The New World

Through the Lightbox
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"What. It's me. Now who are you?" 

"'s me...Kris..."

"Kris?? Why'd you throw the stick at me?"

"Because I thought you were dead so I got mad and threw a stick at the yellow rectangle..."

"HAHA, anyways the yellow rectangle isn't a yellow rectangle. It's a portal. I'm in a completely different world. It seems a lot better than the icy desert that we were in."

" if i touch this yellow rectang - I mean portal - I'll be transported to where you are?"

"Yeah, you should. Just be careful about your footing after you pass through."


Kris took a deep breath and started towards the portal. He felt the icy wind starting to blow across his shoulders and heard the ice crunching underneath his feet. Warmth drew closer to him and he extended his hand out. The snow disappeared.

"Kris." Someone was shaking his body. "Kris. Are you ok? You just entered through the portal."

Kris opened his eyes and his breath was taken away. It seemed like a paradise. Crystal clear water flowed in streams and a jungle of trees grew in abundance to the left. To the right was a beach, with sand and ocean water sparkling and rippling. "Woah" was all he could spit out.

"I know right, this is pretty great. However, there are two sad things. Number 1, I have no idea where we are. And number 2, I don't know if we will be able to get back." But Kris had already started to run towards the b

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