Meeting the "Others"

The Life of a Nerd Turned SM Trainee

Myehi Point of View

OMG THE AUDITIONS O_O We're having lunch outside the building. Lemme tell you how it's been so far.

We're at the hotel where they're holding auditions. We're in a big, carpeted room where they put all of us in and they're calling out the names one by one. Jungsoo was tottaly excited and was going around talking to EVERYONE...especially...coughgirlscough. He never changes does he ;D. Let me tell you, four hours in the car with him isn't  on the top of my "to-do" list. He insisted we practice the song we're singing together the whole way there -_____- ugh. Anyways, this very official guy looking stepped into the room with a clipboard. He was pretty short and you could kinda tell he didn't want to be here.

"Ahem...attention please" he said. I could barely hear him and I don't think anyone else could either. No one paid him attention and kept doing what they were doing.

"Excuse me!", no response. The man sighed in defeat and was about to go back into the other room when another much MUCH bigger man stepped in.


All eyes were on the second man. He had a "no nonsense" type of face and his hair was black with streaks of grey while the other man was balding. He had a permanent scowl on his face and his eyebrows were all scrunched up. I'm gonna say mid-40s-50s?

"MR.KIM HERE HAS SOMETHING TO SAY SO YOU BETTER PAY ATTENTION OR YOU'LL BE SORRY" Well that did the trick. Everyone became silent at once. The bigger man stepped aside and went back into the audition room.

"Mr.Kim" spoke up. "Well welcome everyone to the 2011 Official SM Pair Auditions! This is a special audition that we make when we want to see how certain trainees will work together! Those of you who make these auditions will most likely debut by the next year and a half. Most of you have already mastered certain talents so if you do become trainees your training will be faster than most. We will call you up in groups of four and you will each audition in your pairing. You will sing or rap once song. We will have half of the groups preform and then you will have a quick lunch break. We will start in about five minutes! If you do not respond after two calls then you will be taken off the list! SM wishes you best of luck and we hope to see you join the family!" With that he went back into the audition room and our room went back into its previous buzz of talk.

-----Half an Hour Later------

We were told to go back to into our groups of two since it was time to have lunch. Jungsoo made his way over to me. He had a big grin on his face.

"Hey hot best friend!"

"Oh, remembered me, have you?" I blew the air out of my cheeks.

"uhh yeah....are you okay?"

OMG this boy -___- He totally ignored me once we got here and I bet he still would have if we hadn't had to sit together cause of the auditions. Well two can play at that game buddy.

"I dunno, am I?"

"I'm not sure...that's why I'm asking....what's your problem?"

"If you don't know then I'm not telling!" I turned away from him and began to listen to B2st's Oasis. I heard him mumble something and then take out a book and start to read. After the first two groups went we were told what groups we were going to audition in and that we had to have lunch with them. A lady in her late twenties came up to us. Her glasses slid down her nose as she looked at a list in her hand.

"Kim Jungsoo and Lee Myehi?"

"Yes that's us" I replied and gave her a smile.

She didn't look up, "Well you are going to be with Jo Kaeul and Nam Taekyung at Table 1. Please make your way over to the dining hall downstairs." She said that and left quickly moving on to the next group. I decieded to forgive Jungsoo....for the time being. I apolgized to him on the way down the stairs and he went back to his usual crazy self.

We made our way down to the dining hall which was just a large room with a bunch of tables and kids sitting at them,either being silent and trying not to look at each other, or having awkward conversations. we go.

        Jungsoo lead the way to Table 1. There were already two people sitting there, a boy and a girl. They were dressed casually and simple but had a friendly aura around them. The boy had chocolate-brown/black hair and his bangs grazed his eyes. His eyes were twinking as he told the girl something. He was wearing a simple polo shirt and black pants but he pulled it off effortlessly. Damn he was CUTE! ^_^ I could definitely see fangirls going crazy over him. The girl had long wavy black hair with side bangs and a round face with high cheekbones. She was grining at the boy as she responded. She didn't look full Korean though, her skin had a tan tone to it and she had big, round, dark brown eyes which were framed with black rimmed glasses. She was wearing a white and black striped shirt with tans pants and a lime green scarf which complimented her tan skin. The couple talked with an easy familiarity and were teasing each other and cracking up. They were the only ones who seemed at ease and weren't staring each other down. I suddenly felt at ease, thank god I wouldn't be stuck in some highly awkward situation, these two looked actually approachable. Maybe I could even make friends today. :D

The diva and I walked over to them. They looked up at us questioningly. Neither of us spoke for a couple seconds....then, the girl spoke up.

"Hi! I'm Kaeul and this is Taekyung." The boy half-smiled at us and said hi.

"I'm guessing you guys are the two other people we're auditioning with?" Her eyebrows raised as she asked the question.

"Umm yes. I'm Myehi, nice to meet you" I smiled at them.

"Nice to meet you too Myehi" Kaeul said and Taekyung grinned at me saying, "Hey Myehi".

Jungsoo cleared his throat and turned to Kaeul

"HI! I'm Jungsoo and im the HOTTEST GUY YOU WILL EVA MEET!" he winked at her while flashing her his signature smile.

"haha, nice to meet you Jungsoo..." she replied while trying to hold back laughter at his introduction.  SRSLY JUNGSOO?!?! DO U HAVE TO HIT ON EVERY GIRL WE MEET! >.< ugh and she isnt even THAT pretty -____- hmph.

"Why don't you guys sit down?"

    Taekyung spoke up while shooting daggers with his eyes at Jungsoo, as if daring him to sit next to Kaeul. Hmmm..does he like her???? Jungsoo, being oblivious to Taekyung's glare sat down next to Kaeul anyways. I sat next to him with Taekyung on my right. Before we could say anything more they started to lay out the food and we all got up to grab some lunch.  


annyeong! its shineetaemint4eva here! :D Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!! xDDD I'll try to update 2moro but YAY we're gonna audition next chapter! ^_^ <3333 love u all!!





LOLOL SUNGYEOL'S DANCE!!!! (luna's dying :P)


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oh..sorry about that last message..anyways, is anyone actually still reading this story? there arent any comments but we still have just wondering :(


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mm0923 #1
Chapter 13: more update soon pls thanks
iamaflamer #2
Chapter 14: I really love your story so far please don't delete it and continue updating autor-nims :)
Chapter 14: I really like your story! I hope you please continue it.. :)
Hi! I do hope you will continuing the story. I want to see what will happend and all and I cant wait for you to update again ;-) just that if you feel like updating, then you update. Its okay if you are not going to continue this story anymore.
renaluvsmuzik #5
Lolol xDD he ate so many hotdogs
Happy Holidays to all my readers <3333<br />
Sorry, I'd really love to update but I seriously have no time on my hands<br />
maybe in a couple of days<br />
haha ikr? :P
hehe Onew and his chicken
yeah, ssats... not sats for people who are asking if i did a typo<br />
its the thing to get into private high school D:
aww thank you :)