Taking a Step Forward

Freedom Meant Being With You

It was a little over a year when they realized that their feelings for each other wasn't typical and friendly. Sunggyu was more than skeptical when Jinki first told him about liking him and day by day, it seemed like it only got stronger than the day before. It made Sunggyu all giddy in a way that he was finally letting himself return the feelings the younger had for him, but he wouldn't want to fall in love now and just end up heart broken when someone from the Lee group come ratting for his .


He was in the alley again, a place they had claimed theirs because no one even noticed the place anyway. In the year that passed, they had made the blank alley come to life with a bit more furnitures like an old couch they got for free when they passed by a furniture store removing their old inventories, some wooden boxes that they used as stools and table. They even had a fish bowl that they filled with glow sticks and some random stuff that they accumulated over the year.


It was like a home for them because they spend their friday nights there, downing beer and chicken while they tell anecdotes of the week that they had. They are now 20 years old and in another year, Jinki would be named as the upcoming CEO in training, which made Sunggyu nervous.


“You are thinking a lot.” Jinki commented.


“Yeah, I think I need to move out.” Sunggyu uttered and Jinki was panicked.


“Why?” Jinki was perplexed about it.


“I've been depending on you for a long time now, I don't want to be a burden anymore.” Sunggyu uttered and Jinki quickly took Sunggyu's hand into his and looked straight into his eyes.


“No! Gyu, why are you leaving? Did I do something wrong? Did my father do something?” Jinki asked and Sunggyu shook his head.


“No Jinki, but I don't want to go to that length.” Sunggyu uttered and Jinki shook his head, tears now forming in his eyes.


“I won't let them Gyu. Please don't leave me. I know that I have been difficult but please don't leave me.” Jinki uttered, now letting his tears fall from his eyes. “Are you liking someone Gyu? Are you feeling awkward because you know that I like you?” Jinki asked and Sunggyu sighed. “I can still be your friend Gyu, you can forget about my feeligns but please just don't leave me.” Jinki was pleading, because he was that desparate to keep the friend, even if he would repress his growing fondness of him.


“but Jinki, I can't let you suffer being a friend knowing that you have these feelings for me.” Sunggyu tried but Jinki shook his head.


Jinki was lost for words so just cried his heart out. He never knew that this would hurt so bad, his feelings for Sunggyu had bloomed into something so big that it was heart breaking to learn that Gyu wanted to leave. The sight was tugging at Sunggyu's heart that he pulled the younger into an embrace and allowed him to cry his heart out. He knew that a relationship with Jinki would be hard but he never knew that Jinki was far down the black hole to even pull out.


“Jinki-ah.” Sunggyu called out.


“I love you Gyu, please don't leave me.” Jinki cried out and that was something Sunggyu had not expected. He felt tears fell from his eyes and held Jinki closer to his body.


“I love you too.' Sunggyu replied and hearing this Jinki shed more tears.


They spend their first night together with hands intertwined and sharing the sofa while gazing out into the stars then to each other's eyes in the alley they call theirs. Sunggyu wiped the tears off of Jinki's face and leaned in to capture his lips. Jinki returned the kiss with much vigor and when they broke for air, they had contented smiles on their faces.


Jinki had light in his eyes when he walked towards his office monday morning, his friend Jonghyun noted the change in the hyung.


“You are looking happier today hyung.” Jonghyun whistled as he handed Jinki the college homework he needs done before his afternoon schedule.


“You noticed?” Jinki asked and Jonghyun grinned at him.


“Don't tell you hit it off with uhmm what's his name?” Jonghyun asked and Jinki rolled his eyes.


“Then I won't tell you!” Jinki uttered and Jonghyun broke into a squeal.


“Oh my gosh, If I knew you were queer, I would have set you up with guys before! Congratulations!” Jonghyun uttered and embraced the hyung who was laughing and in complete celebratory mode.


Friday evening rolled in and Jinki excitedly stepped into the alley to find Sunggyu in the couch holding a paper cup filled with instant coffee. He noticed Jinki and patted the space next to him. Jinki smiled and pecked Sunggyu's cheek before wrapping an arm around his waist. Sunggyu smiled and kissed his cheek as well before resting his head on Jinki's shoulder.


“It'll be fall soon.” Sunggyu uttered and Jinki nodded.


“We should buy blankets or something.” Jinki replied and Sunggyu chuckled at him.


“That would be really nice.” Sunggyu replied before Jinki intertwined their hands and led them back to the condo they share on the weekends.


Sunggyu was smitten with Jinki beccause he saw how the latter was deeply in love with him. He wondered how will he reapy him because seriously, he just needed to thank Jinki for all the love he was receiving.


The thing is, Sunggyu couldn't think of anything that he could give because Jinki had everything money could buy. So he just sat on the couch holding his knees close to his body and rested his head on it. Jinki came waltzing in with a cake in one hand and a boquet on the other. Sunggyu was grinning at the cheesiness of Jinki but he couldn't even hate him for that because Jinki is Jinki and this is his way of telling Sunggyu how much he means to him.


“Happy 4th monthsary!” Jinki happily uttered and Sunggyu opened his arms to greet his boyfriend. “Cake and flowers!” Jinki said and Sunggyu giggled as he received the gifts.


“I don't even have a gift for you!” Sunggyu uttered and Jinki grinned at him.


“No problem, just having you is the best gift ever.” Jinki said, opening the cake box.


Sunggyu's eyes went wide when he saw the lettering on the cake, it read Happy birthday. Sunggyu looked at Jinki and then back to the cake. “Oh my gosh it's your birthday!” Sunggyu was flustered and Jinki laughed heartily.


“The first time, You didn't know my birthday but this year, I thought you would remember it clearly.” Jinki pouted and Sunggyu kissed the pout away.


“I'm sorry Jinki but..” Sunggyu said, biting his lip in the process.


But Jinki kissed him passionately. “Don't be, you are the best gift ever.” Jinki was cheesy but who cared.



Sunggyu looked at him in the eye and thought about it for the longest time. He saw love in Jinki's eyes and knew that this was the right thing to do. Without breaking eye contact with Jinki, he said something that really made their relationshi deeper than the Marianas trench. “I want you to have me, all of me Jinki.” Sunggyu uttered and Jinki was surprised.


“Don't say things in a rush Gyu.” Jinki uttered, knowing that what Sunggyu just offered him.


“I am not rushing.” Sunggyu uttered and pulled him in a kiss. “I wanted it for a long time.” Sunggyu uttered breathless and Jinki couldn't refuse such gift.


The Seoul breeze was cold that night, considering than winter has already settled. Though the snow hasn't fallen yet, it was still biting cold. But their bodies were hot and they needed each other, they wanted this for a long time and this is the perfect time. Jinki pulled him into another kiss and one by one, articles of clothes were removed and their bodies were moulded into each other, wet with sweat and scorching with the love they are sharing . They were breathless as they looked at each other, connected and very much in love.


“I love you Sunggyu.” Jinki breathed out and Sunggyu shed tears and pulled him into a kiss.


“I love you too Jinki.” Sunggyu replied and they indulged themselves in the love they shared for each other.


Sunggyu woke up the next morning with Jinki's arms around him and their coats covering their bodies. It was cold and Sunggyu noticed that the first snow has fallen. He woke Jinki with a kiss and when the latter opened his eyes, he smiled mirroring that of Sunggyu. “It's snowing.” Sunggyu uttered.


“Are you hurt Gyu?” Jinki asked and Sunggyu smiled at him and kissed him.


“I am okay.” Sunggyu replied and then stood from the sofa to grab his clothes before it ended up frozen. “We better get back to the condo.” Sunggyu suggested and Jinki nodded, getting his own clothes and dressing himself up. They left the alley with intertwined hands and smiles on their faces.


“I need to give you a gift too Gyu.” Jinki uttered as they stepped out of the coffee shop with steamign coffee and some cinnamon buns.


“What gift?” Sunggyu asked but Jinki just grinned.


And Sunggyu found out that the gift was a joint shower and Jinki squirming under him while his name. They can live with this for the rest of his life.


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Chapter 7: kkkkkk~ writer's problem(? at endings hahahahah but I really liked it^^ it was very very cute :3 I was actually waiting for an anger reaction of JinKi's appa, but like it didn't end like that... I'm happy! kkkkkkk~ thanks to you for upload such a good story*-* kamsahabnida~(? annyeong~ :*
Chapter 6: it will end soon? wae so fast??
Chapter 6: aigooo~ that was so cute*-* I really love them <3 JinKi fighting for their love and SungGyu supporting him until forever :3 I'll be waiting!^^
Chapter 5: :'(
What will happened to the passed out Gyu!!
This is so heartbreaking!!!
Chapter 5: aigoooo~ they want the other back T____________T I want them back too~ aigooo :'( evil author-nim -.-
Chapter 2: that was fast jinki appa
Chapter 2: Ok another OnGyu fic!! :)))))
Huh why angsty???? :(
How about ending? also angtsy!?!?!?!?
Can it be happy ending instead? :pppp
Chapter 2: I'm almost dead. See you in the next chapter(?
Chapter 1: waaaahhh another ongyu i'm so gonna enjoy this