Chapter 7

Cupid's Mistake

Dara P0V


Why am I d0ing this again?


That’s the question that is on loop on my mind as I stood outside our new neighb0rs gate & pressed the buzzer.




The answer is obvious. I once again fell over my bominator’s manipulative skills.

Bom baked cookies as a Thank you gift to wooyoung for returning Choco yesterday BUT she proclaimed she won't ever come out the whole day which is weird since she's the type that never stays at home longer than 12hrs (except when she's really sick).


Hmmm...does she have a problem?


But she always tells me if there is, wonder what is it?


Anyway...she begged...more like manipulated me & before I knew.. I'm here awkwardly waiting.


*buzz buzz*


And getting impatient too!!!


Can't they hear the buzzer? It's not that far from the door...maybe-




My heart leaped when I heard a loud crashing sound followed by pained m0ans.


"H-hello? Wooy0ung-shii?"


*n0 answer*


OH MY GOD!! What’s happening inside?!


Without thinking, I leaped over their gate & tried to open the door but it won’t budge!! Heart still beating fast, I peered by the window




Oh My Ghad!! Am I really seeing what I think I’m seeing?


I stood there…frozen…mouth open at the sight of my new hot neighbours…


Wooyoung is on top of Seungho and both are…half n-n-!!


Okay Breathe Dara... Breathe!!!



I dropped the tray of cookies and almost fainted when Seungho smirked & pulled the startled Wooyoung closer…who blushed.


"well well...I never knew you like it rough woo"




She held her breath as she watched them without blinking, anticipating the next scenes.


Wooyoung tried to get up but Seungho pulled him closer again & hugged him tightly.


“don’t worry... I’ll be gentle”




*click click*


I grinned as the photographer in me kicked in & before I knew it, I’ve captured the spazz worthy moment with my handy digicam & already bent down. Grinning & admiring the pictures.


I fanned myself as the surroundings seems to get hot & the fangirl in me spazzes


I can’t take it!! Oh my!! Too much skinship!! The !! THE !! I’m not yet ready for the real deal!!


But…I need to watch!! I need to take more pictures!! This is a rare gift sent for me & I need to appreciate it!!


I peered again, heart now beating excitedly & got disappointed when wooyoung flicked Seungho’s forehead and got up…hmph!! Spoil Sport!!




I hurriedly put the scattered cookies back to the tray when I saw him walked towards the door. I need to hurry or God knows what they’ll do to me when they found out I’m watching them do OR about to do something and took pictures of it.

Despite the situati0n She can't help but giggle at what she disc0vered...Bom will surely love this!



- wazzup everyone!!!! I'm baaaaaaack!!! *evil laugh*

- I'm really soorryyy!!! Aside from the fact that I got so busy with work, I....I...forgot my password for this. heheh sorry ^__^

- yay for new subscribers and new comments!! I hope I still have followers who will read this even if the update is 1 year overdue already.

-'d you all like this chapter? shocking or you really really like it? This chapter will give you an idea where the story is leading on to and honestly I love it but I know i'm still lacking so critics are very much welcome ^.^

- don't really know when I'll update next time cause this is the first time in MONTHS I really was able to get a proper rest day..but i'll try to update next week ^.^

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YangIceTea #1
Stumbled upon this little story when I was looking for seungdara fanfic, which is not much really. :( Loving this! More seungdara pweeeaaseee. :3
Chapter 11: I think this is the first time I commented on this story?? (: your story is really nice!:D I'm torn between Seungdara and Woodara :'( I'm not really comfortable with (I know what it is) so it's so awkward reading guyxguy scenes xD
Chapter 11: wahh at long last seungdara!!! thank you author-nim I love you! hahaha, this is super cute! I love how seungho acts so arrogant! and is dara falling for him??? kekeke oh how I wish for that to happen!

thank you for another amazing update again! fighting!!!
mm0923 #4
Chapter 10: thanks for the update cant wait for more
Chapter 10: wah fast update! thank you author-nim! but....but I'm still on seungdara team woohooo! sorry wooyoung kekeke seungdara~~~~~~
I'm so loving this! keep it up author-nim! fighting! pyong! <333
charlot #6
Chapter 10: my cheeks/jaw are all sore, laughing maniacally here! good one! you're the best even though its woodara moment! *sigh* fees us some seungdara moments too!!
mm0923 #7
Chapter 9: thanks for the update more soon pls
Chapter 9: wahhh I can't believe it! you updated author-nim! wooohooo thank you thank you thank you! and thank you for the mention, I feel honored >_< I'm seungdara deprived too but I still ship them so please don't abandon this fic, we'll wait even if it takes forever for you to update kekeke but please have mercy on your readers.....

haha I'm on seungdara team! fighting author-nim!
charlot #9
Chapter 9: omagash! you've finally updated this! thank you and..i love you 3x a day now..nyihihi..

keep the updates coming and i'll be waiting! we all are!

still rooting for seunghoxdara! dara is so evil here, and im loving every bit of it!
plssss update this pls T_T