Get ready to drink into oblivion

High school drama

After a long afternoon, I didn’t bother to wait for anyone and I rushed home to get ready for our last night of freedom. My dad was doing a night shift til 5am the next morning so by the time I got home; he was at work so he wouldn't know that I was gone. I put on a black, short sleeve, knee-length dress accompanied with navy blue stilettos. I got my jacket, my keys and loads of money for drinks. Ready to go. Jongdae’s house was around a 10 minute walk away, we all lived near each other which were good because I can’t walk in high heels for miles. I rang the doorbell, Jongdae answered the door. He stared me up and down at what I was wearing, kinda like the look he gives Je Mi but I pretended not to notice.

“Dressing for me Hyobin?” Jongdae said in his flirtatious voice.

“Get a life man” I chuckled, barged past him and sat in the lounge. Not even 5 minutes later, the doorbell rang again and it was Je mi looking amazing in a black and white silk dress with a mini plunge and red strapped shoes. J-hope came at the same time as her. For some reason, I couldn’t take my eyes off him... he looked horrible! A blue checked shirt, dark blue skinny jeans and trainers he used to wear for sports. As soon as Jongdae got his keys, we were ready to drink ourselves into oblivion.

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