

“The Great Mother wants me to remember the dream of the girl crying in the gazebo because it has something to do with the prophecy.” Xiumin sighed as he explained to Luna.


“You are right, your majesty but what could it mean? Who is that girl?” Luna frowned and she went into thought.


“I understand that this issue is pressing but we must get ready for the empress’s trip.” Dongwoo cut in. “The journey to the east will start in a  few days.”


“Dongwoo is right.” Seulgi nodded.


“This journey might help us. It’s a spiritual one to one of the most magically charged places in the four kingdoms and I will be making sacrament. Maybe this trip will give me some clarity into the meaning of the dream and what this prophecy could really be saying about the coming times.” Xiumin concluded.


“Genius, your majesty. This trip could be our breakthrough.” Luna agreed.


“I’ll let you all go to get ready.” Xiumin waved the servants off from his private chambers. A they were all about to leave a young maid came in.


“The Pure consort is here to visit, your majesty.” The young maid bowed.


“Wonderful.” I will go out to see her.” the empress rose and left his chambers. Out in the main hall he took a seat on the throne and was surprised to see who was with the pure consort.


“Liu Yiyun? Fourth prince? What are you two doing here.” Xiumin smiled.


“At first we wanted to come a comfort you but it’s seems you’ve triumphed ten fold.” Yiyun laughed.


“Your make it seem as if I was fighting a great battle. I simply made up like any empress should do with their emperor.” Xiumin shook his head.


“From the stories going around it sounds like you did in a way only the finest empress could.” Chanyeol smirked.


“Dancing with the divinity of the great immortals.” Yejin exclaimed.


“You all flatter me too much. Also I should be mad about the Fourth prince coming here against palace rules.” Xiumin gave them a mock glare.


“But I brought fine wine, your majesty.” Chanyeol gestured to Jongdae who was holding the jug.


“Maybe I am not such a great empress after all.” Xiumin sighed.


“Why?” Yiyun frowned.


“Because I am so easily bribed. Come eat lunch and have wine.” Xiumin laughed and the group moved to the sunroom lead by the empress.





“His majesty is busy preparing for the trip to the east today so he won’t be around the garden. But he will be at the welcome for the new batch of harem members.” Princess Sooyeon commented as she lead her two siblings around the harem’s garden.


“I’m sure the Able consort is happy that he won’t have to face the embarrassment of seeing his majesty.” Princess Soojung laughed.


“Why do you say that sister?” Sehun frowned.


“Well, apparently the Able consort tried to make a move on the emperor while he was still not talking to the empress.” Soojung explained.


“That little fox, well he got what he deserved.” Sooyeon scoffed.


“Speaking of little foxes, what is that no name Cainu doing talking to the emperor?” Sehun pointed to a clearing the garden. Sooyeon glared when she saw the scene. It looked like a light pleasant conversation and the emperor was only half listening his attention more on the Palace of the Moon in the distance. It seemed an unimportant conversation but it was one at all.


“You get closer.” Sooyeon hissed at a maid, who nodded and strolled with another maid walking past to listen.


“Imperial brother never pays attention to even concubines so why a woman as low as Cainu?” Soojung pouted.


“That little snake probably faked some concern for the empress to grab his attention.” Sooyeon concluded. The emperor finally turned back and nodded to the Cainu. He turned away and left with his procession. The Cainu was left smiling after him. The maids returned.


“Well?” Sehun pushed.


“She was saying something about picking flowers for the empress’s health.” The maid explained.


“Just as I thought, I want to know who she is as soon as possible. Anyone that young with the guts to speak to the emperor is bound to be trouble.” Sooyeon growled and lead her siblings away from the area.





“Why are your servants so busy?” Chanyeol looked around at the bustling palace chambers.


“Didn’t you hear fourth prince, the empress is taking a trip to the east. He’s leaving in 3 days.” Yejin cut in.


“Really?” Chanyeol looked surprised, this could be the information he was looking for.


“Yes, I am giving sacrament for the wedding of the crown prince and fiancé. The fiancé contacted me and I could not say no to such a sweet soul. “ Xiumin smiled.


“I wish you a safe trip then you majesty.” Chanyeol nodded and gave a side glance to Jongdae who acknowledged him.


“This lunch has been fun but we really should be off. You have so much to do.” The pure consort suggested.


“That’s right.” Chanyeol agreed. The empress stood and the rest followed.


“I have to stay and talk to Dongwoo.” Yiyun looked to the room the soldier was in.


“Why is that?’ Xiumin asked.


“He said he has some news for me, your majesty. I’m hoping it good.’ Yiyun sighed.


“Well, if it isn’t you can tell me and I’ll punish him for giving it.” Xiumin teased.


“Thank you, your majesty.” Yiyun laughed.


“You are excused.” The empress waved the young woman off. Yiyun bowed and left.


“We’ll be going as well.” Yejin bowed followed by Chanyeol and Jongdae.


“Go on and have a good day.” Xiumin nodded and watched the servants them to the ext.


Outside at the bottom of the steps Yejin and Chanyeol parted way and Chanyeol and Jongdae ran for the nearest exit. Outside The walls of the harem in the outer exterior corridors of the palace the two slowed down.


“This could be it. We have to send word to his majesty now so it will get to him at least by the time the Empress leaves.” Jongdae insisted.


“You’re right, my imperial brother will want to know this. Sacrament for an eastern imperial wedding. This has to be worth telling.” Chanyeol agreed.





Yifan stood at the steps of the Palace of the Moon. He ascended the stairs and the guards opened the doors. The herald in the entranceway bowed.


“I will announce you.” He stepped into the main chamber. “His majesty, the emperor has arrived.” Yifan stepped inside and found the once busy servants now bowing to the ground. Xiumin was sitting on the throne and Heeyeon and Seulgi who were showing him documents were now bowing in his direction.


“Do not get, little bird I will come to you.” Yifan smiled and walked up the steps to the throne. He sat on the golden chaise and Xiumin quickly slide into his arms.


“Your majesty, why are you here?” the empress looked up at his husband smiling.


“Official business. I have come to tell you about your security detail. I have my finest regiments going with you.” Yifan explained.


“Don’t go overboard, your majesty.” Xiumin pouted.


“For my empress I would send all my nation’s army. Don’t worry their light footed and won’t be a burden.” The emperor assured. Dongwoo entered the main hall and kneeled immediately when he saw the emperor.


“Dongwoo greets his majesty.”


“Rise.” Yifan called.


“Has Yiyun left.” Xiumin asked.


“Yes, I walked her out just now.” Dongwoo nodded.


“She was here? What for?” Yifan frowned.


“Dongwoo had some news to give her.” Xiumin explained shortly. “News I would like to hear.” He added.


“I was simply letting her know that she was being considered to work under the pure consort as a personal guard. The higher ups have been talking about it and the Pure consort made a request. She’s very lucky” Dongwoo laughed.


“Ah yes, I just approved the motion this morning. It should be getting to you tomorrow.” Yifan recalled.


“Then I will approve it right away. There is no better choice for the Pure consort then someone who cares for her as fiercely as Liu Yiyun.”


“You’re absolutely right.” Yifan agreed. “On the subject of bright young women, I ran into a young Cainu in the garden today who told me something about medicinal flowers. I was impressed by her knowledge.”


“Oh really what was her name?” Xiumin asked.


“Son Seungwan, I think.” Yifan recalled.


“I hope I get to meet  her.” Xiumin smiled. “I have a meeting with the new batch of harem members today so I might meet her if she’s with them.”


“I think she is. She was with a big group of girls in the gardens. You are still going to that by the way. You’re so busy you can miss one welcoming.” Yifan frowned.


“I want to go. As head of the harem it’s my duty to attend these. It’s my last real official business before I leave. I don’t want to be caught slacking, your majesty” Xiumin laughed.


“Fine, fine, I understand. Do as you wish, Little bird. I will get out of your hair for now. You’ll be busy all day between preparing and scarring those new harem Ladies.” Yifan stood up and laughed.


“Scarring them. if anyone will do the scaring it’s the Virtuous consort. Her disposition does not lend itself to a warm welcome and the Able consort his welcome will be too warm, fiery even.” Xiumin insisted.


“Your right, stay healthy little bird.” Yifan kissed his forehead and left the main hall.


“Son Seungwan.” Xiumin whispered to himself after the emperor was gone.


“Are you worried about her, your majesty.”


“Heavens no, she’s a low level lady, not even a concubine. What trouble could she make their are plenty of little girls like her running around.” Xiumin shook his head.


“But if she is clever she could take one of the open concubine spots. four of the nine are unfilled, your majesty.” Heeyeon reminded.


“And I’m the one who fills them. Besides we need clever people in those spots.” Xiumin sighed and stood up. “I must get dressed for the welcoming. The consorts will wear their best and I won’t be out done.” Xiumin laughed.


“Of course, your majesty.” Seulgi bowed and let the empress enter his chamber.





“Why are we welcoming another batch of useless little children into the harem again?” Qian sighed as she took her seat next to Baekhyun.


“They are tributes from recently appointed low level officials. You know this Qian.” Taeyeon sighed.


“I know but it doesn't mean it doesn’t annoy me.” She shrugged.


“Look at them all young and fresh faced. They even make the concubines look old.” Baekhyun smirked to the 5 young men and women sitting in a cluster to the right.


“Don’t be mean, brother.” Yejin chastised.


“I can’t help it. I’m bitter because now we look ancient.” Baekhyun snapped.


“Bring them in. The Empress will arrive soon.” Taeyeon called. The group were lead in and stood in rows. Then a gong sounded some of the new members flinched.


“The Empress has arrived.” The herald called.


“Long live the Empress may he reign forever.” the servants and harem members greeted as Xiumin entered.


“What does the ice empress have them that scared?” Baekhyun sneered.


“They’re petrified, it’s hilarious.” Qian whispered.


Xiumin entered wearing a purple and gold rob that dragged behind him. The collar stood high and his headdress was high and thick with flowers gold and real ones, pearls, at two large golden pins with large gold beaded tassel hanging off them. He walked up the steps to the highest seat above the consorts. He sat down and looked over the young new faces in front of him. The room sat in silence and the young men and women kept their faces to the ground.


“Rise.” Xiumin said finally after a long few minutes.


“Welcome to the greatest harem in all the four kingdoms. You will be serving the emperor Wu Yifan, child of the Great Dras. To be here is a privilege, remember that everyday. I do not like gossip or tricks in my harem and I especially don’t like infidelity. Please understand who you here to be loyal to and act accordingly.” Xiumin fell silent again and looked at everyone. “Give me the list.” Xiumin held out his hand and Myungsoo gave him the scroll. Xiumin opened and looked at it.


“What is he looking for.” Baekhyun whispered.


“Who knows, maybe one of these little hatchlings is already on his hitlist.” Qian smirked.


“Son Seungwan.” Xiumin read out loud. “Make yourself known.”


“Son Seungwan greets his majesty.” The young girl stepped forward from her place at the front of the last line.


“So that’s what you look like, interesting.” Xiumin closed the scroll.


“Pardon me, your majesty?” Seungwan looked up.


“I’ve been told you’re very clever. I hope for both our sakes you’ll put that to good use.” Xiumin smiled.


“I will not disappoint, your majesty.” Seungwan bowed deeper.


“I hope not.” Xiumin nodded and scanned the crowd, another face caught his attention. A young man who looked unlike any western he had seen.


“You, the boy in green.” Xiumin called.


“Yes, your majesty?” He stepped forward.


“What is your name?”


“Lee Sungjong, your majesty.”


“Where are you from?” Xiumin looked him up and down.


“I am the son of a border governor.” Sungjong answered.


“Which border?”


“The north.”


“I see, that’s why you looked familiar, everyone in the those parts look strikingly like northerners. It must be the mix in blood. Are you mixed, Sungjong?” The empress’s smile got wider.


“Yes, my mother is a water dragon.” Sungjong nodded.


“And what about you.” There was silence following this question almost as if the boy didn’t want to answer.


“I am...also.” Sungjong finally said in a small voice.


“Wonderful.” Xiumin nodded. “You will all be brought to your quarters. I hope to see you all at my going away party. It would be poor form to miss such an event.” Xiumin stood and the gong sounded.


“The Empress is taking his leave.” The herald called.


“Long live the empress, may he reign forever.” Everyone chanted and bowed.





“I am so dead, the empress hates me.” Seungwan collapsed on her bed and Sungjong sat down on his.


“I am sure that’s not true.” Sungjong reassured.


“I only spoke to the emperor for a second because he called me out first. Now the empress thinks I want to steal him away.” Seungwan groaned.


“Don’t be so dramatic.” Sungjong sighed.


“Easy for you to say, you’re water dragon and now automatically one of the Empress’s favorites.” Seungwan snapped.


“You know I never wanted anyone to know. I don’t want that kind of attention. Now everybody will hate me. I just wanted to live a quiet life.” Sungjong frowned.


“I know, we’re both stuck between a rock and a hard place now.” Seungwan sighed.


“You two can say that again.” another girl came over laughing.


“Thanks for the support, Junghwa.” Seungwan frowned.


“Were guys as blown away by the empress and the consorts as I was.” Junghwa smiled.


“They were pretty amazing. When I was looking at the empress I thought I was looking at a god.” Sungjong sighed.


“You pretty much were. The empress is the imperial child of the immortal Sylia so he’ll ascend to immortality one day. He’s the closest you’ll ever get to a god.” Seungwan reminded.


“He enters a room and makes people's hair stand on end. He’s like made of power and grace. i wish I could be like that one day.” Junghwa said excitedly.


“Slow down there, Junghwa. It’ll be a long time before any of will ever be like the empress. Besides children of countryside officials aren’t raised to be perfect like a former prince of the north like, his majesty.” Seungwan sighed.


“So we pretty much have no hope of catching up.” Sungjong added.


“A girl can dream.” Junghwa pouted.



Yifan sat at his desk and Yixing came into the study carrying his helmet under his arm, dressed in armor.


“Military exercises today?” Yifan asked when he saw his friend.


“Yes, actually. So did you hear about your husband taking special interest in a kid at the harem welcoming today?” Yixing jumped right in.


“Always up to date on the latest gossip aren’t you.” Yifan laughed.


“I have my sources.” Yixing shrugged.


“So who is this person, My little bird took interest in.” Yifan sat back in his chair.


“Well, it was more like two people. Provincial law minister’s daughter Son Seungwan and a border governor’s son, Lee Sungjong.”


“Well, the minister’s daughter I had brought up but why the governor's son?” Yifan asked.


“He’s a water dragon. Since he lives by the border with the north his mother is a northern water dragon. The empress seemed pleased to hear it.” Yixing explained.


“Hm, interesting I’ll have to ask him when I visit for dinner tonight.” Yifan sighed. “In maybe more pressing news I am get heat from my sister about Sehun not being married.”


“How do you seem to insight Princess’s Sooyeon’s wrath everyday?” Yixing chuckled.


“She’s just being pushy because mother isn’t here to be. She’s right though Sehun is the crown prince. He needs a spouse, be on the lookout for anyone suitable.” Yifan ordered.


“I’m guessing whoever it is will have to pass Princess Sooyeon’s expectations?” Yixing smirked.


“You know it.” Yifan laughed.





The morning of the next day dawned and Xiumin was enjoying the moderate whether on the patio in the peony garden. he sat at the table staring into his tea and listening to the birds.


“Do you think I was too scary yesterday at the welcoming.” Xiumin sighed and asked his attendants.


“The way I see it those children would have been scared no matter what you did, your majesty.” Luna assured.


“It’s natural to be intimidated by someone of your status, your majesty.” Seulgi added.


“I think you’re right.” Xiumin nodded. He looked over the garden and caught sight of three young harem members together. Two of them he knew, Son Seungwan and Lee Sungjong, the last one he didn’t. He watched them laugh and playing the flowers together. “I feel nostalgic watching them.” Xiumin smiled.


“Why, your majesty?” Luna asked.


“They’re so happy and carefree. I was like that living in the Hall of Twilight. It was like my own little palace that I could dance and play in everyday. I had no one to flaunt my status to then. I had no burden to bear.” Xiumin whispered the last sentence.


“Does you heart hurt, your majesty.” Heeyeon stepped closer.


“No, it doesn’t because I have other things to fill the ache. I am not a child any more so I can't be vacant. Those were simple pleasures I can no longer enjoy but I still love to see other bask in them.” Xiumin sat up straight and smiled at his attendants.


“We should get back to preparing. There is only two days till we leave, your majesty.” Dongwoo reminded.


“You’re right.” Xiumin stood and looked at the three young people again before leaving the garden to return to his palace.


Across the garden the three young people had noticed the empress looking their way.


“Do you think the empress will like me better if she sees us together.” Seungwan turned to Sungjong.


“I don’t know and I don’t want the empress’s attention.” Sungjong grumbled.


“You two are crazy, the empress probably doesn’t care about you two. He’s probably already forgotten about you two.” Junghwa insisted.


“Maybe but I can’t help but think no one lets go of anything here. That’s kind of place the harem is.” Seungwan said carefully.


“Maybe you’re right.” Sungjong agreed.


“Well, if it isn’t the clever girl and the water dragon.” A slick voice came from behind them. The three turned and bowed.


“Greetings your highness.” They greeted the Able consort.


“Rise.” He walked and sat at a nearby table. “I remember when I was like you all. I lived in the Southern kingdom then. But I suppose I was still young when I came here too.” Baekhyun laughed.


“I think you’re still very young, your highness.” Junghwa complimented.


“Thank you but I know that I don’t look old I just feel it. Chewed up and spit out that’s how everyone here feels. That’s what happens when you know the emperor will never love you.” Baekhyun laughed bitterly.


“But your highness the emperor loves everyone in the harem.” Seungwan  tried to reassure the older consort.


“Is that what they tell you. It’s a lie. If you aren’t the empress you aren’t worth a damn.” Baekhyun looked down at his feet and was quiet for a moment. “Leave, I want to be alone. But word advice before you go. Be careful who you trust. A smiling face doesn’t mean a good heart is behind it. Choose wisely.” He warned.


“Yes, your highness.” The three bowed and backed out of the clearing, leaving down another path.


“Stupid children.” Baekhyun spat.





“All the clothing is packed, the gifts for the royal eastern family, the charts have been marked and the guards prepped.” Seulgi read off a list. Xiumin nodded himself and waved to her to stop.


“That’s enough for today. Send my signed approval for Liu Yiyun's employment to the Minister of war read the sedan. I am going to the Palace of the Sun for lunch.” Xiumin stood up and descended from the throne.


“The sedan chair is already waiting outside.” Myungsoo gestured to the door.


“Wonderful.” Xiumin smiled and went out the door. He got to the steps and saw the chair waiting at the bottom also passing by were the three kids from that morning.


“Bow in the presence of the empress.” Myungsoo shouted at the three who looked stunned when they saw the empress and they fell to their knees.


“Greeting, your majesty.” They said apologetically.


“Rise, have you three been running around the gardens all day. why not take a rest?” Xiumin laughed.


“We’re avoiding the house quaters your majesty.” Junghwa blurted out.


“Junghwa.” Seungwan hissed.


“And why is that?” Xiumin walked down the stairs to stand in front of the three.


“Well, you see your majesty. We haven’t been getting along with the other young beauties.” Sungjong explained.


“I see, because of what i said yesterday.” Xiumin concluded.


“We would never blame you, your majesty.” Seungwan looked distressed.


“No worries, I know how young people can be. I know your names but what his yours young lady.” Xiumin turned to Junghwa.


“Park Junghwa, your majesty. I am the daughter of  Scholar Park.” Junghwa bowed.


“A scholar's daughter but you are more bubbly than that. All three of you are very lively. Don’t worry about the other beauties they will move on as you all settle in here. Is it true you know something about medicine Seungwan?” Xiumin asked the young girl.


“Not much, your majesty. Just the little things I learned from books.” Seungwan explained.


“I also read, your majesty.” Junghwa added.


“I’m sure you all do.” Xiumin laughed. “I’ve enjoyed your company so much how about you follow my entourage. I am going to the Palace of the Sun.” Xiumin suggested


“We would be honored, your majesty.” Sungjong bowed and the other two followed.


“Good.” Xiumin walked away and got into the Sedan chair.


“The Empress departs.” The herald called and the procession departed. the three of the looked at each other they fell in step right behind the empress followed by maids and eunuchs.


The Party arrived and the Palace of Sun and Empress descended from the Sedan chair and looked at those behind him and then look forward he Lead the way inside and stopped at the doors.


“The Empress has arrived.” the Herald introduces an the doors open. Yifan is already in the middle of the room walking toward Xiumin.


‘I am so happy you are here, little bird.” Yifan embraced his empress and then saw the three who were heading up the procession.


“My if it isn’t Son Seungwan, Lee Sungjong and Park Junghwa, scholar park’s daughter.” Yifan laughed.


“Greetings your majesty.” The three bowed.


“Rise, I heard the empress had taken some interest in the newest harem members but I had no idea he was letting them join his party.” Yifan looked surprised.


“We’ve had the luck of running into each quite a bit. It must be fate.” Xiumin explained.


“Maybe, I was wondering if you would take anyone under your wing. You’ve never shown much interest in anyone lower than the consorts.” Yifan observed.


“There is a first time for everything. Let’s start lunch.” Xiumin lead the emperor to the throne.





Chanyeol sat in his chambers waiting for some word form Jongdae, finally the other man returned to the room.


“The message made it across the border safely. It should get to the emperor by tomorrow.” Jongdae informed.


“Good, this will be the news that might save our plans yet.” Chanyeol smiled but soon his happiness faded.


“What’s wrong, your highness.” Jongdae looked concerned


“I can’t help but feel some worry for his majesty the empress. I hope my brother does not hurt him.” Chanyeol gets up and walks out to the patio.


“You feel worry for the empress after everything that has happened?” Jongdae followed him, confused.


“He has been kind to me. A prince stuck in a  foreign land, with a broken heart. I am thankful to him for that. I just hope whatever brother plans does not injure the empress.” Chanyeol sat at the outside table and puts his face in his hands.


“I am sure the emperor wouldn’t go so far as to let the empress get injured. He doesn’t want to risk that.” Jongdae reassured.


“You’re right. From now on we have to tread carefully. The empress may love us but you never know who we can trust with him leaving. The palace will be a minefield without his protection.” Chanyeol nodded to himself.


“I think that applies to many people. With the Empress gone for so long. There is nothing to spot from the war in the harem sprouting up again. We could be living in an all out war zone soon.” Jongdae sighed.


“We must brace ourselves, my friend.” Chanyeol resolved.





The Empress sat with only the three young harem members now in the garden of the emperor's palace. The three were tense the whole lunch being with the two monarchs.


“Don’t be too nervous. I won’t bite your heads off.” Xiumin laughed looking at the three younger people.


“We’re sorry, your majesty.” Sungjong bowed his head.


“No need, I hope you all don’t mind me taking such a interest. It’s been so long since I’ve been reminded of my own youth.” Xiumin sighed. “I used to be able run around the gardens of the north all I wanted without any worries.”


“I hope you don’t have too many worries now, your majesty.” Seungwan frowned.


“I do, sadly it comes with age. But I suppose I’m not all that old yet.” Xiumin laughed. “Do you three remember what I told everyone at the welcoming.”


“Which part, your majesty?” Junghwa’s brow furrowed.


“I spoke to you about infidelity.” Xiumin reminded.


“You said it wasn’t wise and that we should know who we are loyal to, your majesty.” Seungwan nodded enthusiastically.


“Right, I meant that. I will be leaving soon for a long journey but I hope then even in that time you will remember my kindness. Loyalty is such an important thing. And the emperor and I would be thrilled to have the loyalty of  such clever children like you.” Xiumin picked up his tea from the table.


“Of course, your majesty. You’ll always have us on your side.” Junghwa spoke for the three of them.


“Good, be careful not to stray. The emperor will need kindness when I am away. He is my heart and I am his. I hope you remember that as well. Where the emperor’s love lies.” Xiumin looked into his tea.


“Of course, your majesty.” Seungwan looked down.


“Good...such clever children. I am happy I was able to know you all better. Live well when I’m gone.” Xiumin smiled.


“We will, your majesty.” They said together.


“Very good.” Xiumin nodded.



Author's Note
Hey, everybody here's the brand new chapter. I have lots of free time so I've been working hard to get this out. I hope you all had a great time during the holidays if you celebrate otherwise i hope you had a great break and time to relax. i know I have. So one thing they talk about in this chapter I want to make clear. The way that the harem system works is that there is One empress, 4 consorts, 9 concubines, and then below that about four or five groups of various ladies and beauties. I'm using the initial system of the Tang Dynasty as my reference. If anyone is interested in seeing the hiearchy more clearly I can post the chart I made as reference! Also I'll attach a picture of the outfit that Xiumin wears at the opening at the bottom. So please continue to subscribe and comment. Thank you for reading. Xiumin's outfit: 
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I really like this so far ^^. Hope you'll update again soon and can't wait to see how it'll be when he gets to the Eastern kingdom ^^.
eaqalee #2
Chapter 14: Update soon author-nim
jennifer_yuki #3
Chapter 14: I hope this story get more subscribers because this fic is awesome, author-san!(^v^)
batmansidekick #4
Chapter 14: Yaaaay u are back :))))
Chapter 14: Ah. Good job xiumin. You fixed Baekyeol. XD and the Xiuris. Kris's love for Xiumin is incredibly sweet and romantic.
mackJ1416 #6
Chapter 14: Yah no more fight for now oh I hope he mets the girl to stop the war u go xiumin update soon as u can do hwaiting author nim
MidnightMarauder #7
Chapter 12: Where do you get the pictures for the story? They are quite pretty.
mackJ1416 #8
Chapter 12: Omo xiu so scary I love it I hope everything goes well great chapter author nim hwaiting plz update soon