News Flash

❝ News Flash❞
Chapter 10

Is this really happening? Joshua remembers my name and my face. Maybe I’m dreaming, can somebody pinch me? She suddenly felt pain on the side of her arm, “Ouch!” Turning back to look at the culprit, she saw Mingyu threatening her with a glare.

She glared back at him with an even more intense gaze.

It didn’t take him long to cave, after three seconds he was forced to look down, unable to endure her eyes. Ugh, what’s wrong with me? Why am I acting this way? He asked himself. Hearing a giggle, he looked up, seeing Joshua and Jasmine smiling about whatever story Josh was telling her.

He scoffed at their flirting causing Wonwoo to gulp. I shouldn’t have done this too him… No, it was the right thing to do, he was only going to get hurt in the long run if I didn’t. Joshua and Jasmine started talking in English, increasing the anger in Mingyu since he didn’t know what they were talking about.

“Hey guys!” Mingyu shouted, “You know we’re in Korea, it wouldn’t hurt to speak in Korean”

“Actually, it would,” Jasmine smiled teasingly, “because then you would know what we’re talking about.”

“That’s a bad thing because?” Mingyu asked.

“Reasons you don’t need to know…” Jasmine blushed and Joshua chuckled. Mingyu pursed his lips, trying to hold in his anger.

“You know what?” Wonwoo intervened before the situation got bigger than it needed to, “How about we split up? Josh and Jasmine meet us at the center of the park in an hour. Mingyu and I still need to go on a few rides”

“We do?” Mingyu asked him, puzzled yet still angry.

“Yes,” Wonwoo said through clenched teeth, trying to get the message across to Mingyu.

Joshua nodded, “Okay sounds good, I guess we’ll walk around the park.” Joshua held out his arm to Jasmine and she wrapped her arm around hers, “Shall we go?”

She smiled and nodded.


Mingyu stood there, staring at them as they walked off toward the Ferris wheel.

“Mingyu!” Wonwoo shouted, trying to get his attention.

“What?” Mingyu snapped at Wonwoo causing him to be taken aback. “Sorry…”

“You need to get a grip!” Wonwoo shouted.

Mingyu tried to laugh it off and avoid what he thought was happening to him, “What, I said sorry. The heat out here is just getting to me.”

Wonwoo sighed, “You know that’s not what I’m talking about.”

“Sorry, I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Mingyu looked away.

“Oh really, then let me enlighten you,” Wonwoo pointed to Jasmine and Josh, who were getting farther away from them, “Her!”

Mingyu faked a laugh, “What about her?

“You’re falling for her,” Wonwoo’s voice turned into a whisper only them two could hear.

Mingyu shook his head, “Wonwoo, I couldn’t fall for her, she isn’t my type.”

“Oh yeah, then what was the deal with your behavior when they were talking in front of us?” Wonwoo questioned.

Mingyu gulped, and spoke shakily, “I told you, the heat is getting to me.”

Wonwoo laughed, not knowing what to do with his frustration, “Ok, fine! I guess it’s good that you’re not falling for her, you know what that would do to us right?”

Mingyu bit down on his lip and nodded.

“Good, so don’t go getting any ideas of falling for her in the future since you say you haven’t already,” Wonwoo started walking off in the direction of another roller coaster, “Let’s go, before the line gets longer than it already is. I’m not one for waiting.”


“Jun…” Angie said, looking around in circles, “I think we’re lost.”

“Lost?” Jun asked, “Wen Junhui doesn’t get lost.”

“Oh yeah?” Angie responded, “Well Angie does.”

He stopped her from walking in circles, “You have got to look at it this way. You’re not lost, you’re just finding the place you were meant to be at this time in your life.”

She looked at him, her jaw dropped, “You’re a lot smarter than I gave you credit for.”

Jun smiled, “Thanks, it was actually on my fortune cookie that I got during lunch.”

She turned to him and laughed, “That’s more like the Wen Junhui I know.”

“How about we get on some rides while we’re here?” He asked, “The Ferris wheel is right there, how about that one?”

Angie shook her head, “No I'm okay, let’s find something else.”

“Come on! Please!” Jun pouted, trying to get her to go on it with him.

“No Jun… I’m not comfortable in Ferris wheel’s,” She explained.

“I’ll protect you, promise!” He shouted.

“It’s not really that I’m not comfortable, but more like I’ve never been on one before…” she looked down embarrassed.

“Really?” He asked shocked, “You’ve never been on a Ferris wheel? Not even your boyfriend has taken you?”

“No, I haven’t and it’s probably best not to talk about my past boyfriends. Let’s go back,” she motioned back to the direction they came from with her head.

Jun started dancing around her before she could get an inch farther than where she was standing, “I’m going to keep dancing until you say yes.”

She looked around and noticed people started staring at them. She tried to grab Jun’s arm to make him stop, “Jun, people are staring!”

“I know, that’s the point,” He continued.

“Seriously?” She said, angrily through clenched teeth, “Ugh, fine I’ll go on the ride with you!”

“Yes!” Jun shouted and jumped high in the air as he stopped dancing around her, “I get to be the first person you ride a Ferris wheel with!”

He started running to the line and turned around half way when he realized she wasn’t following him with the same enthusiasm. She tried to cover her face with her hand in embarrassment as she slowly walked toward him. He ran to her, grabbed her wrist and dragged her along happily.

“See, this isn’t so bad!” He said, smiling.

She sighed, Why is this guy always so happy?

 It didn’t take long until they were the front of the line, the worker opening up the door for them as they entered the cart. After they sat down, they began their ascent into the sky.

“So?” Jun raised an eyebrow. He was sitting in front of her, staring at her with his warm eyes.

“What?” She blushed, sitting this close to him is kind of… awkward but… I like it.

“How is it?” He smiled again for what seemed like the five hundredth time today.

“Oh…” She looked down at her knees, her cheeks still red, “It’s fun.” She lifted her head and looked out the window, “The sky also looks beautiful from up here.”

“Just like you…” Jun whispered barely audible, but Angie still heard it.

She turned to look at him and he was fiddling with his fingers, yet she could still see the blood that had risen in his cheeks. His embarrassment increased hers, causing her to look back out at the sky. Silence enveloped them to the point where all they could hear was the mechanism lifting them up into what seemed like another realm.

As they got to the top, it stopped. She looked at Jun, scared that something had happened to the ride when she saw he was sleeping. The look on his face was calming, he must be tired. I mean of course he is, his schedule is probably hectic beyond words. I wonder how he can always be such an energetic person when he barely gets any sleep.

She looked at her hands trying to stop her thoughts from progressing any further than they should. What am I doing? He’s an idol! A popular one too… whatever thoughts I’m having right now, I need to get rid of them. Forever. I don’t need to get hurt again.

She nodded. Yes, that’s what’s best for me and him. She looked at him again, after today I promise I won’t see you outside of work. I’m sorry but Hoshi was right about me.


“I completely forgot!” Jasmine shouted.

“What?” Joshua looked at her worried.

“My friend, Angie! She came here with me and we left her behind,” she had a panicked look in her eye.

He tried to calm her down, “It’s okay, we can just go back and see if she’s still there.”

Jasmine turned to him and nodded, calming down, “That’s true, thanks. We left her at the roller coaster we met you at.”

“Okay, let's go,” they turned around and started walking toward their starting point.

She looked at him in awe, “Wow, you really are a gentleman.”

Joshua smiled, “I try to be the best man I can be.”

“Would you ever consider dating a fan?” She asked him.

He looked at her, curious about what made her ask that question, “Yeah, but obviously not right now.”

She nodded, “What’s your ideal type?”

He looked at her, smiled and laughed, “Why? Do you think you're her?”

Jasmine pouted, “I’m probably not but it’s worth a shot.”

“Well,” He started, “I’d say it’s more about her personality than looks. I like a girl who’s honest and sincere. Of course, that could change at anytime because love isn’t predictable.”

She looked at him, “That was a really good answer…” 

He grinned, “I know.”

“I’m assuming I’m not her then…” Jasmine said sadly.

Joshua shook his head, “I never said that. You are definitely someone I’m attracted to but right now I can’t have a girlfriend.”

Jasmine sighed, a little happier, “I guess that’s true.”

Once they got to the area Wonwoo, Mingyu, and Jasmine had left Angie in, they realized she wasn’t around.

Jasmine looked down at her phone for the time and saw they had to meet the other two in ten minutes, “We don’t have enough time to look for her.”

“Try calling her,” Joshua suggested.

She looked at him, “You’re full of great ideas! Why can’t I have more friends like you.”

He shrugged.

She quickly dialed Angie’s number. Thankfully, to put Jasmine at ease, she answered. “Angie! Where are you?” Jasmine shouted into the phone.

“Don’t worry, I’m with Jun,” Angie replied.

“With Jun? Why are you with Jun?” Jasmine asked.

“It’s a long story,” Angie answered, “I’m assuming we’re meeting in the center of the park?”

“Yeah, how did you know?” Jasmine asked.

“We ran into Wonwoo and Mingyu while we were lost, they said you were with Joshua and you’d be here in ten minutes so we’re waiting,” Angie stated, “By the way, congrats on scoring Joshua.”

“Really Angie…” Jasmine sighed, “Anyways, we’ll be right there.” She closed her phone and she and Joshua made their way to the middle of the park.


Once they got to the center, everyone was there. Unfortunately for them, that also included the rest of Seventeen.

Angie got caught with Jun so he was dragged away with the rest of Seventeen. That left her with Wonwoo and Mingyu talking about something they thought she shouldn’t hear so they stopped once she got to them.

“What’s going on?” She asked, “Why are they all here? I thought you guys said you weren’t leaving for another two hours.”

“Well, we weren’t but the news got out that Baekho is dating someone so they want us all back at the company as soon as possible. They think we’ll get caught dating or something…” Wonwoo laughed, “I mean, we’re not stupid enough to date right now.”

“Also, there’s supposedly a wild rumor going around about Afterschool and Uee is apparently dating someone too, which we can all confirm that she isn’t…” Mingyu added.

“So Baekho is?” Jasmine asked.

“Yeah, you didn’t know?” Mingyu asked.

“No, why would I know?” Jasmine questioned.

Mingyu looked at Angie then dragged Jasmine aside to keep their conversation from prying ears, “He’s dating your friend.”

“Angie?” Jasmine asked, confused, “Why would he date Angie?”

“No,” Mingyu shook his head, “Not that one, your other friend.”

“Noemi?” Her eyes went wide, “But she said they were just childhood friends.”

“Well they were but not anymore…” Mingyu mumbled.

“Noemi is dating Baekho?” Jasmine asked in shock. She really doesn’t trust me… 


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I might be going on a small hiatus but nothing major. If I do, I'll update you guys in the future.

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I'm returning to continue this fic, thank you for waiting patiently ^^ New chapters will be updated in February, I am currently working on them right now.


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Misufitto #1
Can you please update? T_T PLEASE! I'm dying waiting for new chapters!!!! <3
Chapter 5: this story is too cute omg