Letter #2: Sinceramente de...

Letters to Mr. Pen Pal [EDITING]

I’m shocked,

How did you know I didn’t give two s about your life story? But it makes me happy to know that you summed it up for me (: talk about considerate, am I right?

And for your information, I did know that already. Try to be more original with your random facts next time. You won’t be able to top mine if you continue in that pace! (;

Try and guess what this means:


“No pretendo, ser tu dueño,

No soy nada yo no tengo vanidad

De mi vida, doy lo bueno,

Soy tan pobre que otra cosa puedo dar.”

Sabor a mi, Los Panchos


Have fun guessing what it means!

(I’m so nice sometimes it SHOCKS me)



Sinceramente de





Dear Bambam,

This Mark guy does sound nice (like, maybe a little too good to be true), but I can’t help but worry. When I asked Youngjae about him, he rolled his eyes at me and muttered something under his breath. That can only mean they aren’t getting along well. What do you think? Am I being too nosy about it or am I worrying too much?

Maybe those guys that didn’t contact you weren’t worth it. Bambam, I hope this doesn’t sound offensive or something, but some people just aren’t worth your time (or tears for that fact). If they didn’t contact you after hanging out with you at school or something, then they because they’re missing out on tons. I mean, you only sent me one letter so far, but I like you already. You seem like a fun guy to be with, and I want to be friends with you. If they ever make you feel sad, insecure, lonely, or anything negative at all, leave them because you want to be surrounded by people that actually like you. (: You don’t want to be surrounded by things that make you depressed, right? I know it’s hard but continue searching for that one friend that will always be with you no matter what! I guarantee it will be worth the time and effort (;

And I appreciate the thought (: thanks.

FINALLY, SOMEONE GETS IT! All of my other friends say I have a crush on him when it’s totally not like that at all! Like okay, sure, he has a really pretty eye smile when he smiles and it might make me feel weak, and he might have the most perfect voice EVER that leaves me with my jaw open like a idiot, and it might make me a little jealous when someone tries to hit on him, BUT IT’S NOT LIKE THAT AT ALL! I swear to God, I only see him as my best friend, and since we’ve been together for the longest of time, it’s hard to imagine a day without him. Of course, it’s inevitable that he’s a topic in my life. He’s my childhood friend for God’s sake! Sigh, sometimes I wish people had childhood friends so that they would understand my predicament better >_<

But moving on, be careful on the internet! Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying it’s bad to have friends on the internet because I have a few of my own, but there’s always that fifty-fifty chance that a person could be lying to you. I know I can trust my friends because I met a couple of them already in person and have them on FB. Of course, it is obvious that I wasn’t alone when I first met them. I dragged Youngjae with me when I met them, and he watched over me from a corner of the shop or café.

More than that though, I’m interested in this yu_gyeom person. How did you meet him? Like I know it was on that website, but how did it happen? First of all, what do you even do on that website? It’s the first time I’ve heard of it, so yeah. I’m guessing he also likes anime since you claim you have a lot of in common? Is his favorite anime Tokyo Ghoul too? Am I being too nosy again? /: I’m sorry if I am, it’s like my second nature to worry. I think it started developing over the years because of Youngjae. He seriously makes me worry too much. I think if I ever do die, it’ll be because of him. Hah.

Oh! And don’t worry! I won’t tell Youngjae about this----



Sorry, about that. I was writing this letter next to Youngjae, and he doesn’t know what privacy is, so he read a bit about it. When I half threatened/questioned him about it, he said he didn’t read much about it, just the part of Tokyo Ghoul. So, don’t worry, that part doesn’t say much about your crush (:

If it makes you feel better, Youngjae is also a huge fan of Tokyo Ghoul, so if you ever do meet, you can fangirl about it! (I swear, sometimes he doesn’t shut up about that anime. It’s so disgustingly cute, it makes me want to hug the life out of him ahaha)

Getting back on track again (I do this a lot don’t I? Get off track, I mean), be careful in the internet. You never know what’s true or not. When you think about it, it’s like this. I mean, for all you know, I can be some psychopath (as Youngjae would say) plotting your death any minute now. Maybe this Youngjae person I keep telling you about is just a fiction of my mind, or maybe Park Jinyoung isn’t even my real name. It could be a fake identity because when you turn me in to the cops, no one would be able to track me down. Maybe I like reading mystery novels a little too much, and that’s why I’m writing these theories, or better said, plot twists. Lol.

But just in case, I promise I’m not some kind of psychopath that’s planning your death, that Youngjae is a real person, that Park Jinyoung is my name, and that I like mystery novels. Though wouldn’t that be cool? If someone did turn out to be using a fake identity, and you try to talk to your friends about it, but they don’t believe you? I think there is a book like that, but I don’t remember the name now…

What about you? Do you like books? I guess you prefer manga though, right? What’s your favorite manga? I think my favorite manga ever is Death Note. I know it’s kinda an popular opinion or something because everyone likes Death Note, but I’m a huge fan of the psychological events taking place. It’s interesting to see that kind of thing. I guess that’s why I don’t mind re-watching Tokyo Ghoul with Youngjae. The struggle that Kaneki has to go through is just so intense; to give in to his half and eat his own kind, or to reject his half and struggle. I personally wouldn’t know what to do if I was in that situation. What would you do if you were in his shoes? That’s the question of the day!

What would you do if you became half ghoul like Kaneki?

Would you give in and eat your own kind, or struggle and reject his half?

I’m starting to think that I wouldn’t eat my kind. I mean, I guess the hunger would be intense, but I wouldn’t want to eat my loved ones…



(I just asked Youngjae and he said he would eat his kind. Such a selfish boy sometimes. And here I am, getting emotional about the thought of eating him and my family… -_- I’m not loved by him.)



Sinceramente de

Park Jinyoung.


A/N: I felt the need to update beCAUSE HOW TO NOT???????? 

THE GOT7 MV IS OUT ALREADY~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *controls self*

If you wanna fangirl, send me a message! :D Feel free to comment, subscribe & upvote! I'll probably update later again so look forward to it! Enjoy? ;) 

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[1/13/17] Happy Friday the 13th :) kidding, happy update. Sorry for the wait... I hope it's worth the read! Another compilations of letters, MarkJae edition :D


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Yuki616 #1
Chapter 17: It's so well written. I love it!
Simple-J #2
Chapter 17: I had to read it all again since it was long ago the last time I read this. Thanks for updating! This was a story I loved a lot! Really thank you!
Simple-J #3
Chapter 8: This JinBam is life
mollysomerville #4
I'm always waiting for new chapters. ♥ Thank you for keep posting this story ♥
Chapter 17: OMG!!! Love the update... Worth the wait.. I can't help but smile.. Hope for MarkJae to meet.. I'm rooting for them!
Minseok #6
Chapter 17: OMG I just found this fic when i try to read some markjae fic. Markjae have been caught my attention lately and I LOVE THIS FIC. How markjae exchange letter, fight, made up, and how they became friends. I hope youngjae want to meet with mark like mark did. And jinbam, poor bambam, and i hate when jinyoung not even get the hint that bambam not want talking about youngjae all the time.
I looking forward for the next chapter, please don't give up on this beautiful fic. I love you
Chapter 16: I was expecting a 'Next>>' button only to realize that this is the last chapter for now. :'(
This one is really interesting. I enjoy reading in this format, the letters, I mean. And the flow of the letters... Perfect! :)
Again, I will be patiently waiting for your update :-)
Chapter 16: update soon author nim... this story is so cute
chillaxdiva #9
Chapter 16: finallly read the updates! markjae was really fun again and jinbam~~ i'll say hang in there bambam!!
thank you!!!

When will these 2 pairings meet?????? >.<
Chapter 14: Jinyoung, you ! Imma cry fo Bambam ;-(