Your Part Of Me

Dangerous Painful Love

It was already morning and I d didn't go to college I was laying down. Completely just like yesterday I was very weak. I couldn't move or do something. 

I was completely destroyed and couldn't even call someone to help me. All my friends hate me and thinks imma murder. But that's not true what's gone into me. I really need someone to help me. All my friends were college. And I don't know anyone except them. Their the one left after my parents pass out. Suddenly I can feel the room was getting cold. I said plz not again leave me alone I'm tired of it. I felt the coldness up to my body. And I can now feel all the coldness inside my body. Now I can't control my self anymore. Suddenly I heard a voice said I can't


leave u do u understand. I can't leave u I love u and u love me too. I said are u trying to hurt me. And he say no I'm trying to help u. U can't stand up or do something. So I came to help u.


I told him I don't need ur help I'm just like that cuaz of u. That's all cuaz of u. Plz can u tell me what have I done to u why are u hurting me. I thought u love me. Where is ur love for me. Hu tell me. I loved u too. He say I didn't mean to hurt u at all. All I want from u is love and want u to love me back. I said I did loved u. I loved u with out even seen ur real face. I can feel the coldness on my heart. It was hurting just a little not very much. 

I told him what do u want me to do to u to make u feel good. I told u I love u. And u still hurting me. He was feeling a little angry and he say. I told u I'm not hurting u. And it was hitting more and more cold and my heart was getting hurt again. Uhhh god help me. 


I don't know what should I do. He told me that he love me and say its a long story. And that he will tell me everything one day. But he will love me for ever and he will never leave me. He got out and everything came back normal. I was feeling pain in my whole body not just my heart.    And I couldn't think at all. Also I couldn't remember anything. I started crying of the pain and of the whole think that's happening to me.            The whole time I was crying and saying why why why is this happening. 


After hours : 

I came back to normal and everything was normal like there's nothing bad happened. I made food and set on a table. I started eating. And suddenly I heard a door knock. I opened the door and I was very surprised abt what I was seeing. It was ken on the door. I just say KEN!!           And he say what? Are not going to let me in. I'm a visited I'm ur friend hongbin. God the way he say my name is like I heard it somewhere.        


HB : did u know .....where I live. He said that's easy dude. I just know and that's it. He say so how are u. HB : I'm fine how abt u. He say I'm more then fine. HB : god I'm just surprised that ur here ken. He say u will see me here alot . me and u became one part right?? I quickly said what ? What do u mean by that? K : I mean we became friends too. HB : oh yeah.


Suddenly we both heard a knocks on the door. I went to opened the door. It was all my friends they came up to me and hugged me. And say were sorry we left u that long. Bang say its OK he didn't mean it. And we know that u didn't meant it. I said its OK. HB : and where is bang. While I said bangs name. I looked around and ken wasn't here were did he go. I was surprised. 


Bang came up to me and hugged me. Suddenly I heard a voice saying let go of him now. And I left him and let go of him. I told him what ever I did last time Im very sorry. Ok .


I was still feeling weird abt ken where did he go. N : hugged me and say I'm sorry brother. I say its ok. And we all came back together like nothing bad had happened.

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XiuChann #1
Chapter 20: Oh my gosh
I_luvTHAwayUlie #2
Oh my gosh im definitely checking it out later
ying_luu #3
Chapter 8: Wow this is toucking
ying_luu #4
Chapter 7: That's definitely surprising
ying_luu #5
Chapter 6: Wow Ken is so strong Omo I love this
ying_luu #6
I'm definitely checking out
ying_luu #7
Omo this is so amazing I love it
YoungKaiSoo #8
Chapter 6: Hongbin needs help omo
YoungKaiSoo #9
Chapter 6: Oh my god this is not good what ken is doing
YoungKaiSoo #10
Chapter 5: Wow.....