
❝ Feelings ❞
Chapter 9

“You’re joking, right?” Wonwoo asked Mingyu, staring at the two girls in front of him. This was Seventeen’s first vacation in what felt like forever to them and Mingyu had decided he was going to use this time to get to know Jasmine better. It was a formula for disaster in Wonwoo’s mind.

“What, you don’t like the idea?” Mingyu looked at him bewildered.

Wonwoo sighed, “Mingyu, what if we get caught? This isn’t a good idea.”

Mingyu chuckled at Wonwoo’s anxiety, “It’s not like we’re going on a date, you need to lighten up.”

“Maybe we’re not but that doesn’t mean that any fans here won’t think anything suspicious if they see us,” Wonwoo looked Mingyu in the eye dead serious.

Mingyu put a snapback on Wonwoo’s head, “That’s why we won’t get caught, trust me.”

“Also,” the girl next to Jasmine piped in, “I’m a celebrity gossip journalist, so I can handle the press if anything happens.” Jasmine hit Angie with her elbow, “Ouch.”

Jasmine flashed her a fake smile and shrugged, “Sorry, my arm must’ve slipped.”

Both Mingyu and Wonwoo’s eyes went wide. “You are?” They asked simultaneously.

“You guys were going to find out eventually, I’m actually giving you a heads up,” Angie admitted to the two boys who feared what she was capable of.

“Don’t worry guys, she’s my friend before being a journalist. She won’t write anything about this.” Jasmine tried to soothe them.

“Actually,” Angie started, “I will but only about questions I ask you. You guys are actually my assignment for work.”

Wonwoo eyed her, “What kind of questions are you going to ask us?”

Angie took out her notepad, “Where you would take a girl on a date, would you date a fan, where do you get the energy for this kind of job, how does idol life compare to trainee life, etcetera. Stuff like that.”

“Angie!” Jasmine glared at her, “Can’t you wait till you have your interview with them on Monday?”

Angie shrugged, “I could, but it would make my life much easier to ask them right now.”

Jasmine pleaded with her, “Please, this is their first break since their debut, can’t you cut them some slack?”

“Well… I guess,” Angie said with a heavy sigh.

“Still,” Wonwoo included, “I don't like this. What if one of the members catches us?”

Mingyu laughed again, “Wonwoo, you worry too much about these things. No one is going to catch us.” Mingyu shook his head still laughing, “Let’s head out and find something fun to do.”

Jasmine nodded and joined Mingyu in front of Angie and Wonwoo. They were walking in sync, already laughing and talking with each other.

Angie whispered to Wonwoo, low enough so that the two in front of them couldn't hear. “If I didn’t know any better, I would think they were a couple.”

Wonwoo looked at her knowing that it was dangerous to continue a conversation about Mingyu’s feelings with her. “I think that just shows how close they’ve gotten as friends already,” Wonwoo stated, avoiding what she was getting at.

She nodded, “I guess you’re right, but aren’t you jealous that he won’t hang out with you anymore?”

Wonwoo laughed, “Not really, I think he deserves to have friends outside of the company… He’s a very talkative person to begin with too so it kind of takes some weight off of my shoulders.”

She looked at Wonwoo, “You guys must really be close.”

“Sometimes too close,” Wonwoo smiled.

Angie pursed her lips not knowing what to say next and instead tapped Jasmine on the shoulder interrupting her conversation with Mingyu, “What ride are we going on first?”

Mingyu pointed to a roller coaster not too far away, “That one.”
Angie’s eyes went wide, “That one?”

“Yeah, I love roller coasters!” Mingyu grinned.

She pulled Jasmine aside and whispered, “I don’t do so well with roller coasters.”

“Yeah be neither,” Jasmine agreed.

“So? Are you going to tell him?” Angie asked.

Jasmine shook her head, “I can’t, he just said he loves roller coasters and it’s the first time they’ve been on vacation in a while.

“I understand but still, I will not go on that roller coaster.” Angie asserted herself.

Mingyu cut in, hearing their conversation, “There are some benches outside of the ride, you can wait for us there.”

Angie nodded, “Ok, I’ll wait for you there.”

After finishing the conflict, they continued walking to the ride. It became apparent to Angie that Jasmine was getting more nervous every time they got a step closer to the roller coaster.

Angie whispered into Jasmine’s ear, “You know, you can stay down here with me if you don't want to get on either.”

Jasmine looked up at the roller coaster in front of her, fear stamped on her face, “It’s not everyday I get to go on a roller coaster with two rappers from Seventeen.” She smiled and looked at Angie, thanking her for her concern.

“Ok, but remember in case you have any doubts while you’re in line that I’m here.” Angie returned her smile and Jasmine nodded.

“You ready?” Mingyu turned around and asked, Jasmine not noticing that he and Wonwoo had gotten ahead of her.

“Coming!” Jasmine called out, running to catch up with the two of them.

Angie shook her head and made her way to a bench right across the roller coaster, some tourists were sitting near her taking pictures of the man-made metal beast. “Well, Jasmine’s in for the ride of her life.”


“How do you guys do things like this?” Jasmine asked the two of them.

“What do you mean?” Wonwoo asked.

“I mean, how do can you guys get on a roller coaster with no fear?” Jasmine asked again, clarifying the question.

Mingyu chuckled, “I’ve been on this roller coaster almost twenty times, it doesn’t faze me like it used to when I was a kid.”

“I was forced to go on this ride fifteen times because of this guy,” Wonwoo stuck his thumb toward MIngyu.

“Ah-“ Jasmine said, her nervousness making it’s way to her voice.

“Why? Are you scared?” Mingyu smirked.

“No!” Jasmine shouted defensively.

Wonwoo raised an eyebrow.

“Okay, I am…” She relented.

Mingyu smiled softly, “Don’t worry, Wonwoo and I will make sure you don’t fall off.”

Wonwoo looked at him, “Says who?”

Mingyu turned to glare at him, “Me, now let's go before the line gets longer.”


Angie took out her phone and started scrolling through her apps, there’s got to be something here that I can do while I’m waiting. Suddenly a message popped up:


Kyung: What are you up to?

Huh? Who is this? She stared at the number, knowing it was familiar but not knowing who it was. She recited it a few times in her head, five five nine eight… I swear I’ve seen this number before. She continued to think about it, remembering that the only person she ever texted besides Jasmine was Kyung. Her eyes went wide. Kyung?

She took a deep breath and tried to come up with a reply. What will make him feel horrible for contacting me… Ah!:


Angie: I’m on a double date.

K: A double date?

A: Yes, a double date.

K: Wow… you got over me pretty quickly.


She laughed bitterly. Me? You’re the one marrying a girl you don’t love.


A: That was the plan. You’re getting married after all, I can’t be strung up on you forever.

K: Ah, about that…

A: What? Are you going to invite me to your wedding?


She scoffed at him internally.


K: I just wanted to know if I could meet up with you before it happens. I don’t want things to end horribly like this.

A: You should have thought of that when you agreed to marry her.

K: Please?


Angie sighed, I was almost over him too.


A: Okay fine, send me the details later. I need to finish my date.

K: Thanks, and even though it hurts me, I hope you have fun. Whoever the guy is, I hope he knows he’s a very lucky one.


She gulped, I can’t take this anymore.


A: Listen, this doesn’t give you free reign to tug on my heartstrings anymore. Whatever you feel about me dating another guy, keep it to yourself. I don’t need to know about your feelings anymore.


She exited out of her messages and opened up her camera so she could take pictures of the scenery and catch Jasmine with the two boys. As she was scanning the area with her camera a familiar, rather two familiar faces, came across her screen. Huh?

Lowering her phone, she saw a blonde Jun and Hoshi walk into a souvenir shop with two other boys. She presumed they were the other members of the performance team, The8 and Dino.

Curious, she followed them into the shop. They all seemed to be excited about being at an amusement park.

“Oooh! Can we play this one?” Jun asked Hoshi, pointing to a Shac-a-mole game on the left side of the store.

“How do you play it?” She heard one of the other boys ask. Judging from their profiles that she looked over a few hours ago, she guessed it was Dino.

Jun read the instructions: “Grab the mallet and as each mole rises, hit the tops of their heads and they’ll retreat back into their holes. Try to hit them all before time runs out.”

“Hmm, sounds pretty easy to me,” Hoshi stated, looking at the game.

Jun handed him the mallet, “You try first then.”

Hoshi took it and walked to the front of the machine. After he put the coins in the machine chimed, “First round starts in three, two, one, go!”

It went relatively slow and Hoshi finished it with ease, “See, what did I tell you?”

“Round 2!” The machine alerted them that he wasn’t done.

“What? There’s more than one round?” Hoshi asked turning back to the machine.

“Three, two, one, go!” It responded. Each round it got faster, making it harder for Hoshi to keep up. He eventually lost on round six.

“Well,” Hoshi said, his arms tired, “I guess that was a lot harder than I thought it was going to be…”

“Can we go the roller coaster now?” Dino asked.

“Yeah, lets go. My arms hurt from all this Whac-a-moling.” Hoshi confessed, massaging his arm and leading them out of the shop.

Angie squatted and tried to blend in with the clothes rack she was behind as they got closer to her.

“I’ll be here if you're looking for me!” Jun called to them as he stayed by the Whac-a-mole.

“You sure you don’t want to come?” The8 asked.

“I’m not fond of roller coasters, besides, I want to try the Whac-a-mole.” Jun confessed.

“Okay, but don’t wander off while we’re gone!” Hoshi shouted as they finally exited the building.

Hmm, Angie smirked.

Jun picked up the mallet and began the first round. As he started whacking the moles, Angie crept up behind him and tapped on his shoulder, “Whatcha’ doing?”

Jun jumped, causing him to lose the first round and the rest of the game. He turned and saw her smirking face. “Seriously, are you stalking me?”

Angie laughed, “No, I would never stalk you.”

“How is it that you’re always wherever I am?” He asked.

She shrugged, “Coincidence?”

“What are you doing here anyway?” He questioned her.

“I’m with a few friends,” She smiled, “I couldn’t help but hear you’re afraid of roller coasters…”

His eyes went wide, “I am not!”

She started laughing, “That’s not what I heard.”

He leaned in to whisper in her ear, she tensed at the closeness of his body to hers. “You better not tell anyone.”

She blushed, “Don’t worry, your secrets safe with me. I am too by the way…”

He backed away and she started staring at the ground as if something there was interesting.

She coughed, trying to break the silence and fix her voice, “Anyways, do you want to go find something to do while we’re here. My friends probably won’t even notice I’m gone.”

He pursed his lips, “Sure, why not?”


“Haha did you see her?” Mingyu laughed and started teasing Jasmine.

“I know!” Wonwoo laughed with him, “She looked terrified!”

“Hey guys, i’m still here you know!” Jasmine shouted, her cheeks reddening. On the ride, she was sitting next to Mingyu and in front of Wonwoo. She was clinging onto Mingyu for her life throughout the whole ride. Just the thought of what she looked like embarrassed her.

“But it was hilarious! You should have seen your face!” Mingyu pointed to Jasmine and continued laughing.

Jasmine punched him in the shoulder trying to cover up her embarrassment.

“Ow!” Mingyu shouted, stopping him from laughing but in turn it increased Wonwoo’s laughter.

They all walked up to the counter, where the photos from the ride appeared, Wonwoo’s chuckling continued and Mingyu started laughing again. Mingyu and Jasmine’s eyes scanned every photo to find the one they were in. They reached it at the same time, causing Mingyu to stop laughing and both of their faces to turn a bright red.

“Why did you stop laughing?” Wonwoo asked. He turned to see what they were staring at and abruptly stopped when he saw it. Jasmine was in fact holding onto Mingyu but that was reasonable since she was terrified of roller coasters. What really scared him was that Mingyu was holding onto her too.

Wonwoo started laughing nervously, trying to make it seem less awkward.

“Uh…” Jasmine said coming to her senses, “I have to use the restroom, I’ll be right back.” She took off to the restroom outside of the photo center.

“Same here, I’ll meet you outside,” Wonwoo told Mingyu as he walked out.

“Okay,” Mingyu nodded. Once he was sure Wonwoo was out, he looked around to be sure none of the members were there and no fans had seen him. Certain there was no one, he walked up to the lady at the counter, “Can I have one of that one please?”


Wonwoo walked out of the building expecting Jasmine to be in the restroom but to his surprise, she was standing outside talking to Joshua. It was clear she had a crush on him.

“Hey! I didn’t get to say hi the other day,” He stopped her.

“I”m sorry, I think you go the wrong girl,” She said trying to hide behind her hair.

Confusion crossed Joshua’s face, “Are you sure? I could’ve sworn you’re one I met at that fan meeting.”

Her jaw dropped and she looked up at him, “You remember?”

“Of course I do, you also work at that restaurant we frequent don’t you?” He asked.

She blushed, “Yeah. Wow! I can’t believe you remember me?”

Mingyu walked out suddenly, causing him to collide with Wonwoo. Wonwoo noticed he was staring down at something, but Mingyu hid it behind his back as soon as he came into contact with Wonwoo. Mingyu flashed him a smile then saw what he was staring at.

Joshua smiled, “I know it’s not that fun but would you like to walk around the park with me? I lost the rest of the vocal team so now I’m on my own.”

Jasmine started playing with her hair, “Um… I don’t know… I was sort of already with people.”

Mingyu’s heart sank, seeing the scene before him.

Joshua kept the same smile on his face, “Aw, well I guess that can’t be helped. Maybe some other time then?“

Wonwoo cut in causing Mingyu to look up and try to figure out what he was doing, “She was with us.”

Jasmine turned her head as if she had been slapped. She didn’t know why but she suddenly felt guilty

Joshua turned to look at him confused, “With you? You know her?”

“Yeah, Mingyu and I are friends with her,” Wonwoo grinned and pointed to Mingyu behind him, “How about you join us, we’re looking for some more rides to go on.”

“Oh, yeah. I’d love to join you guys!” Joshua’s smile returned to his face.

Wonwoo looked at Mingyu, it was clear that he was in pain. I’m sorry I have to do this to you, but hopefully, you can see that you and Jasmine won’t work out. I’m trying to do what’s best for you. If you fall for her, it puts us all in jeopardy. 

“Shall we go then?” Joshua asked and started walking.

Jasmine nodded and naturally fell in step with him leaving Mingyu to stare at them from behind. Why does it hurt so much to see them like this? Mingyu asked himself. He stared at her with sad eyes, Am I falling for her? 


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I'm returning to continue this fic, thank you for waiting patiently ^^ New chapters will be updated in February, I am currently working on them right now.


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Misufitto #1
Can you please update? T_T PLEASE! I'm dying waiting for new chapters!!!! <3
Chapter 5: this story is too cute omg