


Sooyoung tapped her pen on her chin as she listened to the teacher speak. Although her body was there with them, her soul is far away somewhere thinking of a way to get revenge on Kyuhyun. Tonight was their date in the theatre's and she was thinking of dumping the popcorn allover him in the middle of the in the movie. Or she could trip him as he's standing in line waiting to buy their drinks.

She laughed to herself as all those thoughts ran through her head. She was so caught up with her thoughts that she didn't even hear that the teacher was assigning project partners.

"Shim Changmin and Choi Sooyoung." The teacher called out loud.

Sooyoung snapped out of her fantasies of beating up Kyuhyun when she heard her name being called.

"What?" She had blurted out of no where, but low enough for the teacher to miss. She turned to Changmin beside her. "Why did the teacher call out to us?" She asked him.

"She was calling out project partners." He informed her.

"You mean we're partners?" She questioned and moved her hand back and forth to the both of them.

Changmin nodded his head yes.

"What's the project? Crap I wasn't listening." She panicked.

Changmin gently put his hand on her chin. She cringed at his touch as it sent down shocks of electricity down her spine. He carefully guided her head towards the teacher who was still announcing the mechanics of the project.

"A music video." The teacher had said.

"A music video?" Sooyoung repeated.

"Yeah a music video." Changmin had said.

"For wat the hell is the music video?" She snapped.

"Well, this is an arts school. And this subject is video graphics moderaion." He told her matter-of-factly pointing to the book on top of her desk.

Sooyoung mentally slapped herself for sounding stupid. She was so bent up on plotting revenge against Kyuhyun that she totally forgot about the othert things around her. She pulled herself back up and pretended that she meant to say the things she said and changed the topic. "So when should we work on our project?" She asked him.

"I don't know. I was wondering if you were free tonight because I wanted to talk to you about the whole thing." He suggested.

Sooyoung frowned. "Not tonight. I have to go to the movies with someone." She stated.

Changmin's face dropped. "Oh... with you're boyfriend?"

She laughed. "What? No. The world may end and I will never date that idiot."

His face lit up when he said thta. She stared at him with a cocked eyebrow and wondered why the hell did he react that way.

"Can we exchange phone numbers?" He asked her in a polite manner.

Sooyoung gave out a force laugh. "Ah... that..." She scratched the back of her head and thought about the phone that was currently in Kyuhyun's dispossiton. "Why don't I get back to you on that tomorrow?"

"Okay..." He replied.

When class was over, Sooyoung wasted no time and left the school. Changmin didn't dare bother her when she did.

She went to the place that she so does not want to go to, but have to. The theatre.

Whe she got there, Kyuhyun was waiting for her with a huge grin plastered on his face. "Wipe that off your face." She retorted when she got to him.

"Do I have anything in my face?" He took out his handerchief and wiped his cheeks concsiously.

"Yes." She snapped. "You're idiotic grin. Now let's get this over with. I need to call some important people." She grabbed his wrist and pulled her in the theatre while he was all smiles.

"So did they agree to it?" Junho asked Kim Bum and So Eun.

They were in his house/mansion and everyone one of them was there except Sooyoung. The capos and associates where all outside Junho's office, while TOP Kim Bum, So Eun and Hyoyeon all took up the available seats in Junho's office.

"Yes they did." So Eun answered and sneaked a glare towards Kim Bum. She haven't told anyone about the bail that he did. Not even Hyoyeon.

"You're injured So Eun. Did you get into any trouble with Dragon Flame?" Hyoyeon held So Eun's bandaged hand ad examined it carefully.

So Eun took her hand back and hid it in her coat. "Uhm no... I just caught the wrong end of the knife. No matter. It will heal son." She reassured them.

Kim Bum bowed his head down in shame and didn't look up to meet the eyes of his colleauges.

"It's settled then. We take over next month." Jonghyun instructed.

"Next month? WHy wait that long?" Hyoyeon asked a little taken aback by the decission.

"We'll have to plan this carefully Hyoyeon. We need this to be perfect." Top had informed her.

Hyoyeon nodded her head.

"So are we done here?" Jonghyun asked all of them nodded their heads. "Then this meeting is adjourned."

With that said, Hyoyeon stood from her seat and took out her phone. She started to dial Eunhyuk's number excitedly.

"Who's that Hyo?" Junho asked.

"It's someone I know." She replied and smirked. She left the room abruptly.

So Eun also stood up, but Kim Bum grabbed her wrist to halt her. "Are you still mad?" He asked in a low tone.

The statement caught TOP and Junho's attention. Both of them looked towards Kim Bum and So Eun.

So Eun didn't say anything. She kept looking straight ahead without turning to Kim Bum.

"So Eun-ah..." He started, sounding a little desperate.

So Eun took his hand away from her wrist and went out of the room slamming the door shut with her.

Kim Bum sighed and looked at the ground.

"Wew... looks like you got on her bad side again. Though this time it looks like she won't be talking to you for a while..." ToP comented.

"What did you do Bum?" Junho asked him.

"I did something stupid.." He replied and covered his face with his palms. So Eun was never this ad at him before. Usuall when he pisses her off, she'd just forget about what he did ater a day already. But it looks like she really won't be talking to him for a long time.

So Eun sighed and took a seat on the lounge of Junho's huge mansion. The other capo's associates were loitered around the place. Hyoyeon was beside a huge window talking to her phone, while the boys stayed inside the office.

She thought about Kim Bum and how he wanted to apologize so badly. As much as she wated to forgive him, she can't. He bailed her for a girl. Fr all she knows, he culd bail her to get drunk inside a bar, but for a girl? Somehow a pain in her chest rose up. They've known each other for years already and he chose a girl who can't fight for herself instead of her? What if she wasn't a part of Superbia? Would he bail on his parner just so he can spen time with her?

"So Eun..." A voice from behind her had said.

She turned around only to see Ki Bum's face. "What?" She asked bitterly.

"If there's anything I can do to make it up to you..." He started.

"There's nothing." She snapped and stood from her seat to leave him there.

To be honest, she wanted him to stop seeing that girl. But what is she to him anyways? SHe's erely just his partner.

Author's Note:

No chapter cover for this one 'cause my sister has my laptop where my picture fies are at. And also no facts for this one because I'm too lazy to put one up right now... I have to think of a decent way to end this story so that I can start writing my daragon fic... lol

Also no proofreading, because I type mostly at school nowadays. SOrry for some obvious mistakes xP

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bubble_eyes #1
Chapter 10: Yes!!! Kim so eun!!! I love kim so eun and I'm glad that you have her as one of the 3 ladies...I'll be looking forward for this story and how it will evolve. ^_^
Chapter 10: This fic is awesome! I'm glad I stumbled upon it. It's refreshing to see a mafia fic by a person who's really interested in it, not just someone who makes stuff up and makes assumptions. I like the idea of the three bosses tho. I'm solely here for SoEul no matter how much I love Sooyoung and Hyoyeon OTL. Anyways, update when you can! It's getting interesting~
This is my 2nd time reading a fic where the characters are part of a Mafia...and I <3 IT.
JUNHYO HERE? Oh~!!! ^^
So pretty please update this story c:
im here coz junhyo.. <3 <3
hope more their skinship soon~~
i like eunhyuk too but its just too cute to ignore junhyo couple..
update soon!!
omg... cant wait for the next updateeee YAAAY
that proposal was tempting but
she better be careful ~~
at last you updated^^.i've been waiting 4 ur update.
AngelCloud #8
Kyuyoung will be in the next chap right???? Yes pls xD
HYOHYKUK+CHANGSOO !!!! This chapter is EPIC DIUDE!! LOL at Soo and Minnie! OMG HIME!!! I LOVE YOU SOOOOOOOO MUCHOO!! HAHA. See u on Tue, Mui,.LOL
Hyo is falling for Hyuk ~~~<br />
ChangSoo is loved LOL