Cherry (벚나무) & Red Rose (레드 로즈) - APPLY CLOSED

Congrats to K-popLover18 ^^ 





Kim Seo Hee


May 18th 1995
Full Korean
Seoul, South Korea
Frozen Yogurt, Butterflies, Black, Purple, Lollipops
Chocolate, Roses, Green, Perky People, Green Eyes
Rapping, Writing, Dancing, Reading, Drawing
Seo Hee is a very dark girl. She doesn't talk much and just practices and trains. She has a bad past that she doesn't like to share. She only speaks when spoken to and doesn't smile often. People thinks she's so weird and why is she a trainee in the first place because they've never really seen her train, so they assume she but she doesn't. She doesn't care what other people think about her because she's been through worst. She's very cold to people she doesn't know. That's how she is on the outside to strangers. But she does have a friend who understands her, when she's around people she's comfortable with she is a fun and loud girl you can never imagine her to be. She and her brother are closer than ever but even she has trouble trusting him and her best friend. She can be very sweet and caring when she opens up, she doesn't laugh much around people and can understand why people call her a weirdo and that she doesn't belong in the the music industry but shes truly talented if only someone gave her the chance.

Congrats to LumosFeather15 ^^ 




Han Chul Young
28th December 1995
Guangzhou, China
The darkness, dancing, online games, cotton candies and chocolates
Sports, waking up early, homework assignments, the grass, insects
Sleeping, surfing the web, playing, reading, writing
Chul Young is never seen without a smile plastered on her face, she is always luring people to fall for her (in an innocent way) with her bubbly and happy-go-lucky appearance. Once an addict, always an addict; Chul Young is a fan of RuneScape. She plays it 24/7 and is always on her laptop, typing away on the keys. Her name and the term 'books' do not go well together. Even though she is an average student, she does not like to study for her exams. Chul Young tends to finish her given tasks at the last minute, her ultimate bad habit. She is an early bird for her online games, especially RuneScape. She is a netizen, spending most of her time surfing the web. Chul Young is more tomboy than girlish; she does not wear short and frilly skirts and dresses that often, she is more of a jeans and shorts person. Chul Young has a sweet tooth, she likes to eat candies and sweet stuffs, much to the dismay of her parents. She has a sharp tongue, often hurting people with her words unintentionally. But once you get to know her, she appears to be a hundred and eighty degree different.
Bi-polar Nymph

Congratulations to fayeappler !

Kim Mi Cha
Channie, PiChan, Mi Cha
December 9, 1995
Busan, Korea
-Chocolate, -Acessories, -Places with water like the beach, -Cute things, -Taking Selcas
-Bullies, -Bugs, -Heights, -Flying, -People who judge others by appearances
-Cooking, -Taking Selcas, -Writing Songs and Stories, -Reading, -Swimming
Mi Cha is a very friendly and agreeable person. You rarely see her without a smile on her face. She is a very entertaining person and you can never get bored with her around. She can always find something to talk about, even the most stupid thing, and make it sound interesting.She is naturally talented and smart so school came easily for her. Also because she is smart she can start a conversation and make it flow without any problems. This also helps her solve others' love problems. She gives out very good advice even though she's still very young. Too bad when it comes to her love life she doesn't know what to do. Since she is smart she can be unpredictable and confusing at times. She is kind and caring but is also kind of feisty. She doesn't trust people easily, you have to earn her trust. From first sight you might think that shes one of those dumb pretty girls but she isnt. Shes usually one of the top three students in her grade. She is kind of childish.She is a hard worker. She won't hesistate to hurt people if they hurt her loved ones. She may seem innocent but she can be very dangerous if she wants. She has a bit of a temper. She isn't afraid to show her emotions around others. She loves a good challenge and won't back down from one if she is challenged. If you play truth or dare with her she will mostly pick dare and whatever the dare is you can positive she will do it without hesitation. That sometimes make her friends worry about her. Sometimes she acts more mature than the others around her. She is very overprotective of her friends. She is a bit rebellious, you may sometimes see her skipping class every now and then because she already knows the topic and doesn't need to review it anymore. Her school doesn't care though because they know she doesnt need to be in that class during that time. She has always loved singing and was naturally good at it. Don't let her looks fool you because you might just be surprised of what she is really like. She is a great actress so don't get caught in her act.
Stage Name  
Mi Cha
Fanclub Name  
The Sweet Devil
Congratulations to SunnyShidae! ^^ 


Im Danbi
Ivy (her english name)
Full Korean
New York
-Dancing in the rain - Freestyle rapping - Football - Imitating people - Fashion - Wearing male t-shirts and coats - Playing guitar 
- People, who whine - Clingy people - Men, who don't use perfume - Gossip - Fish - Nonstylished people
- Singing - Dancing - Reading - Photography - Cooking 
This girl is no joke. It will be really hard for someone to become her real friend. She is cold and rude, but if you really mean something to her, she will do everything for you. However, to become person who means something to her, you need lots of time. If person hurts her or lies to her, even once, he will never become her friend. She likes to be alone. She can't easily enter new company and she slightly envies those people, who can. She's been through lot, so she is tough and ready for any obstacles. People she her as confident person, but inside she is shy and afraid - but she'll never show it. Has very cold stare, so at first people are kind of scared of her. In childhood had a best friend, who meant everything to her, but then she realized that friend was just using her. Since then she is living life for herself and her sister, since she is the only person who've been through everything with her and never left her. Loves sister more than herself. When she starts to talk to unknown person, feels herself uncomfortable, but this person somehow starts to tell her about his problems, private life and etc. It has been numerous times, and she still doesn't understand why this happens. You better not get into conflict with her, because then your life will not be as happy as it was. She will tell you nasty comments, make fun of you and etc. She doesn't cry in front of people - she does it only alone with sad music on. When she is in company with her friends, she is really 4D person - she will tell jokes with serious face expression , which makes people laugh like crazy. Most of all she likes to dance . Almost every Saturday goes clubbing. She is an AB type, so she has an honor to be part of Chocoball. She is as unique as this blood type. She's absolutely different inside and outside. She might be a bit straight-forward, but people are accostumed to it, so they don't get angry. Danbi if afraid that no one will ever consider her as real singer, she will be always called "Yoona's sister". She already had such an experience and is afraid that it will happen again. Danbi has an exceptional voice, which makes you feel that girl had been through a lot. Her voice is husky, seductive, but she also can reach high notes. She sings with emotions, she is able to move audience's heart. She also can play guitar very well. Although she is really attractive, she hadn't dated a lot. 
The Devillish Beauty
Congrats to havana1803 ^^ 


Kang Ha Ni
March 18, 1993
Amusement Park, Kids, Music, White Chocolate, Milk
Darkness, Lazy Person, Messy things, Thunder, Smoker
Listening to Music, Singing, Composing, Cooking/Baking, Playing Instruments [Piano & Guitar]
Hanny is not really smart but she’s fast learner and diligent, she also likes to keep her surrounding clean and neat. She is pure and calm. People say she is like untouched, white paper. She’s mature, friendly and fun to be with. She’s down to earth. She's very nice and polite to everyone she meets. She always has a smile on her face making others happy just looking at her. She’s amazing when it comes to work, she becomes shy in front of any guys she’s interested in and her mind goes blank all of the sudden. She can do nothing right and absolutely clueless when it comes to love. Hanny is very friendly and likes making friend, that’s why many people like Hanny and want to be Hanny’s friend. Hanny is also a very good secret keeper. You could tell any secret to Hanny and she won’t spill. She can talk forever with anyone who is willing to talk with her. Sometimes she holds grudges on people, but she easily forgives them after. Hanny loves seeing people laugh and smile. She gets along easily with others. Hanny is honest, maybe a bit too honest sometimes which is often leads her to a problem/misunderstanding. Hanny doesn't like to talk about her feelings, yet even show how she feels other than happy. She doesn't like to show or tell anyone her feelings because she doesn't want anyone to worry about her. She keeps everything that does not consist of happiness bottled up inside of her. No one really knows what she's thinking, because she always has a smile on her face, so people think she's always happy. She can see through most people and read them, just with a little conversation. She can be very absent minded and forgetful of everything. She is determined to get what she wants. She doesn’t like to be like everyone else. People usually become fond of her easily because of her open personality and warm nature. She doesn’t fall in love easily and prefer casual relationships but when she loves someone, it’s deep, full and unconditional. Her family and friends are the ones who are most important to her. Hanny can sometimes blurt things that come to her mind. That sometimes gets her in trouble but she laughs about it in the end. She tends to nag people for little things, especially hygiene. She's a perfectionist and will keep working at it until she gets it perfect. Hanny has a calm and soothing aura around her at all time, and people tend to find her fascinating. She`s good at giving advice, but tend not to take her own advice. Crying is her major weakness. She hates crying period, because it just too hard for her to hold back her tears when she is sad. Hanny is someone who will try to calm and soothe in any situation.
Pure Goddess/Calm Umma
Whew, done! 
Anyway, SunnyShidae will be handling Red Rose XD 
Who's your favorite member? LOL 
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I lol-ed at the " Yeah . Yeah , Grumpy old man . " part .
Oh yeah .... WE CAN DO IT CHERRY ! * evil laughter * HAHA :P

To : Author-nim
Relax , we readers will understand that if your busy , of course you won't be able to update :)
( it makes sense right ? )
@normaltoast : Yayy! Classes in summer? Ohh so you're a freshman ^^
Don't worry author-sshi, we're all busy T^T Cherry will debut soon yay!


I just got my mock PSAT scores back (I'm a freshman) and my dads signing me up for classes ALREADY in the Summer, oh gosh kill me .__.
ahhhh so it's wooyoung~~ i see~~ *wink wink*
OH! and youngmin!! awww~
waahh~ we already have fans!! daebak!!!!
hahahahaha chullie and youngmin are soo awkward yet sweet~~ XD
the dress is so pretty~~ sunny and chullie are so pretty too~XD
yess~~ thats right!! danbi and khun are cute together~~
omo!! junho!! O.O
omgomgomg!! he asked danbi out!!!! XDXD
danbi is so popular~~~~ XD
who stole my phone???!! O.O
OH.MY.GOD. YUNHO SUNBAENIM!!! asdfghjkbvcvbnmgfgh O//////////O
he lent me his phone!!! sdfghjkjbnk
thanks God, Micha found it!!!!! *relieved*
Yunho... oppa? omgomgomgomg asdfghj bjkbjcvbjhb
"Jung Yunho has my number and wants to call me today" *brb dying*
yeaaayyy debut time!! omg! nervous nervous~~
but we did it!!! yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!!!! >O<
awwww~ they are here for us!!
omg! woohyun!! sdfghjkm xhcbfcjidsxb >///////////////////////<
taejun oppa~ you should listen to my explaination T.T
jonghyun is seohee's brother who is also my best friend, Daebak!! XD
nugu?? who's he chullie?? *curious* ><
huahahaha micha and key are so cute~~XD
awww Danbi and Khun~ <3
They're all so happy! Atfirst I was sad that Kibum couldn't come to Red Rose's debut but then he did but I wonder who the person Chullie was talking about when she was searching for someone.
uwahhh~ new member?? welcome to Red Rose Micha~~^^<br />
hahaaha yes thats right, another baby~~ :3<br />
OMG!! Nickhun!!! sfghlnbvcxcvbnklnj kyaaaaaa XD<br />
omo~ Danbi and Nichkhun??? O///O<br />
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~~~ *curious curious*
Omg. A new member and lol they got caught. Danbi and Nickhun seems to be hitting it off. *wink wink*
Update! Haha. Don't worry, I don't blame you, I have exams and tests to worry about :/ <br />
<br />
New member to Red Rose? :o