The Life of a Nerd Turned SM Trainee

Jungsoo POV:

"I'm Kang Myuri"

My heart dropped to the pit of my stomach. No.. it couldn't be him. Was he finally here to get me? Hah, well after all these years...he'd have to finally catch up with me. But I decided to play it cool...well... my version of cool. Bad- style cool :P

'K-k-kang Myuri, eh? Who are you? What are you, my ex-girlfriend's bf trying to get revenge on how I broke her puny little heart? I'd like to see you take a shot at these guns here" - Jungsoo flexes his non-exisent epic arm muscles-

"Hah, you call those guns? What about these?" Skillfully, he whipped out a real gun from his belt loop  and pointed it at me.

*Damn... that was good. Um... well since I'm not like a gang member or a ninja... do I like surrender?*

I gulped and my breath hitched for a moment and pretended to act scared. But then I bursted out laughin, clutching at my sides.

"Hahahah! Wow, you think I'm scared of YOU? Wow... I'm Kim Jungsoo, the most bad- guy out there." *Well.. i wish. Might as have some fun toying with this guy before I die, right?* 

"You should be scared, because I almost killed your father. And now since he died last year cuz he had a heart attack I'm about to get you.  He killed my mother in a car accident and I decided that I haven't done her justice quite yet" He pointed his gun at the window right behind me and fired off a bullet. The window blasted into a million different pieces. 

"Dude, alright.That was a accident! Chill out homie!.......... HOW THE HELL DID YOU GET IN HERE?"

"Um.. the front door, you left it open."

*Dammit...did I? oh.. maybe that wasn't too smart.*

"How old are you?" I asked


"Wow, you look like you're 15! How do you get your skin so smooth?! Damn, no wrinkles, no pimples, no anything!" I complimented him as I texted Myehi behind my back to call the police. *yeah... I'm also a totally b/a texter* 

"Oh its just this cream its called...HEY! WAIT! WHY DO YOU HAVE UR CELL PHONE?!"

"Hahah your fault, come and get it!" i waved it right in front of the open, broken window.

"UGH, dammit you little ba----"

As he reached out to grab the phone, i stuck out my foot so he tripped. He hit his head on the ground and fell unconsious. 

" you're some killer."

I slung his limp body over my shoulder and rolled him out the window.

*not like he's gonna die from that, we're only on the first floor*

He landed with a nice thud in the rose bushes.

I smirked to myself.


Meanwhile, the police arrive. They dashed through the doors. 

"Police is here!"

"Yeah yeah... he's over there, in the rose bush by the window. Tried to kill me, I'm a ninja, he's stupid, he tripped out the window. We done here?"


Police POV:


*umm... wtf just happened here? i get a call that someone is breaking into someone's house and the murderer ends up tripping and knocking himself unconcious?  well thats err.... smart*

"Alright young man. We just need to ask a few questions." I asked

"Ok whatever. Here's the info. This guy is called Kang Myuri, my dad accidentally killed his mom in a car crash a couple years ago because she was driving drunk. he wants revenge, tried to hack my dad's head off, but failed cuz you can see, he's not very good at this whole "killing" thing. My dad died due to a heart attack last year. he couldnt kill him, so he decides to kill me. Happy?"


"Yeah, he uses some cream thing. Go look it up online. Now shoo, I want to eat and I don't like eating when other people are here."

*Wow.. this guy has some attitude.*


Jungsoo POV: 

I shoved him out the door and locked it. I ate some ramen until I heard some shuffling outside my window. 

It was Myehi and she looked furious (hehe she's cute when she's mad.


She slapped me across the face. 

"WTH?? Why the heck were u frantcially texting me saying some guy with smooth skin is about to kill you??? I WAS TRYING TO STUDY!"

"heh...heh..about that. He was here! I swear!"

"Sure -___-. Look I have to go now, don't make me scared like that ever again!"

*oh well...too bad she wasn't here to see my tottaly awesome ninja moves ;D..wait..did she say she was scared???? does that mean....nahhh*


shineetaemint4eva: soo now we have a crazy murdered added to the mix ^_^ hehe Myuri will be coming up once in a while, just to make things a little more amsuing :P 

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oh..sorry about that last message..anyways, is anyone actually still reading this story? there arent any comments but we still have just wondering :(


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mm0923 #1
Chapter 13: more update soon pls thanks
iamaflamer #2
Chapter 14: I really love your story so far please don't delete it and continue updating autor-nims :)
Chapter 14: I really like your story! I hope you please continue it.. :)
Hi! I do hope you will continuing the story. I want to see what will happend and all and I cant wait for you to update again ;-) just that if you feel like updating, then you update. Its okay if you are not going to continue this story anymore.
renaluvsmuzik #5
Lolol xDD he ate so many hotdogs
Happy Holidays to all my readers <3333<br />
Sorry, I'd really love to update but I seriously have no time on my hands<br />
maybe in a couple of days<br />
haha ikr? :P
hehe Onew and his chicken
yeah, ssats... not sats for people who are asking if i did a typo<br />
its the thing to get into private high school D:
aww thank you :)