telltales of pain

Freedom Meant Being With You


a/n: this will be angst through and through because I am an evil author



Sunggyu was devastated as he stepped out of the condominium. He had given everything to Jinki, everything, including his heart, soul and his body. He had never loved someone so dearly in his life and was least expecting a break up right after his birthday. He couldn't fathom why jinki would be so harsh with him, but perhaps Jinki was just a good actor and he was woound up in lies about love and whatnot. And now that Jinki had everything Sunggyu had to offer, he was dumped like a piece of trash; he was one when they met so what difference does it make?

He found himself walking to the alley, a place that held so much memory, a place they called home at some point in his life. He left his suitcase by the plastic sheets by the entrance and he gravitated to the couch, the very couch that he had experienced love and now heartache. He balled himself, clutching his knees towards his body and sobbing even more as he let out the pain he was feeling right now.


He had loved Jinki, that's not a question so what did he do wrong for him to deserve such heartache? He cried even more until he felt wetness on his back and head, and soon enough, the sky let down their own tears as if to comfort him in this time of grief. Sunggyu let out more tears, vocal about the heartache that he was experiencing right now.


Jinki, I need you!” He shouted, but the words were drowned by the roaring thunder.


HE was soaked and freezing yet he didn't care about the aftermath of his actions. He could end up having a fever and eventually die; and that was better than living life without Jinki. He sobbed even more before he retreated to sleep, the rain still poundign down on him but he didn't make a move to shield himself.


He woke up with a fever, his body up in flames and his head incredibly heavy. He was sniffing badly and he could feel the mucous run down his nose and he wiped it with his sleeve. He pushed himself up and his vision was blurred, and without knowing, he felt tears ran down his face. He felt pathetic, he couldn't even get over a break up when Jinki might be having the time of his life with the freedom he so desperately wanted to chase.




The name alone made him cry fresh tears and it was frustrating. The fever was not going anytime soon and he felt his body temperature heat up and the throbbing in his head was not subsiding either. But he couldn't care less because he was preoccupied with nursing his broken heart and wishing that it was just a dream that he'll wake up soon.


But it wasn't andd he was very much in pain.


I need you back Jinki.” He muttered until he passed out.






Jinki landed in Thailand, and Nichkhun's royal guards were there to them to their cars. Nichkhun was the prince of the Kingdom of Siam and this is not for show but a standard operating procedure. The ride to the palace was a little quiet, all five of them were tensed about the situation but put on a facade once they entered the palace and Nichkhun welcomed them to his home.


The party wasn't till next friday so they were allowed to explore Thailand, and perhaps it was the last freedom that his father was pertaining to. Jinki was surprised when he was pulled into a van with his friends and some girls they did not even know. They drove somewhere downtown and they were talking about partying and lettign all loose, something Jinki might have liked but perhaps only with Sunggyu.


There was this girl resting hheer head on hi shoulder, she introduced herself as Victoria, a Chinese friend of Nichkhun. He wasn;t interested with her despite her beautiful features, because the prettiest sight for him was Sunggyu, lips pouted when sad or confused, smiling brightly when he was happy and slightly parted when breathless; and the reason for all these was him. Jinki felt like crying, how could he move on and forget Sunggyu if every little thing reminded him of the man ha loved tha most.


They stopped all of the sudden and Victoria pulled him out of the van. Looking around, he saw Jonghyun beign dragged by a girl slightly shorter than Jonghyun and the friend looked so detached, probably thinking of Christine's welfare at the moment. Minho and Taemin were no better when the two were being flirted by girls named Sulli and Krystal, and Jinki can see the discomfort on their faces.


The only one happy among the group would probably be Key who had found chatting with Amber, a tomboy who had a major crush on Krystal, about fashion and music and whatever.


Jinki wanted to have fun and forget everything aboutSunggyu because this was his last shot so he went with the plan, the day tour, the shopping and experiencing freedom for one last time. He pulled Jonghyun out with Victoria and the girl he came to know as Luna, to hitch on a pick up truck and went to a place to get some beer and waste themselves to forget that life is a .


It almost worked, Jinki laughing and Jonghyun supporting him with it while the girls subtly flirted with them, not as openly as Krystal and Sulli who had both Minho and Taemin cringing at the actions. They downed cans after cans of beer until Jinki almost passed out and he was sure he wouldn't see the sun rise in the next evening. But when he saw the stars peeked out from the clouds and twinkled in front of his eyes, he felt tears form in his eyes and he glanced at Jonghyun who was laying next to him in the cold grass. Jonghyun smiled and leaned in to whisper to him. “hyung let it out, I know that you love him so much.”


Jinki then let it all out, because Sunggyu meant so much to him than words could even relay. “I want to go back Gyu.” He muttered through the tears and for the first time in his life, he wanted to be home.



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Chapter 7: kkkkkk~ writer's problem(? at endings hahahahah but I really liked it^^ it was very very cute :3 I was actually waiting for an anger reaction of JinKi's appa, but like it didn't end like that... I'm happy! kkkkkkk~ thanks to you for upload such a good story*-* kamsahabnida~(? annyeong~ :*
Chapter 6: it will end soon? wae so fast??
Chapter 6: aigooo~ that was so cute*-* I really love them <3 JinKi fighting for their love and SungGyu supporting him until forever :3 I'll be waiting!^^
Chapter 5: :'(
What will happened to the passed out Gyu!!
This is so heartbreaking!!!
Chapter 5: aigoooo~ they want the other back T____________T I want them back too~ aigooo :'( evil author-nim -.-
Chapter 2: that was fast jinki appa
Chapter 2: Ok another OnGyu fic!! :)))))
Huh why angsty???? :(
How about ending? also angtsy!?!?!?!?
Can it be happy ending instead? :pppp
Chapter 2: I'm almost dead. See you in the next chapter(?
Chapter 1: waaaahhh another ongyu i'm so gonna enjoy this