Meet the Cast ^.^

Cupid's Mistake

 Bom’s POV


*click click*


I watched Dara busily taking pictures of the couples dancing sweetly on the floor. I can’t help but smile as they gamely kiss & do whatever poses Dara asked them.

The Flaming Retards are still playing…this time a love song.

I looked at the stage & faked a yawn when “Dumb” winked at me.


Flaming Retards or Flaming Desires as what they always insist is a popular alternative rock band not just here in Korea but in whole Asia. All five members live in the same neighbourhood & childhood friends.


The Lead Vocalist is “Dumb” a.k.a Jung Byunghee

We used to be really close until he changed & started pissing me off with his constant flirting.


The Rhythm Guitarist, Vocals & Pianist is “Dumber” a.k.a Lee Joon

He was once a really nice kid who loves following Dara & Me, and then Dumb influenced him with his flirting techniques, that’s why I call him Dumber.


The Bassist is “The Brat” a.k.a Bang Mir

I used to think his Bratty attitude is cute…as a kid. But when he hit adolescence, he became more annoying than cute. I really can’t believe he’s related to my sweet Mingkki.


The Drummer is “Dara’s Pet” a.k.a Yang Yoseob

I think being the drummer suits him, because he’s hyper 24/7 even in his sleep!!

I don’t have any problems with him but he’s closer to Dara…maybe because they have the same brain wavelength? Hahah


Then the ever talented Lead Guitarist is our one & only “Gaetong” a.k.a Park Sanghyun

If there is one thing or person aside from Dara & I are obsessed with, that would  be him….our beloved brother!!

He’s frail & sickly when he was younger so we always fuss over him & protective. Maybe out of habit, that even when he grew taller & stronger than us, we still treat him like a frail baby which irks him to no end especially when we call him Gaetong in public.


*click click*


Dara is now taking pictures of the retards, since there are no more couples dancing & the retards are gamely making ridiculous poses. I chuckled as her pet pouted & whined loudly about Dara ignoring him when she started fussing over Gaetong whi smiled stiffly which made her bark orders on how to smile properly.


“Gaetong!! Smile!! That’s not how we Park Family smile!!” I shouted from my table & laughed loudly when his face turned red.

Hahah…cute!! He’s still embarrassed even though everyone is used to us fussing over him.


“You’re embarrassing him again”


I turned to look at the girl who sat besides me. Oh, here’s another retard…sort of.


CL a.k.a Lee Chaerin. The half sister of Dumb

Why she’s a retard?

Well… she’s actually a nice & really pretty girl but she thinks I’m her one true love!!

She used to say Dara was her one true love & followed her constantly; she even confessed her undying love to her!! But since my sister is not just weird but rather dense as well, she got rejected unintentionally & being the good Unnie that I was, I comforted her which is a mistake since she then turned her obsession over me!!

I don’t have a problem with that since she’s not the annoying stalker type. I just think she shouldn’t waste her pretty face on another pretty face (hah) and she’s just confused. Growing up with boys like Dumb doesn’t help too.


“Embarrassing? It’s Dara that’s embarrassing…. I mean look at her!!”


I pointed at Dara who now went up on stage & started singing alongside Dumb, replacing Dumber on the piano.

I face palmed as our neighbours cheered for her, making her beam & sing more hyperly. God!! Why did you give me this kind of sister?!


 CL chuckled & was about to answet when Dumber appeared & placed his arms around her.


“Yo Chaerin wazzup? How are you? Still thinking noona will- oof!!”He grunted as CL elbowed him.

“” CL sneered

“Ow!! That hurts Chaerin!!”

“Stop calling me that!! Only Dara & Bom unnie can call me that”

“Okay… I’ll just call you Lesbo then”

“Why you !!”


I shook my head & stood up as the two engaged in their usual “conversations”

I glanced at the stage & saw Sanghyun’s face darkened. What’s he looking at?

I followed his gaze & shook my head again. Aish… these boys!!

They should tell her soon so that she’ll wake up & stop bugging me.







I looked back at the stage sharply and saw Dara…sprawled on the floor….again.

Face down while her precious camera held high & safe.


“I’m Okay!!” she shouted still sprawled on the floor.


I stared amusedly at the commotion she created. The band members & some people rushed to help her up. Her pet in particular knocked down his drum set & jump to her aid and landed on the floor… first!!




I laughed loudly as his face contorts in pain & embarrassment!! Oh God!! They really have the same brain wavelength!!


She probably jumped off stage & fell…clumsily….again.

I’m no meanie but I’m now used to the pain that girl can inflict on herself.

Ghad!!! She even almost drowned herself with the garden hose!!


Oooohhh…what’s this?


I stopped laughing when a guy stood in front of Dara and helped her up.


New neighbour? Hmm…not bad. Not bad at all.


I studied him from head to foot & smirked as Dara gawked at him. Dara who never ever gawk at guys!!

I walked towards them.


This is interesting. Guess this party is not so bad after all.




A?N: busy!! busy!! busy!! ^.^

@sheinn2ne1: yay!! thanks for the comments here & at my other fic. I really really appreciate it... I'm ChaeRa bias but I can't see them as sisters...maybe friends but never sisters so Park Sisters is just perfect right? ^.^

@mangofrenzyyy: of course I remember you!! ^.^ you are one of those short commenters but each of your comments is greatly appreciated especially on your comment on SangChae chapter on my other fic..I remember that clearly "It's worth shedding tears for" That comment made me happy ^.^

@cupidzangel: thank you!! thank you for the comments!! ^.^ I'm loyal to WooDara but obsessed right now with SeunghoxDara so making this fic. is soo hard. so don't be confused when some chapters seems WooDara bias & some are SeungDara biased. that's my fangirl heart fighting!! ahahah ^.^

-Who's the guy that helped dara?'ll all soon find out ^.^ 










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YangIceTea #1
Stumbled upon this little story when I was looking for seungdara fanfic, which is not much really. :( Loving this! More seungdara pweeeaaseee. :3
Chapter 11: I think this is the first time I commented on this story?? (: your story is really nice!:D I'm torn between Seungdara and Woodara :'( I'm not really comfortable with (I know what it is) so it's so awkward reading guyxguy scenes xD
Chapter 11: wahh at long last seungdara!!! thank you author-nim I love you! hahaha, this is super cute! I love how seungho acts so arrogant! and is dara falling for him??? kekeke oh how I wish for that to happen!

thank you for another amazing update again! fighting!!!
mm0923 #4
Chapter 10: thanks for the update cant wait for more
Chapter 10: wah fast update! thank you author-nim! but....but I'm still on seungdara team woohooo! sorry wooyoung kekeke seungdara~~~~~~
I'm so loving this! keep it up author-nim! fighting! pyong! <333
charlot #6
Chapter 10: my cheeks/jaw are all sore, laughing maniacally here! good one! you're the best even though its woodara moment! *sigh* fees us some seungdara moments too!!
mm0923 #7
Chapter 9: thanks for the update more soon pls
Chapter 9: wahhh I can't believe it! you updated author-nim! wooohooo thank you thank you thank you! and thank you for the mention, I feel honored >_< I'm seungdara deprived too but I still ship them so please don't abandon this fic, we'll wait even if it takes forever for you to update kekeke but please have mercy on your readers.....

haha I'm on seungdara team! fighting author-nim!
charlot #9
Chapter 9: omagash! you've finally updated this! thank you and..i love you 3x a day now..nyihihi..

keep the updates coming and i'll be waiting! we all are!

still rooting for seunghoxdara! dara is so evil here, and im loving every bit of it!
plssss update this pls T_T