the spark

Freedom Meant Being With You

The rain was now reduced to a drizzle and Jinki led the way to his condo. It was a bit of a walk but they both figured that it was better to walk and talk rather than ride a cab and arrive at the condo with them being awkward. Jinki took the luggage with a smile which Sunggyu returned with a small smile, muttering that it wasn't necessary to do so but Jinki still insisted. They walked a few blocks when Jinki pulled Sunggyu inside a bakery, grabbing some egg pie and croissant because he was craving them and then inside a rotiserrie place for some roasted chicken. Sunggyu was shocked, of course he was, to see that this newly found acquiantance has such a big stomach, and chickens no less.


Jinki led them to a posh condominium downtown, units selling for impressive prices. But what took the cake was Jinki's unit, a penthouse suite! Sunggyu was wide eyed and gaping, making Jinki chuckle at the adorable cuteness Sunggyu has. He then placed the food in the kitchen island and beckoned the guest over.


“You never told me that you were this rich.” Sunggyu said wide eyed as he sat on the stool opposite Jinki.


“Told you that I have a secret to tell.” jinki beamed him a smile.


Sunggyu looked arund the apartment and saw the numerous LG appliances on display. He raised a brow and uttered a remark. “Are you an LG endorser or something?” Sunggyu asked and Jinki laughed at that. “What?” Sunggyu asked and Jinki continued to laugh.


“God no! I am actually Lee Jinki.” Jinki uttered nd Sunggyu gaped even more.


“You are freaking Lee Jinki, heir of LG?” Sunggyu exclaimed and Jinki laughed even more. “Why are you even running unguarded in the streets of Seoul?” Sunggyu shouted and Jinki continued to laugh.


“Because I am nineteen and I am every bit of a rebel.” Jinki uttered but Sunggyu doesn't believe it. Sunggyu pouted and Jinki resisted pinching those cheeks. “It's been a while, they got used to me running away for the weekend then return home by Monday morning. My parents decided to buy me a place to stay while I enjoy some freedom.” Jinki explained but Sunggyu was lost in the words and explanation. “Hey you okay?” Jinki asked and Sunggyu sighed.


“I think I need to wake up from this dream.” Sunggyu uttered and Jinki pinched his cheeks. “Ouch! What was that for!” Sunggyu shouted and Jinki laughed even more.


“You are cute Sunggyu!” Jinki uttered and Sunggyu felt himself blush hearing the compliment.


“are you for real?” Sunggyu asked and Jinki nodded.


“Stay here Sunggyu, I don't use it anyway.” Jinki offered.


“But you just met me, why are you entrusting your house to me?” Sunggyu was perplexed with the idea.


“Maybe because I like you already Sunggyu, I feel like we've been friends for so long.” Jinki uttered and Sunggyu swallowed loudly.


“I can't believe what you are saying.” Sunggyu said and Jinki laughed heartily.


“We're young and wild and free!” Jinki uttered and Sunggyu gaped at him.


“You didn't just use song reference!” Sunggyu pointed out but Jinki just grinned at him.


“I just did.” Jinki uttered and they ended up laughing like they were really old time friends.


Sunggyu enrolled himself in college, continuing his degree where he left of while Jinki still majored in business management and finance because that was what he was slated to do. Sunggyu found a part time job as a waiter, and coincidently, it was near the alley where he met Jinki. He usually come there before returning to the condo and by chance, Jinki met him there one friday afternoon.


“Hey!” Jinki greeted as he almost knocked Sunggyu down to the pavement but Jinki's reflexes thankfully saved Sunggyu as Jinki's arms were wrapped around Sunggyu's waist and pulled him near his body. “Fancy meeting you here.” Jinki grinned and Sunggyu nodded, pushing himself off of the friend.


“I was just passing by.” Sunggyu shrugged.


“Why don't we spend the night here and do a little remiscing?” Jinki suggested.


“What? Spend the night in an alley?” Sunggyu asked.


“you know, trying something different.” Jinki explained.


“Oh, part of freedom thing. You are weird Jinki.” Sunggyu chuckled but went along with the plan.


Buying a dozen beer cans, some street food and chips and getting some poorly shaped stools in a dumpster nearby, they were able to settle themselves in the alley, with their cellphines as the source of light. They talked about their week, how Sunggyu almost scalded a customer when he tripped, or how he almost flunked Chemistry because his stupid lab partner Woohyun decided that skipping class and ramming into his boyfriend was a better idea. Jinki laughed at it, because Sunggyu looked like he was super stressed about life.


“How did you fare?” Sunggyu asked and Jinki sighed loudly.


“the usual boring stuff, Macro economics' a bore, Financial Analysis is super over rated and I have to watch the stock market prices for the whole semester.” Jinki groaned.


“Chemistry sounds better.” Sunggyu replied and Jinki nodded.


“I would have preferred mixing chemicals over looking over infinite numbers and trying to balance debits and credits. Bummer.” Jinki whined, downing another can of beer.


They retreated to silence after and just stared at the starry sky above them Sunggyu smiled contentedly and then looked at Jinki who was also looking up at the sky, eyes fixed on the moon. “You know what Gyu,” Jinki started and smiled at Sunggyu. “Let's make this place ours.” Jinki uttered and Sunggyu felt like it wasa marriage proposal of some sort but that was his assumptions and not what was truly meant.


“I like that idea.” Sunggyu smiled back and returned to the sky, humming a tune before slowly feeling tiredness take over his body and lull him to his deep slumber.


Sunggyu woke up the next day with a hangover but it was tolerable compared to the last time they had drinks for their mid terms. Sunggyu looked at the place he was in and found Jinki slumed on the brick wall and nursing a headache. He smiled as he approached the lad and then pulled him by the wrist, out of the place and into somewhere much more comfortable.


They went back to the condo, took a bath settled for coffee when Jinki blurted out three words that made Jinkki smile like a releive idiot.


“I like you.” Jinki blurted out and Sunggyu felt the intensity of the emotions being conveyed to him.


“Are you sure? Like as in like... ?” Sunggyu asked and Jinki nodded.


“Give me a chance?” Jinki asked but Sunggyu wasn't sure if he had a response fitting for the question asked.


“Why? I am practically a homeless person.” Sunggyu asked but Jinki shook his head.


“You are an amazing person Gyu and I just felt like I've known you for years and that your smile, it gave me sparks of life, love and contentment.” Jinki confessed and Sunggyu was surely lost for words.


“Let me think it over Jinki.” Sunggyu uttered and Jinki let him be.

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Chapter 7: kkkkkk~ writer's problem(? at endings hahahahah but I really liked it^^ it was very very cute :3 I was actually waiting for an anger reaction of JinKi's appa, but like it didn't end like that... I'm happy! kkkkkkk~ thanks to you for upload such a good story*-* kamsahabnida~(? annyeong~ :*
Chapter 6: it will end soon? wae so fast??
Chapter 6: aigooo~ that was so cute*-* I really love them <3 JinKi fighting for their love and SungGyu supporting him until forever :3 I'll be waiting!^^
Chapter 5: :'(
What will happened to the passed out Gyu!!
This is so heartbreaking!!!
Chapter 5: aigoooo~ they want the other back T____________T I want them back too~ aigooo :'( evil author-nim -.-
Chapter 2: that was fast jinki appa
Chapter 2: Ok another OnGyu fic!! :)))))
Huh why angsty???? :(
How about ending? also angtsy!?!?!?!?
Can it be happy ending instead? :pppp
Chapter 2: I'm almost dead. See you in the next chapter(?
Chapter 1: waaaahhh another ongyu i'm so gonna enjoy this