Corridor confrontation

High school drama

It was Friday morning. If it was my choice, I would just stay in bed all day but my dad was very strict with me so I would still have to go to school even if I had the worst cold on earth but no matter, I’m going in today with a clear mind and a positive one too. Gotta stay focused and get down to work. Everyone said hello to me in our form room, except for J-hope, he wasn’t even in the room. That’s very unusual for him as he’s usually the first one to arrive.

“Hey Hyobin! Me and Jongdae had the best time last night, fancy restaurant and everything” she looked around the room. “Ok, is it me or is J-hope like, not here?” Je mi was just as confused as I was so I just shrugged my shoulders. As soon as we all sat down for registration, J-hope ran in just on time and sat down away from us in the middle row, not even acknowledging my existence, or Je mi’s, not even Jongdae’s. I couldn’t even be asked to approach him. The bell rang at 9:15 for our morning period, my favourite subject ever, English. Awesome(!). We all didn’t have English in the morning, only me. I sat down at the front by myself. We had a substitute teacher this morning since our teacher, Mr Hoon, was ill so we all practiced exam papers. We had 45 minutes to do it and I was ready to rock. 15 minutes in, I was so in the zone, I was actually enjoying doing the paper, still focused of course. Before I knew it, the bell rang again to go to our next class. I managed to finish the paper in time so hopefully when I get my result back, there will be some sort of improvement. I wiggled my way through tons of students in the corridor to get to Maths class. Jongdae caught me up.

“J-hope’s not talking to me Hyobin. What’s wrong with him? He might be your friend but he’s not only my friend, he’s in my entourage and it doesn’t help my image if he’s ignoring me. What have you said Hyobin?”

“What do you want me to say Jongdae?” I snapped back. “There’s that one thing you know you’re not clean about and believe me, I have no problem at all telling J-hope as well as your precious Je mi so I don’t think you should be coming at me like this. You know what? I’m not gonna say a thing. Je mi’s already suspicious since I nearly spat it out yesterday” I saw Jongdae going white as a ghost.

“Well you’re just gonna make something up right?”

“I’m very unpredictable Jongdae, we both know that”

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