
Somewhere in Neverland

12 years ago

7 years old Daehyun run through the field holding, 5 years old Hara’s hand.

“Wendy! Escape with me to Neverland. For I, Peter Pan, will protect you from Captain Hook” He said as he looks around, expecting to see Captain Hook.

“I will, Peter.” Little Hara said, as she hides behind her “peter pan”

“Hook!! Come out, face me like a man” little Daehyun said as he took out his wood sword from his belt.

A little boy, age of Daehyun came out behind the tree, wearing an eye patch, looking a little gloomy

“Come on Hyung. I am tired of being Captain Hook all the time. Please let me be peter pan for once!”

“Aw Kai, you can’t. You’re too weak to protect wendy..right Hara?” Litte Dahyun said as his shoulders fell down.

“Then I won’t play with you anymore. No more Captain Hook” Little Kai said as he clutches the eye patch and dropped it in the ground.

“Fine. We don’t need you anyway.” Little Daehyun said, as he tuns his back on him, holding his tears

“Aw. Come on guys!! How about this? No more Captain Hook. From now one, Kai will be the lost boy. Is that okay?” Little hara said as he stood between the 2 boys.

“Fine” Both boys said, as they shake each other’s hand.

“Then let’s play again. Wendy, let’s fly using fairy dust” Little Daehyn said as he picks some dried leaves and crushed them to little pieces.

“Of course. Well, then lost boy take my hand so the three of us can fly together.” Little Hara said as she stretched out her right and to Kai and the left to Daehyun.

“Me? Hold your hand?” Little Kai turned pink and pinted at himself, embarrassed.

“Yes! You! Let’s go” Little Hara said as she takes his arms and the three of them together ran around the fields like it was their neverland.


Hey Guys,

Sorry for the short chapter...It is all that I can think of..

Feel free to comment. I do not bite or something.

For now, here is kyungsoo to amuse you



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RuruTheCat #1
Chapter 12: Hnnnnggggggg >///<
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