“Hey! Heard you’re going on a date with the big boss.” A tall, handsome man with a natural dark smoky eyes stated in a very low whisper causing Youngbae to jolt from his chair. He was busy editing the papers given to him from the writer since they had to submit the copy to the “big boss” within the week.


“yah!, it isn’t a date. And I don’t think I’m going since I’ve got a lot of things to do here since my Boss named TOP unfortunately deleted as he said “accidentally” all the files that I had managed to edit without a copy for myself since he urgently needed it but it turned out that he was busily flirting with the intern when that “accident” happened.” Youngbae stated casually.


“whoah. Im not flirting with the cute intern! And it’s really an accident.” TOP bantered while touching his chest, “and you, Youngbae, really knows how to hit a bull’s eye. Am I not your friend? Your words really hurt you know.” He added.


Youngbae just laugh it off knowing exactly how the other would react from his comment. “I said it intentionally, Hyung. I really wanted you to get hurt, since I badly want to see your not-so-good-but-your-self-acclaimed-best-act-which-makes-even-the-veterans-awed-acting skills.” He proclaimed earning a smack to his temple.


“ouch! That hurts a lot you bastard!” Youngbae winced in pain scratching the area on his head that burns due to the force from the smack.


“yeah, I “intentionally” did it to you mother er!” TOP said with a smirk massaging his stinging hand.


“Hyung, you know I don’t “mothers”, unlike you.” Youngbae countered making the older man stand with horror visibly written on his face which makes Youngbae laugh.


“yah! That was one time. And I didn’t know she’s her mother.” TOP said trying to defend himself.


“ hahahaha Hyung, you ed your date’s mother and I clearly remember you saying how it felt good!” the younger man exclaimed now laughing his heart out, tears coming out of his eyes and stomach cramping because of too much laughing. “ and it isn’t just one time.” He added.

“fine! Twice.”

“are you sure?

“aisssht! We ed every night for almost a week!, happy?” TOP said feeling defeated.

“and don’t forget to mention that you guys just stop doing it because you were caught in the act by her friend-


“...who offered to have a . Gosh! Youngbae, you don’t know how stupid I felt during that night…


...“witnessing them plotting things they’ll do to you, each marking a territory and how they’ll change position after.” Youngbae finished off, now both men rolling on the floor. “good thing you escaped”, he said gasping for air, clutching his stomach and wildly shaking his head unable to stop laughing.


The older man lay hopelessly beside him, low but crack-nut-like laughter escaped from the man’s mouth while stomping his feet wildly on the floor not caring about the other person outside the office who might heard them- since they’re probably used to it by now.


“went through the open window, walking down the street with my birthday suit.” TOP exclaimed, recalling the horrible event and how he told the story to the “bastards” as if it’s nothing during that time.


“how embarrassing!” both man exclaimed at the same time, earning another minutes of laughing unnoticing the guy now standing on the front door with unreadable expression on his face.


“ I see. So, both of you are really working your off “finishing” the papers I told you to submit as soon as possible.” The guy stated without any trace of emotions in his voice, or he thinks he does.


Both men, still lying on the floor focused their eyes to the man, eyes widen as they saw who the guy is.



Standing never felt difficult but they still managed to do so- ever so slowly, looking at each other, a hesitant smile formed on their lips and greeted the man.

“ah… uhh…, we-ee.. w-working on it” the older man said struggling to form a proper sentence. “ we just, you know have to let loose some of the tensions.” He added after finding his voice and laugh awkwardly.


“figures.” The guy answered shortly, never looking at the older man but intently staring at the short man beside him, making the latter fidget and move his head down. “I can also see how you enjoyed letting loose, that you haven’t notice the others who are working peacefully or even me whose standing on the doorway for god damn knows how long.”


“ oh c’mon, we’re just having fun. It isn’t everyday that we do it. And if your concern about the others- don’t be, they are very much accustomed to what we do in times like this.” TOP said as unconcerned about the glares he had been receiving from the younger man.


“aren’t you going to say something?” he asks the other man who suddenly loses his tongue or finds the floor rather interesting.


His sudden question makes the Youngbae lift his head abruptly, confusion written on his face.


“so your mind had been floating elsewhere, huh?” the guy commented a smirk slowly formed on his lips. “out. Now.” He added, making Youngbae jolt and looked at the older guy, as if asking for help. TOP just shrugged his shoulder in return.


“Dong Youngbae.” The man now walking outside the office shouted and turned around, irritation is visible knowing that the said guy is still inside looking at him nervously with his hands on the older man’s arm.


Sounds like trouble to me. Youngbae thought to himself slowly releasing Seunghyun’s arm


Youngbae immediately rushes out of the room and followed the guy but not without hearing what his Hyung said making the people outside chuckle with amusement. A red colored tint slowly crept into his face making him feel more embarrass than before.


“ Go easy on him Jiyong~ah. He might not be able to take it since he’s still a . Be as gentle as possible!”



yay! TOBAE moment... hehehehehe i do love them as well that is why..
















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Flamestar18 #1
Chapter 1: Omg I really hope u writ more gdyb stories. Maybe u could write one where gd cheats/ breaks up with yb then tries to win him back after he sees yb with someone else. Only if u want. BTW your an amazing writer
aesthetic_pleasure #2
Chapter 20: there’s just something about gdyb :) Their personalities go so well together, so I’m glad you’re taking advantage of that and writing about them ❤️
Chapter 20: This is so good.. Thankyou again for continuing this story.
Chapter 19: That's one hell of a cliffhanger... Excited to read about the next chapter to know what will be bae 's answer.. Thanks for the update. Loved this
Chapter 18: What is happening??? You were right.. I got a shock. Can't wait to read how this will turn out.. Thanks for the update. Loved reading this
Flamestar18 #6
Chapter 17: Oh this is getting good. I can't wait to see what happens next.
Chapter 17: The last sentence..
I am happy for both of them.. Excited to know what will happen next
aesthetic_pleasure #8
Chapter 16: My heart! ...I have so many different ways I see this going ! Ahh how could you do this to me authornim ! I’ve been waiting so long for updates and now I can’t bear to wait longer ??
Plng25 #9
Chapter 16: Pls continue this good story that I've been waiting for update since eternity....
Chapter 16: I love how straightforward is ji and flushed bae is..this is such a beautiful story to read.i hope bae will give in and be happy.i am in love with this story.thanks for the update.