Confessions of teenage drama teens

High school drama

We all arrived at a bar which was simply called “The b@r”. Since we all looked so fabulous, the bouncer let us into our own VIP spot. I decided to pay for all the drinks as a treat and also because the drinks weren’t expensive so why not? 1st round: we started easy with soft drinks. I had lemonade, Jongdae and J-hope had Coke and Je mi had water, how basic.

“Toast to our final night of freedom!” we cheered and clinked our glasses. Jongdae was ready for the 2nd round: vodka shots!

“I’ll have the lightest shot possible please” Je mi couldn’t help but laugh at J-hope’s timidness. “Come on! Stop being such a wimp. We didn’t come here to sit back and relax, we are here to get wasted so drink up like you used to!” Je mi wasted no time and scoffed two shots down and so did I. J-hope only started off with one but Jongdae was way ahead having drunk 5 vodka shots. Double! 7 double shots later, we all were drunk out of our skin but as we all are hardcore drinkers, I ordered the last lot of drinks: Triple sec. Jongdae barely stood up, half dazed ready to speak.

“As the ringleader of this grape, I mean group, I... would like to make a toast... to my girlfriend Mi Je. She is the life of my love and... You complete me”

I could tell Jongdae was the most drunk because he never cries but he did this time. I was far too intoxicated to even correct his dreadful grammar either, it was fine for tonight. J-hope gathered his brain together and managed to start a conversation. “I want all of us to reveal something nobody knows, honest truth, right now”

“I’ll go first!” Je mi woozily stood up and said her confession.

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