
Babo Taemin

The weekend ended and now it's Monday...sadly.

You were in the library waiting for Taemin to arrive. It was the start of a new week, and this is only the second week tutoring Taemin and you weren't kidding on giving him a quiz either. You've had quizzes prepared since day one and you just modified them each day. You were early so you took the time to make up another math quiz for later and maybe English. There was still about 20 minutes or so before the bell rang so why not right? You already got about four chapters ahead during the weekend so seriously why not?

Suddenly the front entrance to the library opened. You looked up and to your suprise, it was Taemin walking in....EARLY. You were quite shocked.

"You're here early" was all you could manage to say.

"Um..yeah" Taemin was nervous. He wasn't sure if he could prove to you that he wasn't a dumb kid or an idiot.

"Since you're here, why not start the test?" You suggested.

Taemin nervously answered, "S-sure." and you handed him the test. It was math so it shouldn't be too hard...right?


  1. 2x + 1 = 3
  2. (2x + 3)(x + 5)
  3. x2 = 49
  4. x3 = 32
  5. (x3 + 5)(x - 5)

And that's how the test pretty much looked like (let's say there were about 20-25 questions ok? ^.<). They were very simple questions so Taemin's confidence grew.  He finished the quiz just as the bell rang and he smiled and handed it to you so you could correct it.

As you corrected it, you were happy on the inside but didn't show it and also you were shocked that he got them all right. Maybe he's not as dumb as I thought is what you thought. It was a relief to because what you had on the quiz, were examples of what to expect on the midterm. Now to move onto another subject.

"Congratulations Taemin, you got them all correct" You said as you handed it back to him.

"Thanks ~~~~" Taemin said with an eye-smile. You don't think I'm stupid now huh ~~~~~? Taemin thought.

"Okay then. Since you seem to be fine at math now, let's move onto another topic shall we?" You stated.

For the rest of the day, until the library closed, you tutored him. It was tiring, but not as tiring as the first day when he kept making you go over the same thing. Taemin was focused to your surprise and it ran pretty smoothly to tutor him.

That was Monday. Will Taemin's behavior last? Can he prove that he ain't no ? Sure seems like it haha! Anyways, Monday was a very calm day for you because mainly, Taemin wasn't irritating in any way. ><

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Chapter 14: Awww was very beautiful story!!!♥
Chanyeolized #2
I just read the first chapter and i already like it!! NH High has U-KISS me likes!!
aicaheartyoungmin #3
I looooooooooooooooveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee this! :3 b2stjanghyun! You're a great writer :3
nice , i liked the story<br />
Update soon :):)
foreveraninspirit #5
ahhh! So exciting!<br />
update soon!
foreveraninspirit #6
Awesome start~! keep it up dongsaeng!!<br />