Audition Part 1 :D

The Life of a Nerd Turned SM Trainee


Color coded character dialog for this chapter:

Myehi: Purple

Jungsoo: Orange

Kaeul: Blue

Taekyung: Dark Green


  Lunch was being set up at the front of the hall on four long tables. Two tables held steaming pans of mac and cheese, one held a salad bar and the last one had various desserts like cookies and brownies. The big group of teens rushed up to the tables and started piling their plates. Kaeul, Myehi, Taekyung and Jungsoo all made it back to the table and started to eat. After everyone had had their first bite or so,Taekyung decided to start up a conversation.

"So where are you guys from?", he addressed both Jungsoo and Myehi but since Jungsoo was stuffing his face (NOM NOM NOM) with food Myehi answered back.

"We're from *so and so city* in Massachusetts. We're both juniors in high school but I skipped a grade to Jungsoo is older than me by a year". Doesn't act like it though, >.<

"Oh! Seriously? I'm from near there!"

"Neat!"  Jungsoo and Myehi answered in unison.


"Where are you from Taekyung?"

"I"m actually from an area closer to Boston (capital) but Kaeul and I had to meet up to prepare for the audition so I know her town pretty well too."

"What's you favorite SM group?"...

  The random chit-chat went on for a while and they learned new things about each like what each of their skills were and common likes and dislikes. Soon enough, they were all feeling very comfortable around each other and even ended up exchanging phone numbers and emails. Lunch was over and it was now time to audition, tables were being asked to audition randomly so no one knew when they were going. The dining hall was almost empty now, and the teens were still enjoying themselves talking and laughing.

"So Myehi, what are you like at school?"

"Umm well in reality...I'm a nerd.." I bet they all think I'm a loser -______-

"Really? Wow, I would have never thought that..."

"Yeah...well...." Great, so much for making friends :(

Myehi stared at the tablecloth while waiting for someone to say something. Jungsoo glared at Taekyung, who just sat there looking confused. Kaeul rolled her eyes at him and turned towards Myehi.

"We don't care if you're a nerd or not, I don't even see why that's a bad thing, and no one else should either! Right guys?!"

The two boys nod fervently and Myehi smiles.

"Thanks ^_^" That was nice of her to say :D

Before Kaeul could respond an official looking woman walked up to their table.

"Jo Kaeul, Nam Taekyung, Kim Jungsoo, and Lee Myehi?"


Kaeul spoke for the group, making eye-contact with the lady. Wow, she's really confident.

"It's time for your audition."

They were all silent as they rose, the scraping of the chairs could be heard all through the hall.

"Please pair up with your partner for the audition and follow me"

The lady's black heels clicked as she walked on the hardwood floor, back towards the stairs they had descended earlier when they came for lunch. They followed her up the stairs and into a different room this time. It was small and had a couch in it, that was facing a door which seemed to lead to another adjoining room.

"Wait here until you are called in, best of luck to all of you."

She left through the door they came from and once again it was the four new friends. No one spoke as they all mentally prepared themselves for the next moment that would decide if they would be able to pursue their dreams.

OMG!! ITS FINALLY HERE!! AHHH WHAT AM I GOING TO DO?!'s okay...I can do this...I think..just keep your cool Myehi, it's alright, Jungsoo will be there with you! You're fine. Nothing big, if you don't make it, it okay. Not your loss.


I'll be fine. Don't think about it as an "audition". It's just me and Kaeul singing the song, just having fun. "Just be yourself". Isn't that what mom told me? Yeah, just be myself, do my thing, and I'll be fine. I'm lucky that Kaeul has my back. We'll be great :D

WOW so it's finally here. All those weeks of preparing and here I am. It's alright! What if i freak out and sing the wrong part,...and i STILL think this song is too low for me, what if i get off key, what if the CD DOESN'T WORK O_O!!...NO! Don't think like that! Don't worry, everything will go smoothly, you're just doing what you love and that's all that matters. If it doesn't work out then at least I can say I had the experience.

As they all finished up their personal pep-talks the door which led to the audition room opened up. They all tensed up immediately.

"You may all come in now," HEY! look its Mr.Kim from before!


Annyeong~ sorry for such a short and late update...BUT I wanted to give you guys SOMETHING and I think I might be able to update this weekend. :D OH AND HAPPY BDAY TO LEE JINKI (onew of shinee) :D our dubu's 22 NOW! (umm if my math is correct...) ^_^ YEAH SO I HOPE HE STAYS AS THE AWESOME, ADORABLE, CARING, HARDWORKING, CHICKEN MANIC he is now xD anyways, that was my little shout-out to onew. I tried color-coding for this chapter, I wasn't sure at first so please GIVE ME FEEDBACK! love it? hate it? is it too confusing? LOVE YOU ALL! untill next time....


good night~

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oh..sorry about that last message..anyways, is anyone actually still reading this story? there arent any comments but we still have just wondering :(


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mm0923 #1
Chapter 13: more update soon pls thanks
iamaflamer #2
Chapter 14: I really love your story so far please don't delete it and continue updating autor-nims :)
Chapter 14: I really like your story! I hope you please continue it.. :)
Hi! I do hope you will continuing the story. I want to see what will happend and all and I cant wait for you to update again ;-) just that if you feel like updating, then you update. Its okay if you are not going to continue this story anymore.
renaluvsmuzik #5
Lolol xDD he ate so many hotdogs
Happy Holidays to all my readers <3333<br />
Sorry, I'd really love to update but I seriously have no time on my hands<br />
maybe in a couple of days<br />
haha ikr? :P
hehe Onew and his chicken
yeah, ssats... not sats for people who are asking if i did a typo<br />
its the thing to get into private high school D:
aww thank you :)