Verse 10.

A stroll in the park
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sky with the most beautiful orange and red tones, slowly fading into purple and black. People were walking on the street, couples and students, old married men with their grandchildren and newlyweds.

˝Watcha starin' at?˝- Dok2 plopped next to her and „yawned“. She rolled her eyes and allowed him to put his arm around her. She even nestled into him.


˝I love my city˝

˝I miss it˝

˝Then stay˝

˝With what job? I was turned down˝- Dayanara said pouting. The last five days flew as fast as the wind between Seuls' skyscrpers.  She spent her days with Dok2 and met his crew and his closest friends, there weren't many of those. Yesterday she went for her job interview and was flat out rejected. Too old. How was somone too old for marketing and managment?

˝What are your skills Miss Dayanara?˝

˝Punching you, annoying you, sending you kakao emoticons in  the wee hours of the night˝- Dayanara laughed and mock punched Dok2 in the face.

˝Funny, no wonder everyone wants to hire you˝


˝Ho hoo, somone changed heey to yaah˝

˝You and your Koreans˝

˝So I'm not Korean˝

˝You're mixed˝- Truth was Dok2 was Korean, Spanish and Filipino! No wonder she found him so special and cute. ˝You're soo cute!˝- Pinching his cheek she smiled at him ˝I'm so glad I get to see you again˝

˝I hoped I'd see you again, I even dreamed about it and how I'd be rich and be able to buy you

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Chapter 10: Aww I loved this!! :D Great job! I loved how you developed the characters and wrote Dok2's story; the whole thing was great :D
Chapter 10: I am a big fan of DoK2, and when you tried to at least retell what kind of life DoK2 had before, oh it ing made me cry! And yes, DoK2 is the kind of person who never forgets the people he loves. Hands up to this story!
Chapter 10: OMG! This was real good...!!! I loved had humor also which I like!
Gearhead66 #4
Chapter 10: Love it! So cute .,