And Finally We Meet

I Was Once By Your Side - Infinite Fanfic

"Lee Sungjong.", his mom said.

"Hmm?", he said, looked up to his mom.

"You still want to find her?"

"Hmm.", continued playing with his food.

"Can't you just let her go and move on?"


"Sungjong ah.."

"Eomma. Don't ask me the same questions okay? I need to find her and explain about what happen. I can't just, lose her. I can't give up. And I won't. So please, just let me find her."

His mom just chuckled. She just thought that her son had fallen for a girl's heart. She believed what he said is important. The way he said it, it's different. Eventhough his mom insisted to stop, he won't.

She held her son's hand with both hands.

"Sungjong ah. Find her and tell her about how you feel. You know I always support you on whatever you do, right? And you know how much I like her as my own daughter right?"


"The destiny will go in to your side. You'll meet her again. I promise.", her mom said, sured her son.

"Eomma. Thank you.", he said, regained his energy back.

He went up to his room. Stared at his graduation picture. Yes. The one that he took with her. 

He thought about it. What makes him stop looking for her. What makes him letting her go that day. What makes him don't understand every single word that she said. Why? Why did he do all that? He should've chased her and tell her not to go.

"Hyejoo ya.. Where are you? I'm dying searching for you.", his heart said.


She have been walking around the flower shop for hours, smelling the same flowers over and over again. Although she have done that thing repeated, Hyejoo haven't found the right scent. Her favorite scent is about to run out and still, she haven't found the right combination that smells the same as her favorite scent.

Her eyes became widen. She have found the right scent. Her left hand was holding some of moringa flowers and the other hand holding some bars of cinnamon.

"This is it!", she said happily.

After she learned some way to take the extract from flowers amd other ingredients the other way, she succeed on making the same scent of her favorite scent. Somehow she remember about something.

"If you recreated a mist with the same scent, I think I'll say that you've succeed." - a part from Sungjong's letter.

She stared at what she have made.

"Jjongie ya.. I've succeed..", she said with slow voice.

--The Next Day--

She wore her white long sleeve buttoned shirt, covered with her yellow ed cardigan. Her flowy sunflower printed skirt matched the top of her outfit. She carried lots of books that she borrowed from the library. She was planning to return it.

Hyejoo opened her yellow clutchbag and reached her phone. She plugged her ears with her earphones. Lim Kim's 'Rain' was playing. She walked slowly. She walked along by the rythym. Until suddenly, she arrived in front of the library. She unplugged her ears and opened the door.

After she returned the books, she decided to read more books at the library. Because honestly she got nothing to do at home at this hour. She spend 2 hours at the library, studying about scent, fruit, flowers, and other ingredients. 


The door bell rings as soon as there new visitors. A guy walked in. He wore yellow sweater and white pair of jeans. He somehow matches Hyejoo's outfit. Hyejoo never care either the bell rings or not. She only focus on one think that she's doing. Yes. Studying. 

That guy sat right behind her. Their backs are staring at each other. He was not reading anything. He was only fold his hands and laid his head above it, doing nothing.

--6 Years Ago--

"Choi Hyejoo.", the boy called.


"I'm hungry.."


"When will you finish reading that book? We've been here for hours!"

"I've finished.", she said coldly.

"So lets go then!"

"I haven't finished what I said.", she said.

"I've finished. But I reread it again.", she repeated.

They are having this conversation while doing their own things. The girl was reading a book about perfume acknowlegement while the boy was doing nothing. They sat behind each other. Their backs staring at each other and the boy will always waiting for her. Always.


An hour later, Hyejoo left the library. And moments later, that guy left too. 

They went to different directions. Hyejoo take the left and that guy take the right. But they both have the same purpose. And that is circling the park. Both of them was walking with no expression. Both of them looked so sad and dissapointed. 

At the first circle, they passed each others face. But after they passed each others face, both of them continue walking until half of the circle, then went back to the first direction that they took. It started to rain. Both of them became wet but still walking back to their first direction. 

Somehow, she looked up to him and he also looked down to her. They both became frozen. They looked at each other in disbelief. They can't believe it. They met each other after 5 years of painful life being seperated. They stayed frozen. Until Hyejoo's voice breaks him from being frozen to back alive.

"Its been a long time, Lee Sungjong."



np: Lim Kim - Rain

I purposely made the end of the chapter like that :D So you guys would be more curious for the next one ohoho~ How's this one? Love it? If you love this story or me(?) , make sure to subscribe and wait till the next chapter. Please look forward to my writings. Saranghae! <3

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kimsl92 #1
Heol. Myungsoo finally appear at chapter 9 \(>.<)/ #spoilers
redapplecandy #2
Chapter 5. I need chapter 5 ~[°□°]~ Update pls..
update soon :))
Hwaiting dongsaeng-ah! Can't wait for the next chapter! ^^ Kekekekeke~