was surprising....

Dangerous Painful Love

Morning : 

I stood up this morning and was very tired. I went alone to school. And was very tired and even I didn't want to go. But I don't wanna miss.        When I entered the class everyone was there already. I saw joon and ravi were weird abt me and they were very surprised abt what I did yesterday. I saw this weird name named ken was sitting and starring at me every time. I just wanna know what does he want from me. Why is he starring at me everytime it make me really annyoing. Does he know me have I done something to him. Or what have he see me anywhere.   I wender what is he thinking abt right now.when he's looking at me. We learned a lot of stuff and we were working very hard.                                Suddenly I looked and saw those stupid guys looking at me they were bothering me when they look like that. And I looked at ken with his


weird eyes those evil eyes remained me of something stupid happened to me. I was keeping on looking into his eyes and I remembered something like ken was kissing me. Suddenly he knew I was feeling that and he changed his look and my eyes started hurting me and I forgot the memory. And after I look he wasn't looking. I got up from my set and went to the restroom. I went to wash my face and forgot those stupid memories. And I starred at the mirror. And suddenly the door of the restroom opened. And it was those guys who always look for


problems. I sight and try to get out put actually they didn't let me they pushed me away. And try to do something bad put I pushed them back. And they laughed in a mean way. And they were laughing. I hit and hit like babies. That don't know what to do. I was afarid of them if they do something bad to me I swear I won't serviove and also I would die.


The locked the door of the restroom and. They say hey hongbin remembered the first time I asked u abt ur name u didn't tell us and now I know it. Today u will love this thing that I will give u ok. Trust me will like it. And I know that I won't escape from those animals. I said oh no no plz don't plz I BAG U PLZ NOOOO. There were four. One covered my mouth and the other one hold my hands and the other one my legs. 

I was crying and don't know what do. And quickly before that man do something I saw ken I front of me and. All he did to these men starring that's all he give them an evil gaz and say let's go they all backed away with scaredness. I was very surprised.

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XiuChann #1
Chapter 20: Oh my gosh
I_luvTHAwayUlie #2
Oh my gosh im definitely checking it out later
ying_luu #3
Chapter 8: Wow this is toucking
ying_luu #4
Chapter 7: That's definitely surprising
ying_luu #5
Chapter 6: Wow Ken is so strong Omo I love this
ying_luu #6
I'm definitely checking out
ying_luu #7
Omo this is so amazing I love it
YoungKaiSoo #8
Chapter 6: Hongbin needs help omo
YoungKaiSoo #9
Chapter 6: Oh my god this is not good what ken is doing
YoungKaiSoo #10
Chapter 5: Wow.....