Twist of Events


"What!?" Junho screamed and slammed his fist on the table. Hyoyeon, So Eun and Kim Bum jumped at the sudden outburst. Sooyoung and TOP did most of the talking while the remaining three stayed silent during the conversation.

"He can't have it in his posession!" Junho turned to Sooyoung his nose flaring, obviously very pissed.

If she was any other woman, she would have cowered with fear and kept her eyes down, but no, she was Choi Sooyoung, she faced wrath face to face with a solid face. "Well he does! Leeteuk must already have it right now..."

TOP ran a hand through his hair and thought about the things happening for a moment. Their plan is useless now. If Leeteuk had Sooyoung's memory chip and sim card. If she was an ordinary memeber of Superbia, ti wouldn't be such a big deal, but being the 1/2 of the brains of the clan means important contact information from and info. He turned his gaze to his partner and bore his eyes deep into hers. those windows sparked with wisdom, and it was then realization dawned on him. "You're not stupid Sooyoung, being as calm like this means you protected those information in a way not to reveal it immediately if this sort of thing happened." He stated and Junho twisted his neck towards his direction.

Hearing her partner say those words made Sooyoung's lips curve upward into a small smirk. "Of course. They're gonna need experts just to crack my sim code and password. Even their own brains wouldn't be able to crack it in a week."

Junho's attention went back to Sooyoung, this time feeling a little more calme in his seat. "So it means we're safe?" He asked.

Sooyoung shook her head lighlty the dark strands of her hair swaying with the movement of her head. "For a while yes, but when they crack that code, we're done."

"I thought you said not even their brains can crack it for a week?" Kim Bum pointed out, finally making a peep from his seat.

"That's exactly what I said." She replied. "For a week... in that span or so, they'd be able to figure out the code of my phone and the secrets will be out. The privacy lock only buys us time."

"It means we have to move the infiltration of their base earlier than planned." Hyoyeon spoke up after being silent through the whole conversation. Even if she was there when they realized it was Kyuhyun who took the memory chip, she'd let Sooyoung do all the explaining to Junho.

"What about Dragon Flame? How can you be sure that they are up for it?"  Kim Bum had asked turning towards Junho.

Junho stood from his seat nonchalantly and rubbed his temples with his two index fingers. These whole turn of events had really gone against their original plan and there was no choice but to adjust. "I guess we have to make a bigger offer then. Meeting adjourned."

With that said he left the room first his thoughts still tangled on how to negotiate with Dragon Flame yet again. TOP followed after him knowing that he would be thinking of that.

“Great… it means I have to go back to Dragon Flame then.” So Eun remarked a tinge of hostility seeping from her voice. Kim Bum stiffened in his seat and cast his eyes down on the floor remembering the last time she negotiated with Dragon Flame.

“I’ll go ahead.” Hyoyeon stood from her seat and motioned for Sooyoung to come with her. Yes they knew about the whole, ‘ditch-soeun-for-a-girl’ thing and it’s been a little while since the two of them had talked formally and the boss had decided that now would be a perfect time.

“We’ll call you.” Hyoyeon informed and left the room with Sooyoung closing the door behind them as they left.

When the door made a click So Eun attempted to leave, but Kim Bum rushed from his seat to her place so he can grab her wrist.

“Let go.” She commanded her face stone cold.

“I will not let go until you tell me what’s going on.”

Her back was to him and she didn’t want to turn around to let him see the tears running down her cheeks. “Tell me, how much to you like that girl?” Kim Bum was taken aback by her question. He never expected her to ask him that.

He thoughtlessly loosened his grip around her wrist and she took this opportunity to take her hand back and hug herself so she won’t shake.

“I…” He began but didn’t continue. “Why would…” He trailed off again really confuse with his thoughts at the moment.

“I thought so.” She stated and brought her hands up to whip the tears from her face. She then turned around to face Kim Bum who didn’t notice the tear-stains because of the dim light illuminating the room. “Okay. I forgive you for that stunt you pulled on me, but you are not welcome in my apartment anymore and you are not allowed to call me unless it’s very important.” Her voice was firm and her face was serious. He didn’t know how to react with all her conditions.

He wanted to ask why so badly, but he knew she wouldn’t answer him either way. “Arasso…” He answered and let his eyes trail down on the bandage still wrapped around her small hand. It’s already been a week since that wound was inflected upon her, and even though she was the one who brought it upon herself, it was his fault on why she did it in the first place.

Noticing where his eyes locked on, So Eun swiftly moved her hand away from his sight and shoved it in her jacket pocket. ‘I’ll be going now.” She her heels and left the room before Kim Bum could even open his mouth to say anything.

Sooyoung was exhausted from the meet up and decided to just go home directly. Her feet tread the spacious lawn of their vivacious manor lazily. When she opened the door to their home the first thing she saw made her eyes widened in the of golf balls.

“Changmin!?” She half-screamed when he saw his “project buddy” sitting on one of the couches in their lounge.

Changmin stood up from his seat to bow down to her formally. “Annyeong hasseyo Sooyoung-ah.” He greeted a huge grin plastered on his face. “You’re amazing Sooyoung-ah, I didn’t know you lived in this house.” He roamed his eyes around the spacious lounge of Sooyoung's mansion curiously as she watched him, obviously confused by his presence.

"How'd you know where I lived?" She asked taking one cautious step forward.

"I looked it up on the school records. It wasn't easy trying to convince the lady to show me your documents." He laughed to himself remembering the ridiculous offer he's made to the secretary of the University. In the end, she gave in to his cute charms and showed her Sooyoung's documents.

"I was wondering where you've been fr the past week and since we never got the chance to start with our project I decided to visit you here." He explained. "You're nice butler let me in and I met your mom too. She's really nice. She said she'll be in the kitchen if you need her."

She bobbed her head three times and took a sideway step towards the direction of the kitchen. "Yeah, can you wait for a little bit? I want to talk to my mom." She pointed towards the direction of the kitchen getting ready to take off.

"Okay." He answered and sat back down on the sofa.

Sooyoung wasted no time to sprint towards the kitchen and just as Changmin said, her mom was in the counter making creampuffs.

"Eomma!" Was the first thing that came out of .

"Sooyoung! Have you talked to the nice boy in the living room?" She asked putting the fresh batch of creampuffs inside the oven and taking out those that are already done.

"Eomma..." Sooyoung whined stomping her feet on the ground like a three year old. "You don't even know that boy. Why'd you let him in?"

"He seems nice enough and he said he was your partner in a project. Why don't you invite other kids in your school every now and then?" She suggested.

"I don't want to invite kids from our school. I'm not close with any of them." She approached the freshly baked creampuffs that her mother made.

"That's because you tend to hang out with So Eun and Hyoyeon every after class, even on your free time. It's no wonder why don't have any friends at school."

"I pick my friends and I pick So Eun and Hyoyeon, no further questions neccessary." She implied a little busy in picking one of the cream puffs on the tray.

"I like them honey, but couldn't you be a little more- careful that's hot!"



"I heard you scream. What happened back there?" Changmin asked when Sooyoung emerged from the kitchen.

"I burnt my tongue." She replied her voice a little muffled 'cause of the numbness in her tongue.

He chuckled lightly at her childish act. "Excited?"

She grabbed his collar and yanked him out of the seat. "Whatever. Now let's go get this over with and make that project so that I can get rid of you already." She dragged him towards the grand staircase and up to her room so that they can start planning on their music video project.

Author's Note:

Yeah, I've updated but I was thinking of doing it after the exams, but I won't let you guys wait so I published an unfinished chapter. I was planning on adding more to this chap and maybe HyoHyuk, but I really didn't have time. I'll make it up on the following chapters ^^

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bubble_eyes #1
Chapter 10: Yes!!! Kim so eun!!! I love kim so eun and I'm glad that you have her as one of the 3 ladies...I'll be looking forward for this story and how it will evolve. ^_^
Chapter 10: This fic is awesome! I'm glad I stumbled upon it. It's refreshing to see a mafia fic by a person who's really interested in it, not just someone who makes stuff up and makes assumptions. I like the idea of the three bosses tho. I'm solely here for SoEul no matter how much I love Sooyoung and Hyoyeon OTL. Anyways, update when you can! It's getting interesting~
This is my 2nd time reading a fic where the characters are part of a Mafia...and I <3 IT.
JUNHYO HERE? Oh~!!! ^^
So pretty please update this story c:
im here coz junhyo.. <3 <3
hope more their skinship soon~~
i like eunhyuk too but its just too cute to ignore junhyo couple..
update soon!!
omg... cant wait for the next updateeee YAAAY
that proposal was tempting but
she better be careful ~~
at last you updated^^.i've been waiting 4 ur update.
AngelCloud #8
Kyuyoung will be in the next chap right???? Yes pls xD
HYOHYKUK+CHANGSOO !!!! This chapter is EPIC DIUDE!! LOL at Soo and Minnie! OMG HIME!!! I LOVE YOU SOOOOOOOO MUCHOO!! HAHA. See u on Tue, Mui,.LOL
Hyo is falling for Hyuk ~~~<br />
ChangSoo is loved LOL