Kisses Missed


Hyoyeon kicked the stray pebble out of her way as she continued to walk down the stone pavement of the park. Her hands where carefully shoved instead her pants pocket as she collected her thoughts about the change of plans within their clan. It was a major twist of events so it was really hard to keep up. The things happening were just giving her a migraine.

"Are you okay?"

She instantly snapped her head up and averted her eyes from the ground to the person walking beside her. "You've been in deep thought ever since we arrived here." Eunhyuk pointed out the sense of worry crossing his eyes and spilling from his voice.

Hyoyeon managed to crack up a small smile to reassure him. "I'm okay, it's just that there's a lot of things going on right now."

"Would you like to talk about it or should I just pretend that you're okay and leave it be?"He asked her.

She shook her head no and gave him a light nudge on the shoulder. "I'll tell you when the right time comes, arasso?"

He asked no further questions and nodded his head yes. Hyoyeon was more than happy by his reaction and the strings that tugged at the edge of her lips can not be helped. She really liked Eunhyuk's company. He took her mind off things and made her whole system relax and enter this serene state where she's not the fem boss of one of the biggest mobs in South Korea. She felt normal around him, felt like she could tell him anything... and yet, she hasn't told him her inner most secrets.

Her head perked up to catch a glimpse of the sunlight bouncing off of his blonde hair. She can't help but contemplate on the moments they had spent together all these weeks. The question rolled right of her tongue and instantly she found herself asking, "Eunhyuk-oppa, how long have we been hanging out?"

Eunhyuk froze at the "oppa". Never in their moments together had she ever called him oppa. It felt nice hearing her voice call him like that. It sent him on edge and right then and there he wanted to break out into a dance. But that would probably freak her out, so he pretended to think and tapped his chin with his right index finger.

"About, 3 weeks?" He answered her.

Hyoyeon chuckled. "Only 3 weeks?" She asked not seeming to believe the question. Even if they'd been hanging out together for 3 weeks it felt like she'd known him for years.

Eunhyuk stopped walking and sat down on a nearby bench obviously tired. He stretched out his arms on the seat and lay his head back to stare up at the sky. He allowed himself to let out a heavy sigh preparing himself for something he was holding out on her for a while now.

Hyoyeon followed and plopped herself down next to him.

"Venus..." He muttered under his breath when she was settled in.

Her ears perked up and her head snapped towards him.

"What?" She questioned seeming a little confused and surprised at the same time.

Eunhyuk straightened himself up and turned to face her. "Venus." He repeated, this time, more clearly and loudly.

Her eyes widened with astonishment. "How did you..." She trailed off trying to find the right words.

"Find out about your nickname from the past?" He asked eletting out a humerous laugh. "I don't know if you remember me, but I was dubbed the Dance Machine of SM High School. You and I were in some production numbers together and we were actually pretty close, but when you dropped out of SM High School during Junior year I got curious why you did because you had good grades, great popularity and great friends." He started to explain.

Now that he's mentioned it, no wonder he looked so familiar when she bumped into him in the club last time. It was because he was her dance partner during her days in SM High. It's already been 7 years since she last saw him and because she was really busy with Superbia, it's no wonder she forgot all about him. In fact, it was Superbia that made her drop out of SM High and transfer to another high school near main base.

"When I saw you in the club a few weeks ago, I was really happy. Though you did look a little different so I was wondering if you were still the Dancing Queen I once knew. When you told me your name I was practically jumping up and down like a teenage girl who got asked out on a date. I got kinda worried that I wasn't gonna see you again after that time so I kept coming back to the club every single night." He scratched the back of his head a little embarassed at his own actions.

Hyoyeon chuckled. "You did that?"

"Yeah... I became a regular because of that." He replied making Hyoyeon chuckle in amusement. "I was just about to give up hope when I came home from work one day and saw you coming out of my apartment complex. Decided to follow you and BOOM! Communication." He laughed at his own statement both their laughters ringing in the still air of the park.

"So how the hell did you and Sooyoung end up being close?" She asked him when their laughter calmed down into light chuckles.

"Ah that..." He began once again bringing his hand up to scratch the back of his head. "Well... I sorta made friends with her and would bother her for most part asking questions about you."

Hyoyeon laughed. "You actually catch her when she's at her apartment?"

"Well not always... it's wierd 'cause at some days she's not there and- wiat, what do you mean by that?"

"She's actually filthy rich. Her lawn is 200 meters away from their gate, their garden has over 3,000 types of tropical plants and flowers, their house- or mansion- is 4 stories high, has approximately 64 bedrooms, 23 bathrooms, 5 kitchens, 2 theatres, 2 swimming pools and an indoor bowling alley." Hyoyeon explained with a huge grin on her face.

Eunhyuk's mouth was haning agape when he realized how rich Sooyoung was. "So why does she live in a shaby apartment?"

She turned to him with cocked eyebrows. "She hates walking the distance their lawn offers and the fact that she needed to have a map just so she wouldn't get lost in her own house was reason enough. She'd come home on occassions though."

"Wow..." Was the only thing that came out of Eunhyuk's lips. He was amzed and dazed at the information about Sooyoung that he couldn't sink all of it in in one go.

"Are you okay?" Hyoyeon asked nudging him lightly.

He nodded his head yes. "I'm fine it's just that- "

His statement was cut off when her phone rang and she had to take it. "Junho." She answered with no greeting whatso-ever. Venom was present in her voice though because she was having a nice conversations with Eunhyuk and he just had to ruin it.

Eunhyuk watched silently as Hyoyeon listened to the speaker on the other line. He wanted to stop their call right then and there, ut he had no authority to do so because Hyoyeon seemes pretty serious and professional as he talked with this Junho guy on the phone.

"I'll go there now." Was Hyoyeon's final statment before she ended the call.

"I guess that's it for today then?" Eunhyuk asked standing up before Hyoyeon.

Her face was apologetic. "I'm sorry it's just that- "

"No don't be sorry, I understand that you have more important matters to deal with." He gave her a small smile and she smiled back at how understanding she was.

"Let's go, I'll walk you." He offered her a hand to help her stand from the bench she was sitting on. He was expecting her to let go once she was stable on her feet.

Surprised he was when she brought up her lips to his cheeks and gave him a small peck.

Heat creeped up on his face when she did this. He made no effort to hide the blush and just stood there obviously baffled by her actions.

"Let's go?" She asked him.

He bobbed his head once and took her hand. Hyoyeon was a little surprised but let him be.

The skin-to-skin touch sent jolts of elctricty down their spines, but they didn't mind at all and kept walking silently together. Hyoyeon savored the moment mostly because it is only rare that she gets to be this happy with someone.

"Maybe if you cut this part here..." Sooyoung pointed to the screen of the laptop as she gave his partner directions on what to do to their project.

"But I like that part." He whined obviously refusing to do what she said.

Sooyoung scowled at him. "Well I don't, so cut it out." She commanded. Like a puppy, he did what he was told and cut out the part that Sooyoung wanted out. Video editing was supposed to be easy and fun... that is if you didn't have a bossy character beisde you telling you that what you did wasn't good enough.

"Here are your drinks." The waiter placed a tray of chocolate smoothies on their table as they silently kept editing their music video project. None of them bothered to thank the waiter and Sooyoung just picked up one smoothie and sipped from the straw. She placed it back on the table and continued to watch Changmin do his work.

Feeling the need to fulfill his thirst he reached his hand out and grabbed the drink in front of him and uncnciously sipped from the straw.

Both of them kept on working on their project and also kept on drinking from their smoothies taking it from the table and placing it back again after they'd took a sip.

"That part right there, can you enhance it?" Sooyoung asked and once agian took her drink.

"I think I can." Changmin replied.

She nodded her head in approval and brought the straw up to her lips. She started to on the straw and noticed that somthing was wrong. She was getting less triple chocolate smoothie and more air. She brought the cup away from her face and lightly shook it. It was already empty.

This confused her greatly for she had only taken merely but a few sips.

"Changmin?" She called out to him watching the inside of the empty glass.

"Hn." He responded not looking away from the screen of the laptop.

"What flavor smoothie did you order?" She asked.

This time he looked up from the screen to look at her. "Triple chocolate, why?" He caught a glimpse of the empty glass in Sooyoung's hand and at the full glass sitting in the middle of the table.

Both their eyes widened with shock as realization dawned on them.

"EEEWWW!!!" They both screeched childishly as both of them pushed their seat away to get away from each other.

"We just shared an indirect kiss!" Sooyoung exclaimed pointing a finger a him.

"I'm well aware!" He replied.

"I bet you planned this whole thing." She accused earning attention from a few costumers inside the cafe.

"What do you mean planned this whole thing? I'm a victim here too!" He replied his voice in tune with the sound of the bells chorused with him.

"Well I- " Sooyoung stopped mid-sentence when she saw the person who just recently entered the cafe. Her face became stone cold and her voice icy. "Kyuhyun."

Author's Note:

Sorry if I hadn't been updating for a while. I was studying really hard for our exams so yeah... anyways, exams are over and here's the update of Freefall! I hope you guys enjoy reading this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing this. I'm sorry for the grammatical and spelling errors. It's just that, I'm really too lazy to actually proof-read.

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bubble_eyes #1
Chapter 10: Yes!!! Kim so eun!!! I love kim so eun and I'm glad that you have her as one of the 3 ladies...I'll be looking forward for this story and how it will evolve. ^_^
Chapter 10: This fic is awesome! I'm glad I stumbled upon it. It's refreshing to see a mafia fic by a person who's really interested in it, not just someone who makes stuff up and makes assumptions. I like the idea of the three bosses tho. I'm solely here for SoEul no matter how much I love Sooyoung and Hyoyeon OTL. Anyways, update when you can! It's getting interesting~
This is my 2nd time reading a fic where the characters are part of a Mafia...and I <3 IT.
JUNHYO HERE? Oh~!!! ^^
So pretty please update this story c:
im here coz junhyo.. <3 <3
hope more their skinship soon~~
i like eunhyuk too but its just too cute to ignore junhyo couple..
update soon!!
omg... cant wait for the next updateeee YAAAY
that proposal was tempting but
she better be careful ~~
at last you updated^^.i've been waiting 4 ur update.
AngelCloud #8
Kyuyoung will be in the next chap right???? Yes pls xD
HYOHYKUK+CHANGSOO !!!! This chapter is EPIC DIUDE!! LOL at Soo and Minnie! OMG HIME!!! I LOVE YOU SOOOOOOOO MUCHOO!! HAHA. See u on Tue, Mui,.LOL
Hyo is falling for Hyuk ~~~<br />
ChangSoo is loved LOL