W is also for Wrong

MyungJong's Dictionary





1. deviating from truth or fact


2. out of order; awry; amiss



“Myungsoo! What’s this?” Sungjong asked.

“That’s a blank canvas.” Myungsoo explained.

“And this?” Sungjong asked.

“Paint buckets.” Myungsoo replied.

“Uwah!” cried Sungjong as he dipped his fingers on the paint. “It’s liquid!”

“Is this the first time you’ve seen painting tools?” Myungsoo asked as he smiled at the childish angel.

“Yup.” smiled Sungjong. “I only come down here to Earth to work and not play.”

“Is that what angels only do?” Myungsoo asked as he tried to clear some of the things of his table. “All work and no play? That’s kind of boring.”

“We could play if we want.” Sungjong replied as he wiped the paint onto a cloth, adding another color onto the cloth rag. “I just want to finish so that I could get my reward.”

“Reward?” Myungsoo said as he looked up from inside the fridge trying to look for a non instant dinner for the two of them. Luckily his mom made him a week’s worth of kimchi jigae before she left. He then placed it into the microwave then sat down on the chair. “What kind of reward do angels get?”

“When we help 777 people we get to be reincarnated.” the angel replied happily as he sat down along with Myungsoo as they waited for the kimchi to heat in the oven.

"How many people have you helped already?" Myungsoo asked.

"Byunghyun was my 777th." Sungjong replied proudly. "Which is why I need to find my wings soon so I could report back to heaven."

"Do you really want to be reincarnated that badly?" Myungsoo asked as he took the Kimchi jigae out of the microwave and then placed it in front of the two of them.

"Well yeah." the angel replied as he watched the human serve him food. "It's not like I have anyone special up there like how Yongguk-hyung has Himchan-hyung to stop me from being reincarnated." [A/N: I ship BangHim! do you?]

"So you have a choice." the handsome painter mused. "So don't you think it's better if you stayed up there than live down here?"

"After being an angel for a few centuries you'll also long to be human." Sungjong said as he ate the kimchi only to drop it out of his mouth. "Hot!!"

"Well of course it's hot." Myungsoo laughed as he handed his some tissue. "It's straight out of the microwave."

"Well how should I know that that box thingy makes things hot." Sungjong pouted like a little kid.

"Here." Myungsoo then blew a little on the kimchi jigae and when he determined it was cool enough he handed a spoonful towards Sungjong. "Say ahh~"

"I'm not a kid you know, and just because I look like this doesn't change the fact I'm 396." Sungjong announced but nonetheless opened his mouth for Myungsoo. "Uwah! So good~"

"And you said you weren't a kid." chuckled Myungsoo softly so that the angel, who is now happily eating the cooled down jigae, wouldn't hear.


The next day…

“So when did you last have your necklace?” Myungsoo asked as they strolled down Seoul U’s hallways.

“Before I fainted.” Sungjong replied as he looked around everywhere like a little kid who was being given a tour. He also smiled at every person that looked at him directly which was quiet many since the news of prince Myungsoo’s break up has now spread all over the campus and now he’s already got another person beside him.

“Where did you faint?”

“Somewhere in your campus.”

“Where in this campus?”

“I think it was in a building.” Sungjong said uncertainty was clear in his voice. “Or maybe it was outside.”

“So all you know is that it’s somewhere in one of biggest schools in Korea?” Myungsoo asked.

“Yes.” Sungjong whispered feeling like a burden to Myungsoo but that feeling soon went away when the human looked at him with an encouraging smile.

“Then I guess we’ll be looking for a while since this school is damn big.” chuckled Myungsoo as the angel smiled brightly at him.

“Thank you Myungsoo.”

But of course, even if you were in one of the biggest schools in Korea it won’t take long for your friends to find you. So friends number 1 2 3 were met in the gym.

“Myungsoo!” a voice from behind the two scavengers called and when Myungsoo turned he could see Hoya, Dongwoo and Sungyeol going over to him all sweaty from their gym class which he never gets to attend because of his body’s condition.

“It’s rare to see you here in the gym.” Hoya said.

“And who’s this pretty person?” Sungyeol added.

“This is Sungjong. He’s…” Myungsoo hesitated. He couldn’t tell them that Sungjong was an angel now or else they’ll thing his mind is weak too.

“Don’t tell me he’s the reason why you and Gyuri broke up?!?” Dongwoo exclaimed making Hoya smack him on the head.

“I’m sorry.” Hoya smiled to Sungjong. “He doesn’t think before he speaks.”

“And besides, Myungsoo could never cheat on a girl like that.” Sungyeol added then he looked at Myungsoo with complete uncertainty. “Right?”

“Of course hyung.” Myungsoo smiled. “He’s just my…” again, the handsome boy didn’t know what to say.

“I’m his neighbor’s cousin.” Sungjong suddenly chimed in. “My auntie’s house didn’t have any more room and Myungsoo-hyung kindly let me stay in his house since his parents are gone.”

“Oh.” the three of them seems to buy this excuse.

“Well then.” Hoya started. “Nice to meet you Sungjong.”

“What brings you to our glorious school?” Sungyeol asked.

“I’m thinking of studying here for college.” the angel lied sweetly. “And Myungsoo-hyung’s giving me a tour.”

“What course are you gonna take up??” Dongwoo asked happily.

“I’m not sure yet.”

A whistle was suddenly heard throughout the gym.

“That’s our coach.” Sungyeol muttered gloomily.

“Then I guess you need to go back to your class.” Myungsoo said.

“Fine.” grumbled Sungyeol and Dongwoo who were already dreading the thought of more basketball drills.

“Bye then,” Hoya said with a smile. “And if you ever choose an arts major then be sure to look for us Sungjong-ah.”

“I will.” the angel smiled sweetly.

Once they were out of the gym Myungsoo turned to Sungjong with an amused smile on his face.

“I didn’t know angels could lie so well like that.”

“I didn’t lie.” Sungjong countered with a sly grin. “I just manipulated the truth a little.”

“Whatever you say little angel.” chuckled Myungsoo as he ruffled the hair of the slightly shorter boy. “Where should we look for next?”

“I don’t know,” Sungjon answered. “Shouldn’t you be the one ;eading since you know this school better than I do.”

“Not really.” Myungsoo confessed. “My world revolves around our Arts Department which is conveniently all in one building.”

“Then let’s start looking there.”


Inside one of the art classrooms:

“Myungsoo look!” Sungjong exclaimed as he explored the vast art room. “This room has more liquid colors than your room at home!”

“Of course it does Jongie.” Myungsoo chuckled.

Sungjong then stopped exploring the room then stared at Myungsoo with complete confusion. “What did you call me?”

“Jongie?” Myungsoo answered as he realized that he has just given a nickname to someone he barely knew and is now completely embarrassed by it.

“Hehe,” Sungjong’s giggle filled the human’s ear. “I like it. Myungie.”

“Wha?” Myungsoo exclaimed now fully red making the angel laugh at his silly face. “Nicknames like that don’t suit me you know.”

“Why don’t they?” Sungjong teased. “It’s cute like you and it seems like a name that you’d call your cat. Which you resemble a lot, Myungie.”

“You know,” Myungsoo said as he suddenly remembered something. “I like Myungsoo-hyung better than Myungie.”

“Shouldn’t you only call someone hyung if they’re older than you?”

“You called me hyung when we were talking with Hoya, Yeol and Dongwoo.” Myungsoo stated. “So why not continue calling me like that?”

“That was just a cover up cause it’ll look weird if I didn’t call you that when I obviously look younger than you even though I know that 396 is way greater than 21.” Sungjong retorted.

“You’re a weird kind of angel you know.” Myungsoo said with an amused smile.

“How can I be weird??” the other pouted.

“I always thought that angels were supposed to be pure, nice and respectful.” Myungsoo started. “But you’re childish and you make lawyers look honest.”

“Yah!” Sungjong exclaimed. “At least I’m not like Yongguk-hyung who watches war for a pass time! And I don’t do it like him and Himchan-hyung who are like rabbits in heat!”

“And now your pure image is gone too.” Myungsoo teased.

“Well at least now you know the truth about angels.” smiled Sungjong as he darted his tongue outward in a childish way but then his eyes then landed on something behind Myungsoo.

He abruptly stood up then went straight pass the human just to stop in front of a wall filled with paintings. But instead of observing each and every one of them Sungjong just stared at one painting in a corner. It was the simplest painting compared to the others which screamed different emotions of the artist but it stood out the most because compared to the other colorful paintings this one only had a black butterfly on one corner. The angel then reached out and touched the butterfly the wings delicately as if it was alive, as if it would break.

“Do you like it?” Myungsoo suddenly asked snapping Sungjong out of his dreamlike trance.

“Yeah.” the angel whispered softly his eyes then travelled down to the lower part of the painting and he could see three words: ‘Kim Myung Soo’. He then turned around to see the artist smile at him sadly looking so fragile, as if he would break.

“It’s beautiful isn’t it.” Myungsoo said a little lost. “The theme was to paint something that represents you. Don’t know why I did that thou-”

Before Myungsoo could say anymore the petite angel suddenly wrapped his arms around his neck silencing his voice. He wanted to ask why Sungjong was suddenly hugging him but the warmth of the angel stops all of his words so he slowly wraps his arm around the petite boys waist letting the peaceful silence engulf them. He finally realizes how lonely he has been despite all the wonderful people around him. It’s not that he doesn’t like being around them or feels their warmth it’s just that there has always been this cold empty region of his heart that he can never fill. But now with Sungjong in his arms that part is overflowing with warmth and emotions he can’t explain. He looks at the lonesome butterfly again and thinks that maybe he should add another more colorful butterfly next to it.


A week has passed and they are no way getting near in finding Sungjong’s necklace, the thing that is improving though is their relationship with each other. Sungjong told Myungsoo of all the places he’s been and all the people he has helped and that once he gets reincarnated he’ll take Myungsoo with him and they can be together like this again.

“Would you remember me when you get reincarnated?” Myungsoo asked while he was painting Sungjong. He may be helping the angel find his wings but he will never forget his studies and that Sungjong was his muse for his latest project.

“I don’t know.” Sungjong mused. “But I’m sure I won’t ever forget you Myungie.”

“I hope so.” whispered Myungsoo. “Aish! This isn’t right.” he then crumpled the rough sketch he was doing of Sungjong and threw it to the corner adding another dejected drawing into the already growing pile.

“That has to be the nth time today that you did that Myung.” Sungjong pouted. “At least let me see what you’re drawing. For all I know you’re drawing me as a horrible monster.”

“Even if I did draw you as a monster you’d still look pretty.”

“Then let me see at least one of those works.” Sungjong said as he made his way to the pile of rejects only to be stopped by Myungsoo. “Let go.”

“No.” Myungsoo said sternly. “There’s a reason why they are rejected.”

“Oh come on Myung,” Sungjong said in an exasperated voice. “I’ve seen you works and you’re a wonderful artist so I think even your rejects are great.”

“Still,” Myungsoo was acting like a child now. “No.”

Sungjong was downright pouting and irritated at Myungsoo right now but he still knows how to respect a person’s privacy so he just settled himself by reaching a paint brush then smearing blue paint across Myungsoo’s right cheek.

“That’s for not letting me see those drawings.” Sungjong smiled like a kid.

“Fair enough.” Myungsoo replied only to have his left cheek be painted blue.

“That,” the angel laughed childishly. “Is because you look funny.”

“People do tell me I look good in blue.” chuckled the other.

“You’re so weird Myungie.” laughed the angel. “But seriously, why won’t you show me your drawings?”

“Because they don’t show just how beautiful you are.” Myungsoo said seriously sending a blush to Sungjong’s cheeks. “You know, red looks good on you.”

“Whatever,” Sungjong mumbled as he looked away with a beet red face. “You should get cleaned up or else your pretty face will get ruined by the paint.”

“As you wish my princess,” Myungsoo teased making him turn even redder – if that was possible. He then went out of the art studio and entered the bathroom across the hall.

Because Myungsoo went to the bathroom immediately he didn’t hear Sungjong’s mumbles of ‘…stupid Myungie’ or ‘…making my heart beat faster’. Myungsoo should have really stayed longer so that he could hear those mumbles because it would lead to the end of their relationship when Sungjong mumbles ‘…might as well start with dinner while he’s in there.’

And that’s what Sungjong did. Now usually he would not even dare to venture into the kitchen since the incident of the deokbokki exploding in the microwave. How was he supposed to know that there were special plates to use for the microwave? Anyways he just planned to arrange the plate along with the spoon and fork. Yes. That’s all he planned to do and see. So when he sees a familiar golden necklace behind the plates his world shattered along with the plate he was holding which crashed to the ground.

The plate’s crashing was heard down the hall and reached Myungsoo’s ear as he got out of the bathroom and realization struck him quick. He quickly went to the kitchen just to see tears falling down like streams across Sungjong’s cheek as he shakily held a golden winged necklace.

“When?” Sungjong asked quietly not even bothering to look at Myungsoo.

“Sungjong I-”

“WHEN?!” Sungjong cried finally looking up to face Myungsoo.

The image that met Myungsoo broke his heart and he knows he would never forget Sungjong’s face that night. It was a face that had tears streaming down from eyes that screamed of betrayal and sadness, and it was all directed to Myungsoo.

“WHEN?!!” the angel repeated his voice cracking.

“3 days ago while we were lying in the grass of the school courtyard,” Myungsoo confessed. “I saw it glistening in the school fountain when I got drinks from the vending machine.”

“That long?” Sungjong’s voice croaked out in disbelief. “Why?”

“I didn’t want to lose you.”

“Lose me?” the angel replied. “With what you did I don’t think you could ever get me back.”

“No! Sungjong! Please don’t-” but it was too late. A bright light suddenly engulfed the room and Myungsoo just caught a glimpse of two beautiful wings emerge from Sungjong’s back, his tear stained face and hurt look stared straight at him one last time and then...

…he was gone.


This can’t be happening.

It just can’t.

At the back of Myungsoo’s mind he always knew that they would part, but not like this.

Anyway but this.

He’s so stupid.

So ing stupid for hiding that necklace.

But he can’t help it cause he’s also very selfish.

He only hid it because he wanted Sungjong.

He needed Sungjong

But now he’s gone.

And everything is just wrong.



WHAT. THE. HELL. why did I just write that?!?! how dare i break MyungJong apart (゚`д´゚)

I don't even know how it turned out like this (”/△\;) the next chapter would be the last installment of W and will be entitled 'W is also for Wish'

PS: I now have a Table of Content in my foreword ╮(。❛ᴗ❛。)╭


I know I know... I've been away so long and I don't even know if you guys miss me (。-ω-。)

but now I'm back!! ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶ [is that a good thing or a bad thing?]

now that I'm back and writing it also means that SUMMER IS HERE!!!!!!!!!! ٩(๑>◡<๑)۶

which means more time for me to update my stories and write new ones!! WEEEEEEEEEEE~~~ (⋈◍>◡<◍)


now a lot has happened in the k-pop world while I was stuDYING so let me just spazz about a few of them (๑╹ω╹๑ )

first of: SHINee is finally BACK!!!!!!!! it's been such a long time since I've seen them on stage and i have to say that they are just getting more handsome with ever comeback (●ö◡ö●) especially Key who's rapping is just awesome in Sherlock and has so many lines in Stranger (▰˘◡˘▰) [I'm bias, I know] but all the songs in their album is addictively catchy especially Stranger, Honesty and The Reason (๑′ᴗ‵๑) my only complaint though is Taeminnie's hair (๑◕︵◕๑) I did not like it in Lucifer and I do not like the long hair now (。>へ<) I mean... it's ing longer than mine!!! ( =`д´= ;) but I'm super happy that he's getting such great parts (◍'౪`◍)


second: BtoB!!!! I seriously fell in love with their songs Imagine and Insane the first time I heard them and then when I watched them live I was like 'ALL OF THEM CAN SING!!!!!!!' the comments break my heart though (๑◕︵◕๑) they say their ugly and such which is just B2ST all over again (>0<) I swear that if you give them time those that say they're ugly will be fawning all over them in the future (o≧▽゚)b but right now the ones who caught my eye are Sungjae because he looks so much like Seo Inguk [whom I have loved since Calling You] and Minhyuk who is a replica of Jiro from Farenheit!!!!!


anyways... thank you for reading my nonsensical author's rambling XD

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my little dictionary is finished =">


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rei_zha #1
Chapter 31: The last story is really really beautiful
Sunngjong_ifnt #2
Chapter 31: OMG TT_TT i really love your stories ♡_♡ they are REALLY beautiful author-nim.thank you author-nim^^saranghaeeee ^3^
Chapter 5: Aw thank you for featuring me! I love the one shots so far and I'm looking forward to reading the rest! ^^
Chapter 31: Uwwa author-nim, I've just read all of this dictionary contain, so I commented at last chapter, is that okay? Your dictionary contained bittersweet story that sometimes makes me smile, laugh, and crying ^^ Thanks for this amazing MyungJong story. I love you ^^
sungelskeyeol1993 #5
ohh ... I was also in Chapter 27 and 28 ... Thank you author-nim .. :) Saranghae
sungelskeyeol1993 #6
Chapter 21: I was shocked and saw my name on chapter 19 ... I laugh so hard ... Thank you author-nim for including me in this story ... I appreciate it :))) Saranghae <3