Chapter 1

Do You Remember?
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Chapter 1: Bangtan University

Bangtan University is one of the highest ranked university in Seoul. It is known for having an environment that is always full of life and with everyone being occupied with their own activities. Today was the start of the orientation week of freshmen, the crowd was field with noises coming from different clubs trying to solicit new members. If you are within the area, you would think that all of the space were occupied, however if you are looking from afar, you would see the peaceful areas that were remained untouched. I, one of the freshmen, was at the latter. Though I am friendly, I was never fond of the crowd so I decided to just quietly observe the area from an outlook.  

My name is Seung Ah Reum, I'm a little old to be a freshman. I'm supposed to have entered University earlier but, something happened that postponed me from achieving my dreams. I originally lived from Busan but my parents decided to live in Japan two years ago. It took me months to convince them to let me go back to Korea and study in this University. The persuasing part involved getting perfect grades in the school that I was attending in Japan, to which I enthusiastically achieved. So yeah, I ended up going here on my own and pursue the career that I want, that is to become a teacher, English teacher to be exact. I don't exactly remember when I fell in love with the English language. I just woke up one day and I knew, I knew what I want. My life is peaceful and in order, I like it. But there's one thing that stops me to live my life to the fullest, that one thing is something that even I, can't determine.

“Hey there," A guy happily approached me, his smile made his eyes vanish, "I have a strong feeling that you're a freshie." I then  respectfully bowed to the stranger and smiled back. The guy turned out to be a member of the Bangtan Dance Club. He asked if I have time, so I said yes. He then went on about the club, and the activities they have as well as the privileges of being a member. I listened to every word he was saying, replying some oh’s and ah’s along the conversation. After he was done talking, he handed me a flyer of the club. “If you’re interested, we will be holding an audition, all the information you need is in that paper” He smiled again, making me want to pinch his face. “I hope to see you there!” with that, he bid me a good day and went on his way

My phone rang as I watched the man leave. I looked at the caller ID and quickly picked the call up. “Hey~” I was greeted with a sweet voice.

It was from my bestfriend. He and I have been bestfriends since who knows when, we even planned to go to Bangtan University together but since he has to take care of their family business in Japan, plans were changed and he sent me away with a heavy heart. “I thought I told you to call me!” he whined.

I chuckled upon hearing him whine, “I have to admit I forgot about to call you” I confessed, gaining a “wow” from him which is his way of conveying that he was hurt. “Well I’m sorry! I got too amused here!”  

“Is it that fun there?” He asked, "that you forgot about your best friend already?" Him stressing on the term 'bestfriend' is the cutest thing I've ever heard. I can almost feel his pout over the line.

“YES KIM TAEHYUNG! But I think it’s more fun if you’re here too! It’s sad that you can’t go to this University with me” I faked a sob to which he laughed at.

“Aigoo, Ah Reum-a~ Don’t miss me too much. Oppa will have a hard time!” The way he said ‘oppa’ made me cringe and laugh sarcastically.

“Eww, you’re not an oppa to me.” I said, my voice was covered with disgust. “Hey Monkey, come visit me! It's so boring without my alien friend” I earned another laugh from him.  

“I will, soon!” He paused, then I heard someone call him from the background “I have to go Ah-Reum. Enjoy your day! Message me when your classes are finshed okay?” With that, we ended the call. As soon as I hun

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bangtan671 #1
Chapter 6: Did she have an accident and has like amnesia?? Well this will be interesting..Thanks for the update will patiently wait for an update.
Chapter 5: Well. I'm really curious now about their
I can't wait for your next update author-nim!
bangtan671 #3
Thanks for update...I wonder why the secrets between tae and kookie. Dun dun
bangtan671 #4
Chapter 3: Just subscribed and read all current chapters, this looks like it's going to be good. Will patiently wait for a new chapter.