once upon a dream

Sugamon Drabbles

A/N: Sorry for the lack of updates, I've been having major writers block. Check end of story for prompt credits.


For as long as he could remember, Min Yoongi had been a big dreamer. His grandfather presented him with a journal for his tenth birthday, simply labeled “Dream Journal”. It didn’t take a genius to figure out what it was for. So every morning, as soon as his alarm clock or the sun stirred him out of slumber, he would record everything he could remember in the journal.

When he was a few months from turning twelve, he started to notice a boy in his dreams. At first this mysterious boy would only be in the background, and then he slowly advanced to being the minor character in Yoongi’s nightly stories. By the time Yoongi was fourteen, he was able to speak to this boy for the first time.

“I’m Yoongi.” He wasn’t sure what pushed him to introduce himself. The boy was only a hallucination. A creation of his imagination. Yet the other boy smiled, and Yoongi heard him speak for the first time.

“I’m Namjoon.”

And then suddenly the dreams were centered around Namjoon. They no longer had the elaborate storylines of the past. Now it was only Yoongi and Namjoon, standing alone together in the swirling abyss that was the dream-center of his mind. Conversations started out short, lasting only a few minutes before Yoongi woke up. He still recorded it all, every single word Namjoon had spoken was scrawled in his notebook. The dream journal was much less of a dream journal than it was a Namjoon journal now, but Yoongi liked it better that way.

Eventually the conversations got longer and more meaningful. Yoongi forgot that Namjoon was only a figment of his complex imagination sometimes, and he couldn’t help but feel a deep sadness whenever he woke up. Sleeping became his favourite part of the day, and when he wasn’t sleeping he was reading his journal, memorizing every word that had ever left Namjoon lips. He began drawing Namjoon too, in a sketchbook he had received for his fifteenth birthday. Every page was filled with different photos of Namjoon, highlighting Yoongi’s favourite features about him. A few times he caught himself staring a bit too long at the deep eyes and plump lips, but quickly shook it off.

When he was sixteen Yoongi realized he had fallen in love with Namjoon. He was no longer weirded out by the thought of Namjoon being a sleep-induced fantasy. He decided that it was better this way, he had Namjoon solely to himself.

It took months for Yoongi to find the strength to say anything to Namjoon. Although he was contained in Yoongi thoughts, there was no way for Yoongi to control Namjoon’s own reactions just as he used to control dreams. With a shaking voice he confessed to Namjoon, and was pleasantly surprised by the gentle pressure of lips against his own moments after. Yoongi woke up that morning happier than he had ever been.

Yoongi just turned seventeen when he realized Namjoon was beginning to fade. When he brought up the fact that Namjoon looked dimmer than usual, the taller just smiled painfully. Yoongi woke up with a pillow soaked with tears, and wrote down what Namjoon had told him with shaking hands. I’ll be leaving you, Yoongi.

Nights were spent with gentle kisses and hand holding, and the two tried their hardest to make best of what little time they had left. It was the day before high school graduation when Yoongi entered his dream and could barely see Namjoon. He failed at stopping a cry from escaping his throat, and almost broke down sobbing at the sad smile that graced Namjoon’s lips. That night was spent without a second of their bodies not close in an embrace, and as Yoongi whispered his final I love you he was pulled back to consciousness.

Namjoon wasn’t there the next night.

It took months for Yoongi to do so little as speak after that. His friends and family had no idea what was wrong, and he had no way of telling them. Every night he fell asleep with the hopes of seeing Namjoon again, but it never happened.

Yoongi eventually recovered somewhat. He still looked at his drawings of Namjoon every night, read the conversations they shared over and over again until he knew every word by heart, but was able to function again. Just as Namjoon would have wanted for him, he was sure.

Yoongi was twenty, and carrying a box up the stairs of what was now his college dorm. He would be living with another man a year younger than him that he did not yet know the name of. The thought of having a roommate scared him. He was never really skilled with socializing, talking to nobody but family and a few close friends unless it was absolutely necessary. His heart raced as he knocked gently on the door, but it came to an immediate halt as soon as it opened.

The male on the other side had blonde hair and looked older, but Yoongi knew it was him.



A/N: Haha, I enjoyed writing this. It's angsty, but still has a happy ending. Prompt credits : http://otpprompts.tumblr.com/post/103580502115/imagine-person-b-is-a-vivid-dreamer-as-well-as

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Namx #1
Chapter 3: Why ......
why do you have to hurt my feels like this
Chapter 10: OMG yesssss ! This update is so precious ! I've never seen that clip about the singles restaurant but it was entertaining and just turning it into a sugamon plot, just yes! I wonder what kind of color Namjoon saw around Yoongi .
Chapter 8: SO GOOD. more pleaseee!!! T_T
Chapter 6: Loved it. Description is A+ <3