The meeting

Freedom Meant Being With You

Freedom is something they both desired, when they were young and wild and free, all pun and song reference intended. They were at an age of confusion and rebellion, a trying time of doing things their way just because they can or they just wanted to prove their parents wrong. Goth, emo, piercings, these were some of the things they did including the ever changing hair color and those mismatched clothes; it was trully a time in their lives that liberty is a luxury more than a necessity.


That's when their paths crossed, accidentally perhaps but Fate must have done something becuasse it was an unexpected encounter that they will both look back with bittersweet smiles and linger emotions.


Typical saturday afternoon, the streets of Myeongdeong was littered with people and it was the perfect excape route to freedom, at least Jinki thought that way. He ran away from his body guards, something typical from a nineteen year old who was slated to own one of Korea's largest enterprises, LG group of companies no less. He ran away, something he does on a weekly basis so despite his body guards losing him, they knew he won't gofurther than the outskirts of town, maybe chance upon a club in Gangnam or down town; Jinki would always return come Sunday evening, ready to take on his duties as the perfect son.


On many occasions, he'll neet with his little gang, a group of stuck up brats we call heirs who were often misunderstood as playboys because girls latch on them. Though they get hurt at the words branded on them (not their fault the girls love the fame and bling) they just enjoy what's on the platter, because it comes with the liberty that they were chasing.


But this afternoon was unlike any other afternoon when Jinki and his group of friends ran into some of the weirdest bunch of retards who extort money for fun and used their insanely steriod fueled body to intimidate their victims. They dispersed in a split second, opting to distract the group rather than fighting the thugs. Jinki was athletic, an ace in his highschool soccer, so running wasn't that hard. But he was clumsy too as hell so when he ran around a curb, he collided with another lad, causing them to stumble on the pavement and the lad's luggage to hit the brick wall. Jinki pulled himself up and then grabbed the boy and the luggage through an alley, covering the boy's mouth until the shiluetes of the thugs passed by the plastic covered frame.


“What the hell was that!” The boy spat and Jinki was huffing as he faced the boy.


'I'm sorry! They were thugs.” Jinki explained but the boy ignored him and grabbed his luggage, opting to leave the alley and go his way. “I'm sorry.” Jinki uttered but the boy spared him no glance. “You don't have to be prissy on me.” Jinki smuggly said and the boy faced him with a glare.


“Prissy? Who dragged me into an alley and covered my mouth! For all I care you want to kidnap me!” the boy said and Jinki scoffed at that.


“Like I would need money.” He smugly said and that made the boy angrier than before. “Look, I'm sorry okay, I was running away from those guys who woould beat the hell out of me to extort money from me.” Jinki explained. “Idrag you in here because I want to properly apologize for bumping into you.” Jinki uttered and the boy just glared at him.


The boy then started walking to the plastic covered entry way when they heard thunder rolling and they both looked at the dark skies above them. Then it started to drizzle and both looked at each other before running towards a ledge covered area in the alley, big enough for them to share without room for movements.


The wind blew coldly and the boy opened his luggage and took out a jacket to wear. He was warm but then looked at the other and saw him shivering. With a sigh, he took out a towel, the only thick material left in his bag. He handed it to Jinki who looked at it for a second before beaming a grateful smile and wrapping it around his back, giving him some warmth from the passing storm.


“I'm Jinki.” Jinki started after some painfully awkward silence and the boy looked at him before he nodded and introduced himself.


“Sunggyu.” He uttered and Jinki could swear that the boy's voice was like a symphony of well written notes.


“Sorry about earlier.” Jinki uttered and Sunggyu nodded. “Thank you for lending me this.” Jinki uttered.


“It's okay.' Sunggyu replied and the silence returned.


After much pondering and the rain wasn't planning on stopping, Jinki decided that he and this strangr find something warmer. “There's this coffee shop nearby, maybe we could run there instead of waiting here?” Jinki asked but Sunggyu shook his head.


“I don't have spare change for luxuries like over priced coffee.” Sunggyu replied and Jinki could sense something painful about it.


“Come on, my treat.” Jinki urged, flashing him a blinding smile the Lee's were known for.


“Sounds great.” Sunggyu replied, retrieving an umbrella from his bag and opening it for them to share.


Jinki offered to pull the suitcase, saying that it's only right for him to do it. When they entered the coffee shop, the warmth and comforting smell of coffee instantly enveloped them and Jinki noticed Sunggyu relax, and that alone made him smile a little bit.


“So, what will you have?” Jinki asked and Sunggyu shrugged his shoulders. Jinki went to the counter and ordered two Capuccino and two blueberry muffins. He then went back to their table with the order and happily handed it to Sunggyu. “Enjoy.” Jinki gestured and Sunggyu sighed before grabbing the warm cup in his cold hands and sipping lightly.


Jinki observed the boy, a cute boy with tiny eyes and pale white cheeks. He has the perfect small nose and pouty lips. He was attractive and Jinki feels the gravitational pull all of the sudden,a first he had despite the numerous girls who flirted with him. He observed Sunggyu, something about him made Jinki smile like an idiot; and he is welcoming the idea that perhaps, he is liking Sunggyu now.


“Thank you.” Sunggyu uttered, breaking the trance Jinki was in when he was staring at the cutest guy ever that appeared before him.


“What for?” Jinki asked and Sunggyu pointed to the coffee and muffin. Jinki chuckled and brushed it off, thanking Sunggyu for the towel and the umbrella. “You going somewhere?” Jinki asked and Sunggyu sighed.


“I ran away from home.” Sunggyu confessed and there's a hint of sadness that was running deep within Sunggyu, something Jinki would want to discover.


“Why?” Jinki dared to ask and Sunggyu bit his lip and glue his eyes on the wooden table. “You don't have to tell me if you are uncomfrtable with it.” Jinki shrugged.


“I am different. I kinda ...” Sunggyu paused then looked at Jinki. “I'm queer.” Sunggyu confessed and Jinki couldn't help the smile form in his face.


“oh, Your parents doesn't like it?” Jinki asked and Sunggyu nodded.


“My dad is strict, he works for the Marine corps.” Sunggyu said and Jinki nodded.


“Well thank you for sharing your secret Sunggyu but rest assred that I will not judge you. One of my friends is also queer and let me tell you, he's a diva.” Jinki uttered and Sunggyu smiled a bit. “So do you have a place to stay?” Jinki asked and Sunggyu shook his head.


“I should probably look for a dorm.” Sunggyu uttered and Jinki shook his head.


“I have a condo, we can probably share it.” Jinki suggested and Sunggyu shook his head.


“That would be too much.” Sunggyu replied but Jinki shook his head.


“I have my own secret to tell.” Jinki uttered and soon pulled Sunggyu by the wrist and out of the coffee shop.


A/N: I intended this to be 1 long fic but I kinda have to cut it into parts just because I am a lazy bum and it's nearly 2am here. (and I have to go to work at 8am so yeah... wish me luck)


anyway~ angst will come in the middle so enjoy the lightness of this update~

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Chapter 7: kkkkkk~ writer's problem(? at endings hahahahah but I really liked it^^ it was very very cute :3 I was actually waiting for an anger reaction of JinKi's appa, but like it didn't end like that... I'm happy! kkkkkkk~ thanks to you for upload such a good story*-* kamsahabnida~(? annyeong~ :*
Chapter 6: it will end soon? wae so fast??
Chapter 6: aigooo~ that was so cute*-* I really love them <3 JinKi fighting for their love and SungGyu supporting him until forever :3 I'll be waiting!^^
Chapter 5: :'(
What will happened to the passed out Gyu!!
This is so heartbreaking!!!
Chapter 5: aigoooo~ they want the other back T____________T I want them back too~ aigooo :'( evil author-nim -.-
Chapter 2: that was fast jinki appa
Chapter 2: Ok another OnGyu fic!! :)))))
Huh why angsty???? :(
How about ending? also angtsy!?!?!?!?
Can it be happy ending instead? :pppp
Chapter 2: I'm almost dead. See you in the next chapter(?
Chapter 1: waaaahhh another ongyu i'm so gonna enjoy this