Halloween Preparation pt 2

Somewhere in Neverland

It was Saturday when Kai got a message from Hara telling him to come to school at noon. Kai arrived early at the front gate of their school. No one was there except him when suddenly somebody covered his eyes.

“Guess who?” The voice was a bit low but fake. Kai felt the hands of the person. It was soft and familiar.

“Hara?” He guessed.

He regain his sight and turned to look at Hara.

“How did you know?” she asked, pouting her lips.

“Instinct?” He shrugged, hiding the fact that it was because of the past that they held hands before. “So where’s hyung?”

“He’s going to be a little late.” She shrugged and pulled Kai inside the school.” Come on.”

They passed by familiar corridors until they stopped infront EXO’s hideout. “Is it open?” Hara hesitated on opening the door but Kai thought it was cute.

“Come on. Let’s go.” Kai holds the hands of Hara and opened the door to the room. It was rather empty and clean. Last time he knew, it was messy and unorganized because of the playful Chanyeol and Baekhyun. Suddenly, he got a text from Sehun.


 We cleaned up the mess before you two got there ;)

You’re welcome, hyung ;)

Do your best!!!

Kai grinned. Minutes later, their whole class except for Daehyun arrived and started the preparation for the haunted house. Kai was assigned to help with the designing but he’s gonna be one of the scares in the haunted house. While Hara was in the ticket committee with Daehyun who was still missing in action.

“So now, what type of costumes should we be preparing?”

“I’m gonna be a mummy!!”

“Imma be freak. We’re talking strait jackets and masks!!”

“What about you, Jongin?”

Kai was confused, he didn’t know what he wants to be. He gave a signal to Hara, asking for help.

“How about Jongin can be a vampire. He can promote our haunted house to everyone. Besides, I think it suites him.” Hara suggested.

“So Kai, a vampire. Okay so we have a mummy, freaks, vampire and witches. Costume committee be ready.” The class representative said.

After hours of discussion, they finally bought an end to the meeting. “So we’ll see each other on Monday for decorating! Bye!!”.

One by one their classmates said goodbye and left, leaving Hara and Kai. “So…are you going home?” Kai asked.

“Nah…I’m gonna wait for Dae oppa.”She said looking around the area.

“Oh.” Kai felt down, hopping that he would walk Hara home but then…

A loud honk of car came from outside. The two ran to the area to see what happened but only saw Daehyun in an expensive sports car.

“Hey Hara! Let’s go. We’re gonna meet everyone at the hotel!!” Daehyun exclaimed.

Hara turned to Kai, looking a little apologetic. “Uh…I gotta go. Thanks for keeping me company. Bye. “Hara gave Kai a quick hug, then ran to Daehyun. As she went inside, Kai at the glimpse of Daehyun. He has evolved…Well, changed. As a sign of acknowledgement, Daehyun waved at Kai before driving off the road. Kai waved back at car, following it as it turned around the corner and disappeared. Quickly, he gave a call to Suho to ask were they are.

“We’re at the school’s cafeteria.” He said over the phone. Kai, confused, hurried at the cafeteria. He opened the doors to it and was greeted by the whole EXO.

“So how was it?” Lay asked. “Yah!! You’re welcome we cleaned it for you guys.” Sehun added. “Yah!! Kkamjoong, we know your role!!! A VAMPIRE!!” Chanyeol exclaimed.

“Okay.Uh...what are you doing here?” Kai raised one eyebrows towards them.

“Waiting for you! Duh!!” Baekhyun replied. “We’re gonna play basketball in the park. Want to go with us?”

“Sure.” EXO left the cafeteria and walk towards the park. As they were walking, Kai couldn’t help but feel down, all of the sudden. As they arrived, EXO divided into 2. Team Luhan and Team Kris.

“Eldest go first.” Kris motioned Luhan to pick his teammates.

Luhan rolled his eyes and stare directly at EXO. “I’m gonna pick Xiumin.” Xiumin moved towards Luhan.

“I’m gonna go with Tao.” Quickly, Tao went by his side.









In the end, Xiumin along with Chen, Chanyeol, Kai and DO were on Luhan’s team. While Tao, Suho, Baekhyun, Lay and Sehun were on Kris. They went to the basketball court and face each other.

“Ready?” Luhan asked.

“Ready.” And at that moment, the ball was thrown upward and the game started. Everyone was so serious that it began to attract people.

Later on, the game progess until it was like a real championship. The crowd was divided into two, both team having a support. Then it came down to a tie breaker. Both  teams were on alert, observing each move the other make. Kai was the same, he was in charge of Kris. As Kris got the ball, he began playing from left to right, right to left. Kai was focusing when suddenly, out of his vision, he saw Hara running away from Daehyun. And for a split second, Kris made a 3point shot and it went through. Kris started dancing in the middle, while Luhan approached the trouble Kai.

“Hey. Is there something wrong? For a second, you looked kinda…worried or something.” He said, everybody gathered around him while the crowd disperse.

“I-uhh…Hara was-“Kai didn’t finish his sentence when Luhan gave him a nudge. “Follow her.”

Kai looked around him and saw that it was okay for them. He ran towards them, only to stop on a dead end. And there they were, Daehyun and Hara. She was crying while Daehyun looked annoyed.

“Why a hotel, huh!? Do you think I’m that easy, Dae.” Hara said as she pushes Daehyun away.

“Look, just let me explain! BAP invited us there. I have no bad intention.” Daehyun explained.

“No bad intention!! Daehyun, you brought me inside a room with champenge in your hands and roses on the bed. What do you expect me to think? A study date!!!” She said, furious.

“Don’t you trust me?” Daehyun asked, looking a little hurt.

“I do, oppa. I just- I just don’t trust BAP that much. You’re changing, oppa. You’re not the same old Daehyun I know.” She muttered.

“So is that it!! What the f---, Hara. People change!! You know what I’m leaving I’m done with this. Just text me if you’re calmed now. I can’t talk to you like this.” Kai hide behind the dupster until Daehyun was out of sight. He gently walked over to Hara and wrap his arms around her.

“Hara? Are you okay?” Kai asked. “Uh…I was just around the corner and then I saw you and hyung and…”

“Did you hear anything?” She asked.

“Uh…no. I just came here. Just this time.” Kai said, looking a bit uncomfortable.

“Can you...uhm… walk me to my house?” She said, giving a little smile to Kai.

“Sure. Let’s go.” Kai put a protective arm around her shoulders as he walk her back home.

As they were walking Kai can’t help to be a little curious.

“So…What happened?” He asked.

“Well, we arrived at the hotel. Yongguk oppa and the others met us. We ate and hangout around the bar. When suddenly, Yongguk and the other gave Daehyun the private talk. They left me there but later, Daehyun came back with keys and this bottle of wine. He asked me to accompany me somewhere. So I went with him. We arrived at this room which was opened by the key. When I looked around, I got furious. The lights were a bit dim and the bed was full of roses. I look back at Daehyun holding the wine while scratching the Back of his head embarrassed. So that’s when I thought of THAT!!” She exclaimed.

“What THAT?” He asked, innocent

“THAT!! You know, girl and a boy, in a room, bed with roses, and do not disturb sign.” She said, looking a bit upset.

Kai came into realization of what she was speaking of. “Oh THAT~ I’m sorry.” He looked down.

Hara only sighed and continued. “SO I got mad and stomped away from him. Making my way out. Then I met BAP while I was at it and saw they were all looking a bit mischievous but when they saw Daehyun walking frantically towards me, they began to dump me many question until I can’t take it and escaped the hotel which Daehyun followed me outside.”

“And now? What do I do know? Maybe I should apologize? I was a bit over reacting over that.  And I kinda misunderstood Daehyun oppa?” Kai was disappointed at Hara but he didn’t show it.

“Why should you apologize?! It’s that jerk’s fault. He’s making you do THAT!! Wake up!! HE changed!!” Kai screamed, but only in his head. Outside, he putted up a straight face.

“So what do you think I should do?” She asked him.

“I think you should do what your heart wants. I’ll always be there, whatever happens.” Kai wants to hit himself for his reply, but he didn’t want Hara to be angry at him.

“Thanks Kai.I know I can count on you. “ Hara smiled. Kai and Hara arrived at Hara’s house. Making sure she’s safe inside, he gave a text to EXO asking them where they are.

“Hey. I need to talk to somebody. Where are you guys?” He asked.

“Dyo's place. We’ll send you the address. But uhm are you okay?” Lay said, over the phone.

“I don’t know anymore!” Kai couldn’t tell if he should laugh or cry.



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