll do it!” She got up from the chair and shook his hand violently, “Thank you so much!”

“Great!” He smiled, “You start today.”

“Today? Like right now?” she asked taken aback.

“Yes, when else would today be?” He said sarcastically.

“Ah, sorry. I’ll be right on it!” She bowed and made her way out of the room to get her stuff from her desk.


“I’ll be right back,” Mingyu said as he got up from sitting on the floor. They still had ten minutes of their lunch break left and Mingyu’s bladder decided it couldn’t hold much more then it already was.

“Ok, I’ll be right here, like usual,” Wonwoo called to him and picked up the phone in front of him thinking that it was his. He unlocked the phone and messages popped up,  “Huh? Who is Jasmine?” He stared at it, confused by what he was seeing. I don’t remember sending these messages… Has someone been using my phone? 

He turned it around and saw Mingyu’s case. Oh, this is Mingyu’s, not mine. He locked it, then put it faced down on the floor. Wait a second… Is this the girl Mingyu met? He picked it up and looked at their texts again but this time in a new light. She sounds annoyed with him, poor girl, He chuckled at their conversation.

Suddenly, Mingyu’s phone dinged and Wonwoo looked around to see if anyone suspected him of something.  Safe in knowing no one suspected him, he looked at the new message.


J: I heard you guys eat frequently at the restaurant I just got hired at. What a small world… and I thought I got rid of you. kekeke 


Well, they seem to be on friendly terms already… this isn’t good. He can’t like a girl, especially not right now. She’s not his type though… I mean I guess it’s okay, so far it only looks like they’re friends at most, He concluded.

Mingyu ran in causing Wonwoo to exit the messages, lock his phone and throw it on the floor out of reflex.

Mingyu jumped back at his sudden action, “Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m great, why wouldn’t I be?” Wonwoo asked nervously.

“Well, you just threw my phone on the floor so…” Mingyu put his hands in his pocket.

“Oh! That’s because I saw a bug on it,” Wonwoo laughed and picked up his phone pretending to check it. “I guess it’s fine now,” Wonwoo gave him a smile that was way too happy and handed him his phone.

“Yeah, thanks…” Mingyu responded suspicious of his activity and took the phone. He unlocked it checking to see what got Wonwoo so excited but there was nothing. Mingyu shook his head, I should trust him, he’s my best friend after all.

Mingyu’s phone dinged again causing him to look at it. A message from Jasmine appeared on the home screen.


J: Are you guys planning to come by anytime soon?


“Huh?” He tilted his head in confusion as Wonwoo watched observantly. Mingyu’s phone chimed again as he opened up his messages. He read through them.


J: Before you get any ideas it’s so I know to ask for the day off, not to see Joshua…


Laughing he teasingly said, “Are you sure?” as he typed it.

“What?” Wonwoo asked.

Mingyu turned to him forgetting he was there, “Oh, sorry it’s nothing. Just the girl I was telling you about.” He returned to looking at his phone, the messages making him smile from ear to ear.

This isn’t gonna end well, Wonwoo thought as he watched the beginning of Mingyu’s crush for the girl. Mingyu’s grin only grew bigger as the seconds went on. Wonwoo shook his head, Nope, not at all… 


It being my birthday, I feel like it's a fresh start to commit myself to writing again. Hopefully I can keep it up and you guys will stay with me through it! Thanks for reading!

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I'm returning to continue this fic, thank you for waiting patiently ^^ New chapters will be updated in February, I am currently working on them right now.


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Misufitto #1
Can you please update? T_T PLEASE! I'm dying waiting for new chapters!!!! <3
Chapter 5: this story is too cute omg