
Freedom Meant Being With You

Sunggyu sighed as he checked his reflection in the mirror. He had to meet Mr. Lee and he should look pristine at the very least. Jinki ran his hands on Sunggyu’s hair to mess it up and Sunggyu pouted, now he looked like a messy college student.


“Stop it Jinki!” Sunggyu was irritated but Jinki just pulled him into a kiss.


“Don’t try to look like somebody that you are most definitely not. Come on, we are meeting my father, not the president of Korea.” Jinki uttered.


“That’s precisely my point, he is  your father and he is the president of LG.” Sunggyu emphasized and Jinki sighed.


“I know that you are nervous but please, let me handle it. And don’t blame yourself.” Jinki pointed a finger at Sunggyu who has his brows slowly furrowing, an indication that he was feeling guilty of everything.


“But I ruined your life Jinki.” Sunggyu uttered and Jinki sighed.


Jinki cupped Sunggyu’s face with his hands and placed a chaste kiss on his forehead before he looked at him straight in the eye and smiled so sweetly. “You did not ruin my life Gyu, you gave me a life to live.” Jinki uttered and Sunggyu grinned a little.


“You are getting cheesy Jinki.” Sunggyu replied then kissed Jinki.


They opt to leave their suitcases by the elevator to retrieve later after the meeting and with one last look at the penthouse; they stepped inside the elevator and down the building.


Sunggyu was beyond nervous when he stepped inside LG headquarters, it was beyond amazing and he kind of felt undeserving of the person holding his hand tightly and leading him towards the special elevator the executives uses. Jinki fished out his special card and tapped it on the elevator before he pressed the floor where his father’s office was before turning to Sunggyu and squeezing his hand in reassurance.


“It’ll be okay, don’t worry about it.” Jinki uttered and Sunggyu nodded but deep down he was still worried like hell.


When the elevator door opened, Jonghyun greeted them with a smile. Jinki introduced them both to each other and Jonghyun was happy to finally meet the man that freed his hyung.


“You didn’t stay for Khun’s birthday?” Jinki asked and Jonghyun shook his head.


“I told him about your predicament and even gave me help me book the flight. He did give me this. It’s his gift for you.” Jonghyun handed a box and Jinki took it and opened it.


The box contained a pair of infinity bracelet and a note from Nichkhun that went in the lines of thanking him for realizing that freedom is being with someone he loves and for taking care of Victoria.


“I believe Nichkhun is breaking up with Tiffany and he plans to announce his engagement with Victoria whether his parents liked it or not.” Jonghyun said and Jinki flashed him a smile.


“Who knew we will both end up getting our man.” Jinki uttered and Jonghyun grinned. “How’s Christine?” Jinki asked.


“She’s okay for now. I haven’t talked to her but I made sure that she’s protected.” Jonghyun uttered and Jinki nodded.


“Mr. Lee Jinki,the president will see you now.” His father’s secretary uttered and Jinki nodded.


Before he followed him to the office, he took out one of the bracelet and took Sunggyu’s hand and wore it on his wrist. He then shoved the box towards Sunggyu who pouted before taking it and putting it on Jinki’s wrist.


Jinki  gave Sunggyu a reassuring kiss before they intertwined their fingers and walked towards the office; It’s now or never.


Mr. Lee was sitting on a couch with a lawyer by his right. His secretary led Jinki and Sunggyu to sit on the right side couches and left, closing the door behind him.  The lawyer introduced himself as Atty. Jung, and Jinki his head to acknowledge the man.


“Let’s do this as quickly as possible. Atty. Jung, hand them the documents to read.” Mr. Lee instructed and the lawyer took out two copies of the document and handed it to the two men.


Jinki and Sunggyu took the folders and opened them gingerly. They were expecting a memorandum of agreement or  something in the line to that to officially remove Jinki as the heir of LG and from the group’s list of beneficiaries but their eyes went wide reading the title.


“Pre-nuptial agreement?” They both uttered and Mr. Lee nodded, his poker face was still intact.


“But you wanted me to break up with Gyu!” Jinki argued.


“Yes I did.” Mr. Lee uttered.


“and now you want me to sign a pre-nuptial agreement?” Jinki asked and Mr. Lee nodded. “Why?” Jinki dared to ask and managed to make his father sigh.


“I came to see you earlier believing that he had ruined you as a person, someone undeserving of such a precious son like you. I came determined to break you two apart.” Mr. Lee explained. “But I did not expect to see you Jinki, mature and standing up for this man.” Mr. Lee pointed at Sunggyu. “I was beyond perplexed. I wanted to disown you Jinki, but I realized that you finally become a Lee worthy to be the heir of this company, and he will be the wind beneath your wings. He is, like you said, your freedom.” Mr. Lee then flashed a gentle smile.


Jinki was tearing up hearing what his father just reasoned out. He stood and walked to his father before leaning in and embracing him tightly, his tears falling down his face in relief.


“Ah Jinki, you rarely cry now a days. This feels like the day you passed your kindergarten exam” Mr Lee uttered as he pat his son’s back, his smile was getting bigger.



“You made me so happy.” Jinki uttered before moving away and sitting back next to Sunggyu and lacing his fingers with him. “You too.” Jinki said then grabbed a pen from his pocket, a habit he had always carried since he started schooling.


He affixed his signature on the document and handed the pen to SUnggyu.

“You are signing without reviewing the document?” Atty. Jung asked and Jinki grinned at him.


“My father is always fair in contracts.” Jinki answered then glanced to his father who was grinning and nodding back at him.


“I need to work here too?” Sunggyu asked, browsing the document. “And a formal wedding ceremony will be needed, with press conference?” Sunggyu was gasping at the details.


“It’s all formalities Gyu.” Jinki reassured him.


“Wait, are there no clauses that I don’t get anything if we get a divorce? Why are all the conditions about…” Jinki shut him up with a kiss.


“Don’t worry  about it, just sign it.” Jinki uttered and Sunggyu couldn’t help but worry.


“Sunggyu-ssi.” Mr. Lee uttered.


“Yes Mr. Lee.” Sunggyu responded.


“You are marrying a public man, a highly prized heir to one of Korea’s largest empire. Jinki is already popular in the public’s eye whether you like it or not, and the clauses are basically SOP now.” Mr. Lee said and Sunggyu bit his lip.


“Of course you need to work for us, what is your major?” Mr. Lee asked.


“I am taking up Chemical engineering sir.” Sunggyu replied.


“All the better. Our Chemical division would need your expertise. You can handle The Face Shop if you want to.” Mr. Lee uttered.


“but..” Sunggyu started.


“I am not worried about divorce because I can tell that you won’t file for it. I am confident that nothing of sort will happen. TO be honest, I can see myself and my wife in the two of you.” Mr. Lee smiled. “Please call me appa.” Mr. Lee’s gaze was gentle and his smile was bright as the sun, like Jinki who was doing the exact same thing.


Sunggyu felt tears fell from his eyes, silent but fat tears that Jinki quickly wiped away with his palms. “I don’t deserve this.” Sunggyu uttered and Jinki pulled him into an embrace.


“You do. Please stop degrading yourself.” Jinki uttered and Sunggyu calmed down and pushed himself off of Jinki’s embrace.


He then took the pen from Jinki and signed his life away. Mr. Lee smiled wide and stood, shaking Atty. Jung’s hand in thanks for his work. He then extended a hand for Jinki but his son embraced him instead. He then smiled at Sunggyu and motioned for him to come closer. When he was within reach, Mr. Lee pulled the boy towards him, enveloping him in a warm embrace.

”Thank you for giving Jinki his freedom.” Mr. Lee said and kissed the top of Sunggyu’s head.


Sunggyu looked up at him and sobbed, feeling grateful to the family that threw him away because he met the man of his life through their bitterness on homouality.


“Better fix yourself Jinki, the presscon for your engagement will be this Friday.” Mr. Lee uttered and Jinki smiled.


“Why does it have to be Friday? I always ran away on weekends.” Jinki pouted.


“I’ll just have to hostage Sunggyu then?” Mr. Lee joked and the two boys pouted at him.  “Okay fine, just don’t do it in that alley. Or at least have it renovated.” Mr. Lee uttered.


“I plan on spending my honeymoon there appa.” Jinki winked and Mr Lee whacked his son’s head lightly.


“I’ll have it decorated with roses!” Mr.Lee uttered and the three men laughed.


Jinki and Sunggyu then stood in front of Mr. Lee and they went on their knees to give him a formal bow. Mr. Lee smiled at them and nodded his head.


“Go ahead and celebrate before I tear down your precious alley and convert it to a honeymoon suite.”  He dismissed the two who bowed and waved before leaving with interlaced hands and smiles on their faces.


“I am glad that you found our freedom Jinki.” He uttered and smiled as he gazed out to his window to watch the sun set majestically.




a/n: I know that this is not much but I at endings.. anyway. Thank you for reading,, subscribing  and leaving comments~


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Chapter 7: kkkkkk~ writer's problem(? at endings hahahahah but I really liked it^^ it was very very cute :3 I was actually waiting for an anger reaction of JinKi's appa, but like it didn't end like that... I'm happy! kkkkkkk~ thanks to you for upload such a good story*-* kamsahabnida~(? annyeong~ :*
Chapter 6: it will end soon? wae so fast??
Chapter 6: aigooo~ that was so cute*-* I really love them <3 JinKi fighting for their love and SungGyu supporting him until forever :3 I'll be waiting!^^
Chapter 5: :'(
What will happened to the passed out Gyu!!
This is so heartbreaking!!!
Chapter 5: aigoooo~ they want the other back T____________T I want them back too~ aigooo :'( evil author-nim -.-
Chapter 2: that was fast jinki appa
Chapter 2: Ok another OnGyu fic!! :)))))
Huh why angsty???? :(
How about ending? also angtsy!?!?!?!?
Can it be happy ending instead? :pppp
Chapter 2: I'm almost dead. See you in the next chapter(?
Chapter 1: waaaahhh another ongyu i'm so gonna enjoy this