chapter three.

When Will You Come Back? (Sequel to WWYWU)

Jisoo wondered why you ran away from him. Does she not feel the same way I feel? He panicked. He knew you liked him, but wasn’t sure if you liked him as much as he liked you. Why did she leave me hanging like that? Was it my breath? When you weren’t looking, he checked his breath just in case.

As the two of you left the gift shop, he decided to just brush it off for now and play it cool for the rest of the night. “So, what should we do next?” You both spun around for a moment, then he saw your face light up when you found the spinning teacup ride. “No way,” he said, shaking his head.

“It will be fun! Let’s go!” you said, pulling him by the hand. “Please!” you begged. He chuckled at how desperate you looked.

“Fine, but I might throw up on you,” he warned before you dragged him over there with you.


After spending hours on rides, you told Jisoo you needed to go to the restroom. You left him waiting outside as you quickly ran into the stalls. He sat on a bench next to another guy, who he recognized as your best friend’s boyfriend, Wonwoo. “Hey man!” Jisoo greeted him first.

He turned his head and greeted him back with a low voice. “Oh, hey. You're name's Jisoo, right?”

“Yes, that’s me and you’re Wonwoo?”

He nodded. “Yeah.”

“Our girlfriends are like best friends, I can’t believe we never met,” Jisoo chuckled, offering his hand.

“I know,” Wonwoo said with a soft laugh. He seemed quiet, not very much the talkative type.

“So, I heard you and Yura are going to different schools," Jisoo began. Wonwoo nodded. "So, are you ready?" he asked him.

Wonwoo shook his head then sighed, “Of course not. We’ve been dating for two years now," he explained. "I don’t think I’ll get used to being away from her.”

“So, why didn’t you guys just go to the same school?” Jisoo curiously asked.

“It’s ‘cause we both want to do opposite things. She’s into fashion, I’m into engineering,” he explained. “But then you know what I realized?” Wonwoo continued. “If you care about a person so much, then it doesn’t matter how far you are. Even if they’re just an hour away, just knowing that that special someone is out their missing you too is all I need to be okay. It stinks being away from them, but at least you know that they are thinking about you too.”

Wonwoo’s words really had Jisoo thinking about his future with you. He felt if your relationship was as strong as Wonwoo and Yura’s, then things will work out just fine.

“Wow, that’s awesome how much you two like each other,” Jisoo told him in awe.

“We don’t just like each other. We love each other. Love,” Wonwoo asserted, then punched Jisoo on the arm. “So what’s up with you and _____? I heard two haven’t had your first kiss yet,” he suddenly said, shocking Jisoo.



In the restroom, you saw Yura as you washed your hands. “Oh hey _____!” Yura said when she noticed you. “Having fun with you boyfriend?” she asked wiggling her eyebrows at you.

“Why you gotta say it like that?” you asked as you dried your hands.

“Because I still can’t believe you have one!” 

“Yura, it’s been three months,” you explained.

“I know, but still! Your boyfriend is Jisoo Hong! You used to smell the pages of your notebook after he borrowed it,” she joked.

“What? I never did that!" you exclaimed, since there were other people in the restroom, although you knew it was true.

“You guys are so cute. I can’t wait to see you two get married and have kids…”

“Whoa, don’t think about that,” you snapped. “Remember what I told you in the bus?”

“About how you think he’s going to break up with you? How do you know that's going to happen? Has he shown any signs?” Yura asked as she re-applied her makeup. You thought about it, but the only thing you could think about was what happened in the gift shop earlier that evening. He obviously wanted to kiss you. Maybe I was wrong...

“Well…” you trailed off.

Yura backed from the mirror, “Why, what happened? Is he not interested anymore?”

“No, it’s not that," you paused, still thinking about what happened at the gift shop. "He tried to kiss me..."

"What?!" Yura jumped. She was excited to hear all the details, but after you told her what happened, she flipped.  “How could you run away from him? That was your chance!”

“I know, I freaked out," you covered your face. "This wasn’t the first time I turned him down though,” you admitted.

“What?!” she said in a loud voice that echoed in the empty restroom. "You mean he tried to kiss you more than once?"

“Yeah, he’s tried to kiss me a few times before, but I never let him.”

“Why? Are you insane? That boy is crazy for you! You might be giving him the wrong idea _____!”

“I’m just not ready to commit. Especially since he’s leaving, you know? I don’t want things to become serious, because once he leaves, we will have no choice but to break up.”

“Why do you keep thinking he’s going to break up with you? Breaking up isn't your only option," Yura explained. "You know you guys could have one of those long distance relationships too you know.”

"I know, but what if that doesn't work out either?" you sighed.

"It will. I promise. You're just worried, that's all."

"And really confused," you added. "Having a boyfriend it hard."

Yura rubbed your back. "That's why you have a best friend like me to give you advice." She explained her situation with Wonwoo and how the two of them talked it out as a couple to make it work. This made you feel a little more comfortable and confident about you and Jisoo, although you were still afraid things will go down for the worst. You were glad you had a friend like Yura to be there for you no matter what.



“Just don’t freak out when you’re about to do it. Just do it,” Wonwoo explained to Jisoo.

Jisoo took metal note of everything Wonwoo had been explaining to him regarding long distance relationships and kissing. He was surprised by how much experience he had and how much he knew.

“Kiss her like you really mean it. Don’t be shy about it. Just go all in.” At this time, Jisoo saw you and Yura come out of the bathroom. You waved at them when you saw them sitting together.

“Aww, you guys met!” Yura said as she approached her boyfriend with a kiss on the cheek.  

You sat next to Jisoo and smiled at him. “Sorry we took so long. What were you guys talking about?”

“Uh…just guy stuff,” Jisoo said flustered.

“What kind of guy stuff?” you asked.

“Videogames and wrestling,” Wonwoo blurted.

“Cool! Now that we’re all friends, let’s go to the Tower of Terror!” Yura said cheerfully.

You looked at Jisoo, unsure if you wanted to go. “You scared?” he asked you softly.

“I’ve never been on this one before,” you said uneasy.

“It’s okay,” he took your hand again, but this time secured his fingers with yours. “I’ll be sitting right beside you.” Your heart started to flutter again. At that moment, you really wanted to kiss him.

“You guys are so cute, get away from me,” Yura squeaked.


After all the fun and rides, it was almost midnight, and you were starving. As everyone made their way to the Sleeping Beauty Castle for the fireworks show, you and Jisoo looked for something to eat. “There’s a café. Should we go there?” Jisoo asked.

“But we’ll miss the fireworks,” you replied. “Wait, I think I see something!” You quickened your pace toward a food cart. “Oh my gosh, yes!” you said when you saw what it was serving.

Jumbo turkey legs?” Jisoo said, reading the sign.

“Yeah! Have you ever tried them?”

“No, but it looks huge! You wanna share one?”

“Are you sure? I’m pretty hungry,” you explained.

“Yeah, I’ll probably just have a bite.”

“Okay, if you say so…” you said as you paid for only one turkey leg. “Mmm, doesn’t it smell good?” you asked him, putting the giant turkey leg by his nose.

“It’s does,” he said with a smile. You pulled out a piece and fed it to him. His taste buds were not expecting it taste so good, his face lit up instantly. “Wow, that’s really good!” he said reaching for another piece, but you pulled it away from him.

“No, you said you’ll only have a bite. The rest is mine!” you teased before taking another delicious bite for yourself. Jisoo chuckled because of the way you looked when you ate that giant piece of turkey. It was almost the size of your head. You looked so cute to him, he couldn’t help but to pull you close and kiss you on the cheek. Once you felt his warm lips touch your face, you choked, startling him. “Oh my gosh, are you okay,” he started patting your back as you coughed.

“Yeah, I’m fine,” you assured him, taking another bite.

"Are you sure? You're all pink. Do you need some water?" he said as you tried not to look at him. "Or are you just blushing?" he teased.

"No, I'm good. Promise."

Jisoo smiled and stole a piece of turkey.


You guys later found a spot to sit and watch the fireworks. You didn’t tell each other, but this reminded both of you of the night you first revealed your feelings for one another. You were in your prom dress and he was in his pizza uniform. Now you were wearing matching Mickey and Minnie hats, holding hands. The day you confessed was prom night, now it was graduation night. Three months have flown by so fast, it felt like you were just getting started. As he thought about these things, Jisoo pulled you closer to him as you rested your head on his shoulder. Once again, you both wanted to stay like this forever.

It was scary thinking that in one week, you two will not be able to do this; hold each other. In one week, both of you will be out of each other’s reach. You didn’t want him to leave. He didn’t want to let you go.

“Wow, it’s so pretty!” you said with a grin, feeling like a little girl again. As you watched the colorful explosions in the sky, Jisoo closed his eyes and tried to clear his mind. All he wanted was to feel your presence while you were still there with him. As he did this, you felt his arm squeeze you a little tighter. You looked at him and saw his eyes were closed. You thought he was sleeping. “Jisoo,” you said too soft for him to hear over the fireworks. “You’re missing it,” you told him, but he wouldn’t wake up. You sighed and pulled his head down to rest on your shoulder.

By the time the firework show was over, you tried waking him up again. “Jisoo, wake up!” you shook him, but he wasn’t opening his eyes. He wasn’t really sleeping, he just loved to mess around with you. “Jisoo?” you poked his cheek. You sighed. This was like Mr. Cho's physics class all over again.

Out of nowhere, Jisoo felt something on land onto his lips, which took him by surprise. It tasted a little salty and greasy, but he was kind of enjoying it. When he finally opened his eyes, he realized it was just the turkey leg you were eating. “Finally! Come on, we're going miss the bus!”

BTW, sorry if any of my readers don't like/eat meat!

What are your thoughts on the story so far? When do you think you will give Jisoo a chance?

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Look forward to another update soon!

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Chapter 8: It has been a year are you still going to continue?
Isdead #2
Chapter 7: Are you Therese's cousin? Lol she told me about this fanfic..
You're good at writing, I hope you update soon.
Youngooon #3
Elyne140295 #4
Chapter 6: Wow daebak ! I can't wait for your next update !
vanessatran_ #5
Chapter 6: Please continue this story!!! I love this but bc the last chapter ended with a cliffhanger and im dying
elysian_imperfection #6
Chapter 5: sht. they fought. ghad these misunderstandings. update sooon~ ( the shinee date was cool~ )
elysian_imperfection #7
elysian_imperfection #8
that 20 reference though *wink wonk*
xoxo_devilia #9
Chapter 5: Nooooooooooo :( update soon pls!! <3
Chapter 4: SHINee's concert as a date, perrrrrfect <3