Home truths revealed

High school drama

“You know when I said that I would never do anything crazy? Well my super secret confession is... I have a tattoo of all of our names down my back” I was in shock. Je mi? Tattoos?! “No way! Lemme see! J-hope bumped into the table whilst running towards Je mi’s back. The proof was there, all of our names were inked in curly writing on her back. We all swallowed down a triple sec in honour of her greatness. “Me next!” it was my turn. So many things were running through my head so I just said the 1st thing that came up.

“Now I love you all soooooooo much, especially the perrrfect coupling, JeDae, that’s my new combo name for y’all” before I continued my Grammy award winning speech, through my blurred eyes, I could see a concerned look on Jongdae’s face but I carried on talking “You are beautiful Je mi and my super secret confession is so awesome, I think Jongdae should do the honours” J-hope knew what was coming, Je mi had a widened smile on her face, ready for the surprise.

“Come on Jongdae, reveal my confession, you’re the only one who knows it”

“I think Hyobin’s had enough to drink, it’s a big surprise that shouldn’t be revealed” J-hope rudely interrupted me. Jongdae turned to Je mi. “It’s nothing big babe, trust me”

“YES IT IS! You honestly think that someone is easy to forget?!” I even shocked myself on what just came out of my mouth. The atmosphere went still and cold, J-hope tried to hug me but I pushed him off and had more Triple sec whilst I saw the chaos start to unfold. “W-What is she saying Jongdae?” “Erm... Je mi, you know Hyobin’s totally wasted, she’s crazy you know” “TELL ME THE TRUTH! What is she talking about? Tell me now or I will leave you right here, right now” from my limited vision, I saw that Je mi had tears rolling down her face.

“Fine! At a house party, before we got together, me and Hyobin slept together. It... it was only once”

“It’s all true girl. Keep it coming Jongdae, tell her the best part” Je mi moved away and slid over next to me. Her face read it all; she couldn’t bear to hear anymore. “Hyobin wanted to leave the party but, I didn’t let her. My anger got the better of me and I...” Jongdae hesitated on his words, J-hope was just looking at him in horror. “I was angry and... I her” Je mi dazedly walked out of the bar and went outside, crushed by what she just heard.

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