Fate's Permission



When the sun sets and the whole of South Korea turned dark, the female brains and brawns of Superbia would tend to hand out inside clubs and party. Hyoyeon and Sooyoung, whose dancing was their passion and the first reason why they'd become friends, would hang out like this during nights off just so they can relax. Getting inside exclusive clubs wasn't hard work. They had a lot of connection so it was pretty much a piece of cake.

"Let's dance!" Hyoyeon suggested and pulled on Sooyoung's hand.

Sooyoung retracted her hand and seemed to have her eyes fixed on the bar. She shook her head and pointed to what seemed like their friend So Eun sitting at one of the high stools with a glass of gin in her hand.

Both of them approached the bar and Sooyoung sat down beside So Eun on one of the stools in front of the bar. "Go ahead Hyo. I'll stay here with So Eun tonight." She turned to the said girl who was gulping down more glasses of gin than usual. "Take it easy So Eun. I don't want you throwing up all over my car again." She said and rubbed her friend's back.

So Eun may not look like it, but she can chug down a lot of alcohol for a whole night. She's young and a woman, but she can hold her alcohol well. In fact, she and Kim Bum would sometimes go out and drink together, but nothing really happens between them even if their both drunk to their whims. Maybe because they fall asleep together on the bar they drank in.

"No worries. I'll cut down on the vodka this time." So Eun winked at Sooyoung and chugged down another glass.

Sooyoung cocked an eyebrow. "And what about the gin?"

So Eun just laughed at her statement earning a scowl from the female brains.

Hyoyeon shrugged and proceeded to the dance floor alone. She was known in this club and people knew better to give her some space when she starts dancing, mostly because she gets wild and just own the dance floor.

She was grooving to the song Bang It by KP and the floor was all hers when someone suddenly joined her. She was surprised
at first, but she saw that he moved rather well. The way he moved that body ignited the fire in her and the show down between them had started. It started as an alternate turn for each individual but it ended up as a duet. They danced different choreographies, but for some reason, they were in total synch.

The dance was longer than expected as they'd danced for 4 consecutive songs. It wasn't until the female boss felt tired when she finally stopped dancing. The person also stopped and the people around them were in awe.

"Who are you?" Hyoyeon asked and took a step closer towards the dance machine who just dared to battle it out on the dance floor with the dancing queen.

"I'm Lee Hyukjae. But you can call me Hyunyuk." He smiled and held out his hand for her to shake.

She absent-mindedly took it and stared at his face curiously.

"That was some nice moves you got there! I thought no one in this club can dance like that." He complimented and took back his hand. "I just moved here in Seoul and my friend said, this was one of the hottest dance clubs in the city. I was tthinking how wrong he was... that is until now." He winked at the dancing queen making her back up a step.

"Woah. Easy there playboy." She remarked with her hands up in the air. "The name's Kim Hyo Yeon. Call me Hyo." She introduced.

Eunhyuk crossed his arms in front of his chest and tapped his chin with his index finger in a thoughtful manner. "Are you sure that's really your name?" He asked doubtedly.

Hyoyeon cocked an eyebrow. "Are you saying that I'm lying about my name?"

He chuckled. "No. It's just that I feel like I've known you from somewhere... and for another name..." He trailed off and looked at the far away distance probably reminscing some nostalgic memory from his childhood.

"Yeah. Probably in your dreams." Hyoyeon snapped. She collected herself and attempted to leave him in the dance floor, but was stopped by a hand on her wrist.

"Wait! Can I see you again sometime?" He asked with hopeful eyes.

She turned around and met his eyes. Now that she thought about it, he really seemed familiar. She wanted to say no, but there was a nagging feeling inside of her saying she wants to meet him again over a cup of peach latte and a slice of black forest cake. Which was really wierd since she didn't even like peach latte.

"If fate permits it." She finally replied and left. She saw complete happiness in his eyes when she had agreed to meet him and somehow she can't stop the small smile that crept up her face when she was finally with her friends.

"Let's go." She suggested.

"I agree." Sooyoung replied and turned to So Eun who was already down to her 12th glass of gin and 4th glass of vodka.

"Wait! I'm still not done." She said in a staright but a little bit tipsy tone. She took another glass and attempted to drink, but Sooyoung snatched it out of her hand.

"Yes you are." She snapped at her seemingly drunk friend.

"Yeah fine." So Eun answered and stood up from the seat. She stumbled a bit, but stood still when she regained her composure. "I'll drive." She remarked and took out the keys from her pants-pocket.

"No you're not." Sooyoung interjected and took the keys from her. "I am. Let's go Hyo."

"Yeah." Hyoyeon replied.

"Are you sober yet?" Sooyoung asked So Eun.

The two were sitting across each other on the dining table of Hyoyeon's compound, a cup of coffee in front of So Eun and an empty plate of bacon and eggs in front of Soo Young.

So Eun had both hands clutched on her head as her index and middle fingers rubbed her temples. She took a deep breath and looked up to Sooyoung, pausing a bit to let herself think. "No." She finally answered and proceeded to bow her head.

"Who's fault is that?" Sooyoung pointed out and stood up from her seat. She took the empty plate with her and dumped it on the sink.

Hyoyeon walked in on them and stared at So Eun. "Not yet sober?" She asked and took a carton of milk from the fridge.

"Apparantly no." Sooyoung answered for her friend. "You have a spar today. Why the hell did you think of drinking last night? What the hell happened?" She asked  throwing the questions towards So Eun like a row of daggers.

"My dad left." Was her simple reply. "My mom was crying all night and my sister locked herself in her room. Apparantly, my dad preferred living with her mistress than her family." She added in a venemous tone.

Sooyoung and Hyoyeon fell silent. "That A-hole." Hyoyeon commented.

"Are you gonna try to hunt him down?" Sooyoung asked.

So Eun shook her head no. "Not worth it. I could have the girl and him killed, but he's still my dad." She explained.

The three of them sighed in unison. Their families not knowing they were a part of Superbia was a big problem. Especially since they have to keep them safe at all costs.

The whole room went silent until then. Nothing but the sound of the people outside can be heard. Well that is...

"And good morning to the females!" Kim Bum shouted when he opened the door to Hyoyeon's apartment.

Sooyoung and Hyoyeon turned their heads to the sudden guest appearance, confused why he was here. His partner just glared at him for raising his voice.

"Can you shut up? I have a headache and you're only making it worse." She scolded and threw the mug in front of her towards her partner.

Kim Bum caught it with ease, but the piping hot coffee spilled all over his white polo shirt. "Ah !" He screamed and jumped around the room shouting every curse word he could come up with in every language he knew.

"What are you doing here?" Hyoyeon asked when the male brawns finally calmed down. He ed his stained polo and threw it on Hyoyeon's carpeted floor.

"Junho told me to summon you. The spar is 2 hours from now and he was wondering where you guys were." He explained and glared at So Eun. "You owe me 10, 000 won."

So Eun glared back. "And why is that?"

"That polo cost me 10, 000 won and you spilled your coffee on it." He told her matter-of-factly.

She stood from the dining table and approached her partner. "Correction. I threw you the mug. You spilled the coffee all over it." She retorted.

The two of them engaged in a glaring contest, but it was quickly over when Kim Bum saw the way her eye twitched.

A grin broke out on his face as he stared at So Eun. "Aaaaah. You got drunk last night huh?" He asked in a teasing manner. "What's the matter, did your boyfriend break up with you?"

A fist flew in the air and landed right on Kim Bum's palm. Of course he countered her attack. He wasn't put in his position if he couldn't

"Hyoyeon, do you have any meds? I think I'll pop one pill right before going to HQ. My head is throbbing. Especially now. I think I'm gonna explode." She didn't take her eyes off of her partner and kept on glaring. It wasn't until Hyoyeon answered her question when she finally let Kim Bum slide.

They all went back to HQ to hold the spar. They usually had these sessions at least twice a week, but today was different. It was one of this sessions where they seperate the fighters from the new recruits. Since Kim So Eun, wasn't such in a good mood, they figured they had to get the medical experts ready for rush patients during and after each round.

Facts and Trivia:

Did you know that the Japanese Yakuza is the 5th biggest mafia around the world? Japanese Yakuza is a native organized crime group which uses threat and extortion to get their way. Its origin is found to be in the 17 century. A missing joint of the little finger is a tell tale sign of the gang members. This is often offered to the leader as an act of appeasement or apology. Some of the members even have full body tattoos. It has 110,000 active members in this group who are from 2500 families. They are involved in protection rackets, importing uncensored ography from Europe and America, ion and in illegal immigration.

Author's Note:

Whooo! Chapter 2 is up! Didn't proof read it, so it's probably a little lame. I'll make it up to you guys on chapter 3.

I recieved a lot of suggestions on who to pair Sooyoung with and I am really considering my options. But until I get two of the same answer, I can't pairr her up with anyone just yet. Also Hyoyeon and Eunhyuk are the pair here. They're my bias couple, so yeah... but I will also write Hyoyeon and Junho moments just for the people who wants them ^_^

For those who love to dance, here's a vid for you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u94fCq3fxg8

Chachi is so cute!!

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bubble_eyes #1
Chapter 10: Yes!!! Kim so eun!!! I love kim so eun and I'm glad that you have her as one of the 3 ladies...I'll be looking forward for this story and how it will evolve. ^_^
Chapter 10: This fic is awesome! I'm glad I stumbled upon it. It's refreshing to see a mafia fic by a person who's really interested in it, not just someone who makes stuff up and makes assumptions. I like the idea of the three bosses tho. I'm solely here for SoEul no matter how much I love Sooyoung and Hyoyeon OTL. Anyways, update when you can! It's getting interesting~
This is my 2nd time reading a fic where the characters are part of a Mafia...and I <3 IT.
JUNHYO HERE? Oh~!!! ^^
So pretty please update this story c:
im here coz junhyo.. <3 <3
hope more their skinship soon~~
i like eunhyuk too but its just too cute to ignore junhyo couple..
update soon!!
omg... cant wait for the next updateeee YAAAY
that proposal was tempting but
she better be careful ~~
at last you updated^^.i've been waiting 4 ur update.
AngelCloud #8
Kyuyoung will be in the next chap right???? Yes pls xD
HYOHYKUK+CHANGSOO !!!! This chapter is EPIC DIUDE!! LOL at Soo and Minnie! OMG HIME!!! I LOVE YOU SOOOOOOOO MUCHOO!! HAHA. See u on Tue, Mui,.LOL
Hyo is falling for Hyuk ~~~<br />
ChangSoo is loved LOL