

Xiumin was sitting watching Heeyeon play the pipa for the others in the room. He felt surprisingly content like this. He could enjoy these simple pleasures but also have more exciting fun as well. He could out stretch his wings more than he ever did growing up in the north. It was an amazing feeling for him.


“The Emperor enters.” The herald called from the main hall. Xiumin rose and the music stopped. He left the side parlor and entered the main hall as Yifan came in.


“Xiumin greets his majesty.” Xiumin bowed as Yifan approached.


“Greetings to his majesty. May he reign forever.” The servants bowed to the ground.


“Rise.” Yifan says in a strained voice that worries Xiumin deeply.


“Your majesty, what do we owe this visit to?” Xiumin asked cautiously.


“What is this hear about shooting flaming arrows in the practice fields.” Yifan frowns. Xiumin looks away and realizes what this was about.


“Oh well you see-”


“Liu Yiyun enters.” The herald called.


“Your majesty I am here with the new board game I promised.” Yiyun said as she entered but then she noticed the emperor was there. “Liu Yiyun greets his majesty.” She bowed.


“Rise, what game is this?” Yifan said with a bitter look. Xiumin felt this couldn’t be good.


“It’s from the south. His highness the fourth prince suggested we play it, your majesty.” Yiyun answered slowly.


“The fourth prince did, it’s no doubt it’s a game for lowlives then. Get rid of it, the empress shouldn’t be playing such games.” Yifan demanded.


“Yes, your majesty. I apologize.” Yiyun handed the game to a servant.


“Your majesty, please do not be harsh with her. She’s simply a young girl who wanted to please me. You can not fault her for that.” Xiumin stepped forward.


“You should not be going along with their ideas. Gambling, drinking til late at night, Dangerous games. That is not my empress so it must be them causing you to do all this.” Yifan insisted.


“I do not think it’s that bad-”


“I know you have a soft heart and you haven’t had much experience so you might not see that they are a bad influence but I know. I am putting an end to this because I care for you.” Yifan explained.


“I might not have experience but I am not a fool. What is so bad about wanting to have friends.” Xiumin burst and quickly regretted it.


“Do not fight me on this.”


“But you are being unreasonable!” Xiumin countered.


“Little bird please do not test me now.” Yifan growled.


“I just want you to understand!” Xiumin insisted


“I know what’s best, Little bird. I will not talk about this any further. Liu Yiyun out. No more rides, no more games.” Yifan sated and abruptly left.


“Your majesty.” Heeyeon stepped toward the empress.


“What have I done. I’ve made him so angry.” Xiumin whispered.


“I’m sure he’s not that mad. The emperor loves you more than anything.” Seulgi insisted.


“No, He is so mad he left and didn’t look back.” Xiumin felt himself begin to cry. Luna approached and held the empress close.


“Let’s go to the great mother and pray. Your heart will feel better. I promise.” Luna lead the empress away and all the servants followed Behind looking concerned.





The news of the ruling couple’s fight spread through the palace and made it to the Able consort’s in the Hall of Lilies.


“The emperor and the empress fought?” Baekhyun sat up in his seat.


“That’s what I heard.” The eunuch nodded.


“I never thought I would see the day. I knew the emperor was upset about the empress’s recent escapades but I never knew it would escalate to this.” Baekhyun sat back.


“Do you think you’ll take advantage of this?” The maid leaned in.


“I don’t know but this could prove to be an interesting development. I wonder what the empress will do now.” Baekhyun smiled.


At that same time in a parlor of the Hall of Eastern Breeze, Sooyeon was hearing the news along with Soojung and Sehun.


“Is my brother a fool.” Sooyeon growled.


“You shouldn’t say such things about our imperial brother.” Sehun insisted.


“I will say what I want. Doesn’t he know that no matter what the empress has done he should not embarass his majesty like that. I can only imagine the rumors the harem is cooking up now.” Sooyeon groaned.


“Sister is right.” Soojung agreed. “The harem latches on to things like this.”


“I suppose, you’re right. The Able consort might see this as an opportunity.” Sehun pondered.


“That’s even worse!” Sooyeon screeched. “I need to talk to our imperial brother as soon as possible.” Sooyeon stood up and her siblings followed.


The news also traveled to the Hall of Sunbeams and the fourth prince.


“Do you think you should tell his majesty about this fight?” Jongdae asked the prince as they pondered the news.


“I’m not sure yet. If it lasts long and has an effect then we should but for now we wait to see what happens.” Chanyeol decided.


“Maybe we could use this as a chance to get even closer to the empress.” Jongdae suggested.


“How so?” Chanyeol frowned.


“We’re the empress’s friends we need to support him in a time like this.” Jongdae explained.


“Your highness, Lady Liu Yiyun is here to see you.” A eunuch came into the room.


“Bring her here.” Chanyeol beckoned. Yiyun came into the room looking distressed.


“Your highness, I never meant to make the emperor angry at the empress.” Yiyun sighed. “I simply wanted to make the empress’ time more enjoyable.” Yiyun sat down with the two men.


“I understand that. That’s what we all wanted. The emperor just thinks our fun is too dangerous for the empress. At a time like this we need to stay by the empress’s side even if the emperor might not see us as favorable. That is what friends do.” Chanyeol reassured.


“You’re right. We should go to see Her highness, Yejin. She’ll know what to do.” Yiyun suggested. “She could get us to the empress.”


“You’re right that’s a perfect plan. Let’s go to see her tomorrow.” Chanyeol smiled.





Xiumin stared blankly at the altar and Luna read prayers out to the great mother. He couldn’t imagine praying at a time like this. He felt so desolate inside. He never thought his husband would ever get so mad and he never thought he would have an outburst as well. Could prayers really save this. He just wanted to run to his husband to apologize and put this behind them. He wants this all to be gone.


“Your majesty, you look tired. Would you like to sleep? It is getting late.” Luna looked concerned.


“I think that would be best now. I can’t think right now. I should sleep for the night.” Xiumin rose to his feet and wandered into his private quarters. His servants waited in the doorways and in corners quietly watching the distressed empress. When the empress laid in the bed and went silent, they all left him in peace.


Xiumin felt sleep completely engulf him and suddenly in the darkness of his head he felt a light surround him. All of a sudden he was in a snowy temple. He looked around him and he has never seen this place before, when he looked forward again there was someone standing not to far from him. She was beautiful with a divine light circling her. Xiumin knew who she was.


“Great mother, is that you?” Xiumin whispered.


“It is my child. I have come to help you.” She said in an echoing voice. She approached Xiumin and the two sat in the snow together.


“I did not mean for me and his majesty to fight. I never wanted to upset him.” Xiumin looked down in his lap.


“I know you didn’t but these things happen. I know all you wanted was to feel free. You have a big beautiful spirit inside of you and it needs to be given room to grow. Having friends and being bold can give your spirit that chance.” The great mother nodded.


“I wanted that but not at the expense of my relationship with my husband.” Xiumin insisted.


“You can have both but first you must win your husband back.” Sylia instructed.


“How?” Xiumin looked to the immortal.


“Go to the Temple of Ancestors tomorrow night and dance before the spirits. Your love will come to you I promise. Then you will able to see how to bring your life in balance. It is possible to have freedom and love and you will see how soon.” Sylia smiled.


“I trust you great mother.” Xiumin smiled.


“Now sleep, my child. Your time will come tomorrow night.”


The dream faded away and Xiumin fell into a dreamless sleep.





The next morning Yifan woke up but still felt tired. No amount of sleep would help because his heart was broken after his fight with Xiumin the day before. He rose and the maids got him dressed. Yixing entered the room with a frown on his face.


“Don’t say it.” Yifan sighed.


“I don’t think I have to. We both know what’s been done.” Yixing shrugged.


“What are people saying?” Yifan lead the way out to the imperial study.


“Everything from‘it’s just a little tiff’ to ‘The emperor realized the empress was a vixen witch and dropped him.’” Yixing sighed as the two men sat down.


“A Vixen witch! My empress is nothing of the sort.” Yifan growled.


“We know that but other than the select few who are close to him the harem knows very little about the empress. You have spent all your time with the empress, completely ignoring the consorts, which is fine, but you can’t expect some of the harem members not to be upset.” Yixing sat down. “Now that you’re fighting with the empress you can only expect the worst.”


“Your majesty, The eunuch Myungsoo is here from the Palace of the Moon.” The herald announced.


“Let him in.” Yifan said eagerly.


“Myungsoo greets his Majesty.” Myungsoo bowed to the ground when he entered.


“Rise.” Yifan waved. “How is the empress.”


Myungsoo stayed quiet and looked to the general who just frowned and looked away.


“Out with it! I didn’t have them bring you here so early in the morning to have you keep your mouth shut!” Yifan snapped.


“I’m sorry your majesty. I just don’t like to bring bad news. The empress is not doing well. He was vacant last night when praying, barely responded to anything. Then this morning he didn’t eat his breakfast just sat there and let it get cold. He hasn’t spoken much.” Myungsoo looked down.


“God, he’s breaking in two. I should have never yelled at him, he’s too fragile for that.” Yifan stood up and got down from his desk. “What is he doing today?”


“He was off to the garden before I left. Her grace, priestess Luna, thought fresh air would be best to clear an aching heart.” Myungsoo explained.


“Should I go to him?” Yifan looked to the general.


“I don’t know, I’m no expert at fixing relationships. It wage wars, I don’t stop them.” Yixing had an apologetic look on his face.


“Ugh, What do I do?” Yifan sighed.





Baekhyun stepped out of his chambers and started his stroll through the garden with a smile on his face. Life has been good recently and the recent news of the imperial couple’s falling out gives him some hope that he might be able to move out of the empress’s shadow.


“You know, I thought I would not dare aim for the emperor’s love but now that his infatuation with the empress has blown up in his face. I might have chance.” Baekhyun said confidently


“This is great for you, your highness.” The maid nodded.


“Is that the emperor over there, your highness.” The eunuch pointed through the flower bushes. Baekhyun looked where the attendant was pointing and saw the emperor standing with his entourage watching something in the garden


Yifan went out into the garden after he finished his work and went straight to the peony garden. Xiumin loved peonies and camellias the most. He wandered the paths till he finally caught sight of the empress’ long red and gold robes and towering headpiece. He stood at a distance observing the quiet young man.


“He looks haggard and it’s only been a day.” Yifan looked on sadly.


“The empress has a fragile disposition. His emotions can affect him easily.” The Eunuch agreed.


“I should go speak to him. Set the record straight. I need him in my arms again.” Yifan was about to walk forward when a voice stopped him.


“Your Majesty, I am surprised to see you in the gardens today.” Baekhyun approached and bowed to the emperor.


“Able consort, I did not see you coming.” Yifan looked away.


“It is rude to interrupt his majesty.” The emperor’s eunuch snapped.


“I am sorry I didn’t know I was doing such a thing. It looked as if you were alone.” Baekhyun frowned and shied away. Yifan looked at the young man and sighed.


“I’m not upset, you haven’t done anything wrong.” Yifan reassured.


“Oh thank you, your majesty. You seem down, how about we go back to my residence and have lunch together.” Baekhyun offered. He got close to the emperor and wrapped his arm around the taller man’s.


Yifan looked down at the consorts hands and frowned. He looked back to where Xiumin was and saw him looking their way. Xiumin looked so hurt to see Yifan and Baekhyun standing together. He looked away and left his area of the garden. Yifan wanted to chase after the empress but couldn’t. He looked back at the Able consort.


“I’m sorry to say I am only out for a short break. I must go back to work.” Yifan pulled his arm away coldly. “Have a good day, Able consort.” Yifan walked away followed by his parade of attendants.


Baekhyun stood there with a deep frown on his face. He huffed and turned back towards the direction of his residence.


“I suppose I moved too fast but I will take whatever chance I get.” Baekhyun walked out of the garden.





Xiumin walked into his chambers and collapsed on the bed. Heeyeon and Seulgi rushed in after him.

“Your majesty, I know what you saw was bad but it can’t be what you think.” Heeyeon insisted.

“You just had a little fight. The emperor surely hasn’t moved on so fast.” Seulgi added.


“Well, he has. I wanted to trust the Great Mother but maybe what she said isn’t true.” Xiumin sobbed.


“The Great Mother? Did she come to you, your majesty?’ Luna asked.


“Last night in my dream. She said that if I danced before the spirits in the Temple of the Ancestors then my love would come to me and everything would be fixed.” Xiumin explained.


“Then you must do just that, your majesty.” Luna rushed over to the empress’ bedside.


“You saw the emperor in the garden. He’s spending time with the Able consort why would he ever come to me. He’s moved on.” Xiumin pouted.


“The Great Mother has accounted for everything. She has come to you because she wants you to succeed. She knows that if you do as she says then everything will go back to the way it is meant to be. Trust in her, your majesty. She would never lead us astray.” Luna took Xiumin’s hand. Xiumin looked down and thought for a moment.


“You’re right, I need to trust the Great Mother. I will go to the temple tonight. Go to the ministry of rites and tell them to prepare a set of ceremonial dance robes for me.” Xiumin instructed.


“I will go there right away.” Seulgi bowed and left the room.


“Everything will be alright. The Great Mother is on our side.” Luna smiled and Xiumin was able to bring a smile to his face as well.





Sooyeon entered the emperor’s chambers without an introduction. Yifan looked from his papers at his angry sister.


“I know what you are going to say sister.” Yifan sighed.


“Oh do you? If you did then you would have the foresight not to embarrass your empress for the whole harem to see. I can not believe you have done something so foolish. Father would have never done this.” Sooyeon snapped.


“Enough, sister!” Yifan stood up.


“You need to fix this.” Sooyeon stood her ground.


“How?” Yifan looked away.


“First go to the Temple of Ancestors tonight and pray to them for forgiveness. By shaming your empress you have shamed the ancestors who favor him, which are many. Then go to your empress and be tender. I am sure he does not want a fight. He just wants to fix things.” Sooyeon instructed.


“I’ll do that, sister.” Yifan sighed.


“I hope so.” Sooyeon nodded. She turned, took one last look at her brother and then left.


“My Little bird looked so hurt in the garden today. I should have never gotten so angry. But when I think of him being danger, I just…” Yifan sighed. “I have to set this right. Eunuch call General Yixing in. I need to talk to him.” Yifan called to his attendants.





Chanyeol and Yiyun entered the consorts sitting area. Yejin was quick to greet them and sit everyone down.


“I got your message from my maid. I have heard about what has happened with the empress. My heart is breaking for him. Sadly I don’t know if I could say the same for the other consorts.” Yejin sighed.


“Why do you say that, your highness?” Chanyeol frowned.


“The noble consort always sides with emperor at the end of the day. Whether he is right or wrong the Noble consort doesn’t care. The Virtuous consort has never particularly cared about the empress. She doesn’t hate him by any means she’s just indifferent, only getting involved when it benefits her. Well, the Able consort...do I even have to say?” Yejin scoffed.


“Is he really like the stories say?” Yiyun frowned.


“Of course, the only reason he’s been so tame is because the empress favors him so much. His status has gone up since the empress has arrived. But he won’t play nice for long, he never does. I actually heard he approached the emperor today in the garden. Asked his majesty over for lunch. He jumping at the chance to snatch the emperor away.” Yejin explained.


“So it’s not just recently that he’s become so...disagreeable.” Chanyeol looked down.


“Sadly, Fourth Prince, no. He’s been like this since he arrived in the harem. It’s a shame, I thought we could have been friends.” Yejin shrugged.


“Your highness, her highness the 1st Princess is here.” The maid came in a interrupted.


“What really?” Yejin stood up shocked. “Fourth Prince go hide in the other room. The princess will be furious if she sees you.” Yejin had the prince escorted away. Yiyun and her stood as the princess entered.


“Pure Consort, I am sure you know Why I am here.”


“Yes, Greetings 1st princess.” Yejin bowed her head.


“Liu Yiyun greet her highness.” Yiyun did a full bow.


“Rise and let’s all talk.” Sooyeon smiled and sat down with the other two women.


“I hope you know I never intended for this happen. Neither did Yiyun. We were simply trying to make the empress happy.” Yejin explained.


“I know and you did what was right. The empress’ happiness fuels this harem and it is our job to maintain it. For the sake of the imperial family. Despite what my brother might think, I do not see what the empress has done as stepping out or being badly influenced. His majesty seems to have a skewed view of things.” Sooyeon sighed.


“Skewed, your highness?’ Yiyun looked confused.


“He has somehow convinced himself that our mother was some beautiful withering flower and our father was an irresponsible un-loyal husband. This was not the case. Our imperial father did what most emperor’s do, and really an emperor’s love is always fleeting, and mother was far more adventurous then his majesty knows.” Sooyeon explained.


“So you aren’t upset with the empress’s activities?” Yejin asked cautiously.


“Oh heavens no, I’m happy to see his majesty being a bit more bold. An empress must be strong and vibrant. This is him becoming just that. Also he deserves to have fun like the rest of us.” Sooyeon explained.


“Then what do you suggest we do to help his majesty?” Yiyun frowned.


“Well, I’ve already started. The empress and the emperor need to make up and then we need to start reasserting the empress’ power. His reputation took a big hit after the emperor yelled at him yesterday.” Sooyeon sighed.


“Should we involve anyone else. Like the Able consort?”


“No!” Soyeon said right away. “Absolutely not. The Able consort is surely going to take advantage of this. He’s a little snake like that.” Sooyeon hissed.


“Then who?” Yejin frowned.


“Is it true that the empress has been spending time with the fourth prince of the south?” Sooyeon pondered.


“He has been riding with us on occasion. It seems the the empress pities him for some reason. I can’t figure out why.” Yejin pouted.


“The Able consort broke my heart.” Chanyeol suddenly came in from the next room where he was listening.


“When did you get here? In the harem no less.” Sooyeon looked at the prince indignantly.


“I came with Miss Liu. I was also concerned about his majesty.” Chanyeol sat down with the women.


“The empress gives you a little pity and you forgive him for ruining your relationship with the emperor.” Sooyeon looked skeptical.


“He didn’t give me pity, he gave me understanding. The Able consort was the one who had pushed the empress to use me. The Able consort was out to hurt me, to break my heart. The empress came to me with understanding after everything was over. I am grateful for that.” Chanyeol explained.


“How grateful?” Sooyeon leered at the prince.


“Grateful enough to be by his side through anything. Compassion is a great gift that I would never snuff, especially when I am so far from home.” Chanyeol held the princess’s gaze. Sooyeon stared at the prince trying to read him for another minute before nodding.


“Fine, you can help.”


“So what’s the plan?” Yejin looked to the princess.


“Like I had said before, I’ve already started. The emperor will go tonight and pray to the ancestors and then go to his empress and fix things. What we have to do is start weeding out the bad seeds.” Sooyeon sneered.


“Bad seeds?” Yiyun frowned.


“Those in the harem that are only close to the empress for their own gain. We have to cut them out. They don’t want to see the empress do well, they would be fine with him failing as long as they look good. They have to be disposed of.” Sooyeon explained.


“What about all the gossip about what happened yesterday, shouldn’t we do something about it?” Chanyeol asked.


“Yes, We should come up with some beautiful story of how the two made up. Really play up the emperor’s regret and devotion to the empress. That will shut up those petty low level concubines.” Yejin smirked.


“Perfect, I’ll tell my sister and the crown prince about our plan. They will be sure to help.” Sooyeon smiled.





That night, the Temple of Ancestors was quiet and still. The room slowly emerged from darkness as Heeyeon and Seulgi lit the candles in the room. Xiumin sat in simple but brightly colored robes on the platform facing the grand altar. Once the room was completely lit Heeyon and Seulgi left and went to wait outside with Dongwoo, Myungsoo, and Luna. Xiumin took a deep breath and stared steadily at the towering golden altar.


“I have not come to you since my marriage to your child, great Dras, and for that I am sorry. Xiumin bowed his head to the ground. “ I hope I can perform well enough that you will see fit to bless me. Give me a chance to mend my mistakes. I am not without humility, I know I have done wrong.” Xiumin said. Suddenly a breeze blew straight through the room, coming from the altar. It was warm and soft like someone’s breath. Xiumin, looked up at the elaborate scene of Dras ascending. “Thank for you acknowledgment.” Xiumin smiled.


He stood up. His bare feet sliding across the hard temple floor. He took a deep breath and felt a cold wind move inside him. As the dance started it was almost as if he was not in this world. He was somewhere else far above the earth. Dance among the clouds and the immortals. Somewhere closer to heaven, closer to divinity.


Outside the temple the emperor approached with his attendants following close behind. He noticed the light coming from under the massive temple doors  so he stopped on the path.


“Would you like us to clear out whoever is inside, your majesty.” The eunuch whispered.


“No, I will go in alone.” Yifan gestured for them all to step back. He walked forward and stood in front of the doors. He pushed them open and stood silent at the scene he found inside. He stepped closer and a gust of air pushed the doors closed behind him.


There on the prayer platform, was the empress dancing alone in the silence. He moved to music Yifan could not hear. The emperor continued to walk forward and ascended the steps. Xiumin did not notice his presence. Yifan watched Xiumin spin hypnotizingly. The empress dipped low and Yifan was afraid he would fall so he went in and caught the young man by the waist. Xiumin looked up at his husband, wide eyed. They stared at each other in silence.


“You came.” Xiumin whispered.


“You’re here.” Yifan answered. “Why?”


“I came to be pardoned for my sins.” Xiumin answered. Yifan pulled the empress up and kept him close so their face were barely touching.


“You committed no sins.” Yifan frowned.


“I have, I’ve wronged my husband, my emperor. That is a sin.” Xiumin looked away.


“Not if I say it’s not.” Yifan insisted.


“Emperors do not decide what are sins, immortals do.” Xiumin chuckled.


“Well, I will be an immortal one day.” Yifan smiled.


“I will too.” Xiumin looked up mischievously.


“Then you can not sin. Your are an immortal and nothing they do is a sin. Nothing you do could be called that.” Yifan whispered and leaned their foreheads together. “I was wrong to let my anger hurt you. My worry over came me and I brought you shame. An emperor should never do such things to their empress. I beg for your forgiveness.”


“I would never want you to beg.” Xiumin gasped.


“But I am and I will until you forgive me.” Yifan insisted.


“Then I do, I forgive you. I will always forgive you. I never want us to fight again.” Xiumin hugged the emperor and Yifan hugged him back holding the smaller man tightly in his arms.


“We won’t, I promise. Come back to my chambers tonight.” Yifan whispered.


“I don’t know…” Xiumin looked away.


“Don’t worry this is what the ancestors want.” Yifan smiled. He took Xiumin’s hand and lead him down the stairs to the doors. He summoned and gust of air that pushed the doors open. The emperor and empress’ attendants stood outside waiting. Smiles grew on their faces when they saw the couple walk out together smiling as well.  “The empress will be staying in my chambers tonight.” Yifan announced before leading the way out of the temple gardens.


The emperor's attendants were first to follow and the Xiumin’s. Luna lead the empress’s group with a  wide smile on her face.


“The Great Mother never fails us.” She smiled looking to the other attendants who were nodding and agreeing with her.





The Princesses entered the palace the next morning and walked through the garden to the crown prince’s residence at the Hall of Eastern breeze. The crown prince wore a big satisfied smile on his face as he watched his sister’s approach.


“What has got you in such a good mood this morning brother? Did that stable boy you’ve been chasing let you bed him last night.” Soojung laughed.


“No!” Sehun snapped. “I have good news. News I know must be sent from heaven.” Sehun smiled widely. The three siblings entered the lounge and sat down.


“Spit it out then. What is this great news?” Sooyeon pushes.


“Last night at the Temple of Ancestors, when the our imperial brother went to pray he opened the doors to find there, dancing before the immortals, a picture of grace and beauty, the empress. The empress almost falls in his dance and the emperor catches him. They lock eyes and the ancestors in heaven sang. The two speak for just moment and the emperor comes out of the temple with the empress wrapped around his arm announcing that the empress with be returning with him to the Palace of the Sun for the rest of the night.” Sehun sits with a satisfied smirk when he finishes the story.


Sooyeon and Soojung look at each other in a gleeful silence and then back at there brother.


“This is all true? You swear?” Sooyeon gasped.


“It came straight from the empress’ personal maids who were there at the temple last night. They sent word to me this morning knowing I would tell you the good news.” Sehun explained.


“This is beyond anything we could imagine, sister. Who needs to make up a story of their reconciliation when the real one is already straight out of a romance written by the greatest scholar.” Soojung gushed.


“I can’t believe our good fortune. The heavens must love us dearly!” Sooyeon exclaimed. “Those little rats in the harem will be digging their graves when they hear this. The empress, pious and kind, goes to the Temple of Ancestors to dance away his sins only to be swept off his feet by the emperor, who is so enchanted by his beauty that he forgives him for everything. I can not believe it!’ Sooyeon rose to her feet.  “Summon the Pure consort, Liu Yiyun, and the fourth prince.” Sooyeon called to the servants.


“It’s time to set our plan in motion.” Sehun sat back in his seat.





Baekhyun sat in the gardens admiring the flowers alone when he heard a group of concubines pass by giggling with each other. They stopped and stood by a nearby pond. They were close enough that Baekhyun could hear their conversation.


“Can you believe The emperor was so enraptured with the empress he took him back to the Palace of the Sun right away.” One of them exclaimed.


“I can believe it. The empress, dancing perfectly in a beautiful setting like the temple of ancestors. The emperor had to be completely in love.” Another concubine sighed.


“If only I could be as enchanting as the empress. He is the most beautiful in all the four kingdom.” The third concubine insisted.


“The empress is the greatest. No one can compare, not even the consorts.” The first concubine spoke again.


“The consorts don’t even come close.” The concubines laughed and then moved off.


Baekhyun sat in silence for a minute after hearing the news.


“They made up.” He whispered.


“It appears that way, your highness.” The eunuch frowned.


“How could it happen so soon and so perfectly. Why is his life like a storybook?” Baekhyun gritted his teeth. “I’ve just been settling for his leftovers while he enjoys the perfect life. Love, power, infinite blessings.”


“His majesty also cares for-”


“No he doesn’t!” Baekhyun yelled. “The emperor does not care for anyone in the harem except for his perfect little doll-like empress. We were married to him at random. For convenient political ties. Only the empress really mattered. He’s the son of an emperor, heir to a race of dragons, imperial child to one of the great immortals. He is the perfect bride, His pedigree is untouchable. That’s why the 1st Princess picked him. He’s so perfect that the emperor wouldn’t care about the rest of us. The princess was simply finishing what the Empress Dowager started before she died.” Baekhyun was breathing heavy now.


“What was that?” The maid asked in a small, weak voice.


“Creating the perfect immortal lineage. It doesn’t matter that empress can’t have children. He and the emperor will be written down in history as the first imperial couple to ascend to immortality together since the time of first kingdoms and the great immortals” Baekhyun slammed his fist on the table.


“They’ll be praised in the history books.” The eunuch realized.


“None of us will ever matter.” He hissed. “None us will ever compare.”





Xiumin woke up with the sun glittering through the sheer curtains pulled around the emperor’s bed. He looked to his side and found Yifan still sleeping. He smiled to himself and moved out of the bed. He walked away and looked at himself in the gold mirror but the reflection staring back at him wasn’t him. The edges of the mirror became frosted and the image looking back at him was Sylia, the Great mother.


“Great Mother, is that really you? Is this a dream?” Xiumin gasped.


“No, this is not a dream. I have come to you to give you congratulations. Just like  I promised, all things would fix themselves. That was not meant to be your struggle. You are destined for greater things.” Sylia smiled.


“Thank you so much, Great Mother.” Xiumin smiled.


“I am also here to remind you, my child. Never forget your dreams because they can guide you. The heavens are giving messages in your dreams that you must listen to.” She started to fade.


“My dreams? What do you mean, Great Mother? What dreams?”” Xiumin touched the mirror’s surface.


“Trust your dreams, my child.” Sylia spoke in an echoing voice and then her image faded out of the mirror and Xiumin was left with his own reflection.


“What dream could she mean.” Xiumin sighed. “She couldn’t be talking about the girl in the gazebo, could she?”


The girl in Gazebo had cried for something that couldn’t be fixed. Xiumin had fixed the harem and his relationship was saved, so the only thing left was the prophecy that the Grand priestess had told before he left the orth. That left Xiumin with a knot in his stomach. The prophecy was eerie enough but that dream only made it worse.


“Little bird, are you up already?” The emperor’s voice came through the curtain, rough and still coated by sleep.


“I am.” Xiumin turned to the bed. The knot in his stomach disappearing at the sound of his husband’s voice.


“Come back, you shouldn’t be up so soon. Come lay down with me.” He called Xiumin back. The empress smiled but took one last look at the mirror before returning to the bed.



Author's Note
I'm back everybody! My lfie is getting so crazy, finals week is coming up. Wish me luck, everybody. But before I drown in work I was able to finish this chapter for you guys. I hope you guys enjoy! I'm going to be working on the character profiles for the northern kingdom. They'll be popping up again in this story soon! So I will check back with you when i finish finals and have wrritten the new chapter for Rooftops! Please continue to comment and subscribe. Thank you for reading!


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I really like this so far ^^. Hope you'll update again soon and can't wait to see how it'll be when he gets to the Eastern kingdom ^^.
eaqalee #2
Chapter 14: Update soon author-nim
jennifer_yuki #3
Chapter 14: I hope this story get more subscribers because this fic is awesome, author-san!(^v^)
batmansidekick #4
Chapter 14: Yaaaay u are back :))))
Chapter 14: Ah. Good job xiumin. You fixed Baekyeol. XD and the Xiuris. Kris's love for Xiumin is incredibly sweet and romantic.
mackJ1416 #6
Chapter 14: Yah no more fight for now oh I hope he mets the girl to stop the war u go xiumin update soon as u can do hwaiting author nim
MidnightMarauder #7
Chapter 12: Where do you get the pictures for the story? They are quite pretty.
mackJ1416 #8
Chapter 12: Omo xiu so scary I love it I hope everything goes well great chapter author nim hwaiting plz update soon