Somewhere in Neverland

It was midnight when someone knocked on Hara’s house. As she opens her door, she was shocked to see Daehyun, barely standing up from doorstep.

“Daehyun? What are you doing here?” She said.

“I *hiccup* I miss *hiccup* miss you!!” He said

“You’re drunk, Daehyun. Go home!” Hara said, as she close her door but was stop by Daehyun’s foot.

“I’m angry at the both of you!!” He screamed

“Shhh! You’re gonna wake everyone up, Dae!” She said, as she pulls Daehyun inside her house.

“I’m angry at you. You left me at the table! I was humiliated!!” He said as he bury his face in the pillow.

“I- I was uncomfortable, Dae!” Hara explained. “You wouldn’t understand. You were too busy talking to everyone else!”

“I was gonna ask you something in front of everyone, Hara” He said, looking up, holding her face with his hands. ”I was gonna ask you to be my girlfriend, to be mine!!”

Hara blushed and felt hot. “You are REALLY drunk, Dae!!”

“But I’m not drunk enough to kiss you right now.” He muttered.

“What?” Hara exclaimed.

“I want you to be my girlfriend, Hara. Remember our promise, you and me forever in Neverland, right?”

Hara was speechless. She was clearly not ready for this. What about their friendship? What about Kai? Will he be okay, two of his best friends having a relationship?

“Don’t you like me? Don’t you care for me?” Daehyun asked.

“I care for you, Dae. And I do li-like you.” She said, looking at the ground.

“Then be my girlfriend. I’ll have time for you. We’ll spent every time together!” He said, holding her face up.

“But what about Kai?” She uttered.

“His our best friend. He’ll be happy for us!!” He said.

“You’re rig-“She said but suddenly was caught off when Daehyun brought his lips to hers.

In the Morning

“Hey Hara! Goodmorning!” Kai said, catching up to her.

“Uh…Hey...” Hara said, avoiding his eyes.

“What’s wrong? Didn’t sleep too well?” He asked

“Uh Kai. I want you to know that me and Daehyun are –“She said but momentarily caught off by Daehyun.

“Goodmorning, beautiful” He said, kissing the head of Hara. “Hey dude!!” As he waves at Kai.

“Uh…Am I missing something here?” Kai said, looking a bit unstable

“I was just gonna tell you that Daehyun and I…are in a relationship.”

“Oh…Well…Tha-that’s good for you two, then? I mean you look good together, right? Yea, you deserve each other.” Kai said, wearing an awkward smile.

“See, I told you he’s fine with it. Now, come on I’m gonna tell the guys.” Daehyun said, nodding at Kai and left with Hara.

Hara looked back at Kai and saw him doing a thumbs up at her, instantly she felt relieved. As the two disappeared, Kai can’t bear the pain in his heart. He knew he was too late. He really meant that they look god together, since for him Daehyun was Hara’s peter pan and Hara was Daehyun’s wendy. He was the third wheel. Kai walked quickly as possible and avoided people, until he arrived at the library. He knew there was no person in there.

He cried his heart out. He let the pain through. He blamed himself for this. He regretted everything.

“You know, crying won’t get you anywhere.” A voice behind him said.

He turned around and saw DO with Chanyeol and Baekhyun, looking at him with pity.

“Go away. I don’t need you and your pity.”

“We won’t go. You’re our friend.” Baekhyun said, carefully walking towards him.

“Friend! We just barely met yesterday” He cried

“Still, for us, you’re our friend.” Chanyeol exclaimed. “Now tell us what happened.”

Kai told them everything, from the day he met Daehyun and Hara up until this morning. He didn’t expect them to listen and understand at all, but he was thankful having someone to talk to.

“Hey, it’s okay. Please don’t cry. I don’t know how to comfort crying people. Do you know how, Baek?” Chanyeol said, patting Kai’s back.

Baekyun shrugged. “For now, let’s get to class. We’ll be late if we don’t walk now” DO interrupted.” Hey Kai, sit with us later, okay?”

They walked back in silent until the bell rang and they want on their separate ways. As soon as Kai entered the room, Hara and Daehyun wanted to talk to him but since the teacher arrived, they decided to talk later.

In the middle of the lesson, Hara looked behind at Kai and gave a paper.

“Where have you been? We were looking for you!!!”

Kai wrote quickly and gave it back to Hara.


Hara looked at Kai only to find him concentrating on the lesson but the truth is Kai can’t look at her face.  He knew the only way to move on was by avoiding her but he doesn’t know if he can do it.

Class ended early and the lunch bell rang. Kai didn’t wait or the two and walked briskly until he reached the cafeteria. He looked for DO when he heard a loud deep laugh. He looked over that and saw Chanyeol getting choked by DO. He shifted towards their table.

“Uh…Hi.” Kai said sitting beside Tao

“I’m so sorry.” Suho replied, looking apologetic

“Oh…You heard?”  

“Yea…From a certain someone.” He said, glaring at Chanyeol

“Yea. Well, it was expected since we were a child, they-“

“Stop. No more sad flashbacks!!” Baekhyun said.

“Still don’t know what you’re talking about!” Kris said. “Who is this Daehyun anyway?!”

Kai pointed at Daehyun, his bestfriend.

“Him!! I saw him yesterday at our club. He was drunk as hell, I tell you.” Kris said. “He was drinking with them and also, with a girl.  They seemed pretty closed yesterday. When they danced, they were all other each’s body.

“You can’t be right. I mean, Daehyun said he had some errands to do yesterday but not this.”

“I don’t know. Maybe I was wrong. You know, dim lights.” Kris said, placing a bread in his mouth.

“Enough about Hara. Let’s talk about pizza and Luhan’s girly face” Chen blurted

“Hey!!” Luhan protested, but he was too late.

And for the first time, he felt comfortable other than Hara or Daehyun. He even laugh at their nonsense jokes.

“Oh, by the way, we call ourselves EXO. And now your part of EXO, too!!” Chanyeol declared.

The day goes by, and before Kai know it, classes has ended.

“Hey uhm…Kai. You should go first. Dae’s gonna walk me home tonight. We need to buy something at the store nearby”. Hara explained.

“Yea. Sure. I guess. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Kai waved at Daehyun and Hara and left.

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RuruTheCat #1
Chapter 12: Hnnnnggggggg >///<
RuruTheCat #2
Chapter 5: ze animals!!!!! <3