Co-Author's Note :)

The Life of a Nerd Turned SM Trainee

Hey guys,

I've kinda lost inspiration to write for this anymore....we have 15 subscribers but we haven't had a comment in months. I just feel like no one is actually reading this and I don't want to write just to write. So, if we don't get any comments soon I'm going to stop writing for this story, or just make it private. It's up to pikachui if she wants to continue writing this story or not, I can't make her decisions. I don't want to sound demanding but I once again, I don't want to write and have no one read what I write. I'm not asking for long comments either, just something to let us know you're here and actually reading this. We're open to any type of feedback too, so don't feel shy to tell us something you don't like about the plot/characters. 


Until Next Time, 






Hey guys, 


Pikachui here. I agree with shineetaemint4eva.... so many things have been going on recently that I too have lost inspritation to write. I love writing but sometimes I just don't have the time. I love my readers too, but I just wish some of you guys would comment. As shineetaemint4eva said, it doesn't have to be long or anything. Just something to know that people actually like and care about this fic :). We'll update once for every 10 comments we get. Suggestions about the plot or (constructive) criticsm is always welcome. 


Thanks guys!

<3 you all,






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oh..sorry about that last message..anyways, is anyone actually still reading this story? there arent any comments but we still have just wondering :(


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mm0923 #1
Chapter 13: more update soon pls thanks
iamaflamer #2
Chapter 14: I really love your story so far please don't delete it and continue updating autor-nims :)
Chapter 14: I really like your story! I hope you please continue it.. :)
Hi! I do hope you will continuing the story. I want to see what will happend and all and I cant wait for you to update again ;-) just that if you feel like updating, then you update. Its okay if you are not going to continue this story anymore.
renaluvsmuzik #5
Lolol xDD he ate so many hotdogs
Happy Holidays to all my readers <3333<br />
Sorry, I'd really love to update but I seriously have no time on my hands<br />
maybe in a couple of days<br />
haha ikr? :P
hehe Onew and his chicken
yeah, ssats... not sats for people who are asking if i did a typo<br />
its the thing to get into private high school D:
aww thank you :)