Chapter 11

Somewhere in Neverland

Kai followed the instruction from Lay’s text and it lead him to a big house mansion. Kai got up to the doorstep and rang the doorbell. Seconds later, the door was open by a little girl. “Who are you?” She said. “Uh…Is Kyungsoo there?” Kai said, taking a peek inside. “Who are you first?” The little girl demanded, putting her hands to her waist. “Uh Jongin. Kim Jongin.” He replied. “Well, I am Do Kyuran.” She answered, still blocking the entrance. “Are you oppa’s new friend? I haven’t seen you before.” She asked. “The other oppas, I’m familiar with. Wait are you the same age as my oppa? Are you his classmate?” Kai didn’t know what to do. He wasn’t even noted that there was gonna be a question and answer to enter. When suddenly, Chanyeol appeared behind Kyuran’s back. “Yo Kkamjoong! Get inside. Just ignore the little one. She is quite feisty.” Chanyeol whispered but was still load for Kyuran to hear. “Who are you calling little one, Troll!!!” She exclaimed. “Oh I don’t know…Who’s the smallest here? Oh I know you are!!” He teased back.

 After the little fight, Kai followed Kyuran and Chanyeol to the living room where EXO was relaxing. “Hey!!” They all greeted Kai. “So what’s all about the I don’t know whether I’m gonna cry or not thingy?” Xiumin asked. Everybody’s attention went to Kai.  Left with no option, Kai told them about Hara and the hotel incident.

“That jerk!” Tao muttered. “Imma wushu him!!”

“BAP is a bad influence to her, Kai.” Suho replied, somewhat pity for Daehyun.

“Well for me, I think it’s romantic.” Kyuran added. “You know, private time and all.”

“No it’s not Kyuran. And if a guy did that to you, Oppa will make sure the last thing he will see is my fist.” DO replied. “Now go to your room and watch TV.” Kyuran pouted and stomped her way to her room.

“How old is your sister again, hyung?” Sehun asked, looking back at Kyuran.

“Six years old.” He replied. “B-but?The love thingy and all?” Sehun answered.

“She likes to read manga especially the one with romance.” DO shrugged.

“Well that explains it. So how’s Hara?” Luhan asked Kai.

“She’s gonna apologize to him tomorrow.” Kai replied, feeling down

EXO stared at each other, not knowing how to comfort Kai. “Don’t worry, Kai. She’s strong. She can do it.” Suho tried making the mood a little lighter.

The next day,Sunday, Hara woke up and quickly checked her phone. Last night, she texted and called Daehyun for the nth time but still she hasn’t got an answer. She went downstairs in her pajamas, to make breakfast since her parants weren’t around. While eating the doorbell rang. Hara answered it expecting to see the mailman but it was Daehyun. “Oppa, what are you doing here?” She said, a little embarrassed. DAehyun hold up his phone, displaying Hara’s text and missed calls. “I’m sorry. I was a bit overreacting and I wasn’t able to hear your side.” She said.

“It’s okay. I forgive you.” He said, patting her head. “How about I come inside and tell me everything about the meeting yesterday.”


Hi guys!!

Imma back


Sorry for the long hiatus and for the short chapters.

Quite busy because of Chemistry and with its chemical and magical things.

So yeah~ Hope you enjoy...Also, another character will meet you soon. So please stay with me :)


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RuruTheCat #1
Chapter 12: Hnnnnggggggg >///<
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