Kim Taehyung

lighters - I NEED U

(trigger warning: murder)

lol i like this chapter, please pay special attention to it!

Kim Taehyung was angry. He was standing in his room when he had decided that enough was enough. He needed to take a stand. He didn’t consider himself to be a very violent person. He just hated how helpless he was in this situation.

He’d been thinking about doing this for quite some time now.

He didn’t want to do it, but he knew that he could, he had no other choice.

He had to save her.

She had given up on him a month ago, but he still tried.

She told him that she didn’t want to see him. How she didn’t need love. She needed security. She needed to be financially stable, something Taehyung was not.

He would prove it to her. He swore that he would do it for her.

He would find a job. A good paying job with a proper salary. He would take care of her and love her and cherish her.


He would love her again and again, he would take her sorrows onto his shoulders and hold her tight.

Never letting go. Never leaving her alone.

He would care for her. He would give her his all. Wasn’t that enough?

Why couldn’t she see how sickening the other man was? Why couldn’t she see how right he was for her?

Taehyung was sure of it. He was sure that the other man, the richer man, was abusive.

He had never met him, but the evidence was all there.

Kim Taehyung was paranoid. He had even tried alerting the police.

They hushed him, told him that he was being crazy.

Kim Taehyung was not crazy. He thought that the rich man had blackmailed them, that’s the only reason they didn’t care.


Kim Taehyung was ready, he put on his jacket and pulled up his hood.

He wondered how to go about it. His hand lingered to his pocket.

He wondered if he should use a lighter.

It was given to him years ago by a friend who thought it’s come to use. Talking about some nonsense about how it would help him ease his heart.

Taehyung decided against it. It was too dangerous. Too risky.

He instead thought of a different method. He walked outside of his tiny flat, bumping into the landlord.

He looked flushed and nervous, like he was making a hasty exit. It reminded Taehyung of what he was going to do.

Kim Taehyung ignored him and walked out.

He found himself making his way to their house. He couldn’t keep his hands still. He was nervous and it was showing.

He picked up a stick and used it to keep his hands busy, his knuckles white at his tight grip.

He couldn’t believe he was going to do it. It felt like a dream to him.

He knew how it would be so easy. People were so fragile. It would be so easy to get rid of him.


He found himself walking along a bridge, so angry at the world and what it had in store for him.

He thought about her, how hard life had been on her. He thought about the times they had spent together. The late nights they shared, the laughs and the tears.

Kim Taehyung paid no attention to the familiar boy he bumped into.  He was so taken by his anger.

Minutes later, with pained expressions, he used his stick to knock a couple of beer cans of the edge of the bridge, spraying liquid everywhere.

He didn’t take any notice of the commotion behind him.

He just carried on walking, only thinking about his destination, only thinking about his love and his pain.

He couldn’t wait any longer and so he ran.

He ran for the love of his life. He ran to save her.


When he arrived at the house, he kicked down the front door. Not caring about alerting anyone anymore.

No one had noticed.

He could hear their voices and followed them.

He made his way up the staircase, careful not to creak any of the floorboards.

His heart was pounding and his palms were sweaty. He knew he could do it, it was so simple, a stab to the chest and he was done.

He continued following the voices, prowling like an animal in search of his prey.

He tried making sense of their conversation, trying to find just the right moment to enter the room.


He kicked the door wide open.

He knew it, every single one of his hunches were right.

He walked in just in time to see him slap her.

Walking into the room, he stood still, luring him in.

She was taken aback by his entrance, ashamed and tried asking why he was at her house all of a sudden.

Taehyung eyes were fixated on him. He was still and he was furious.

It hurt his head and it hurt his heart. Just looking at the man made him seethe with rage.

Taehyung was disgusted by him. Taehyung wanted him dead.

He didn’t realise when he pounced at the bigger man, somehow expertly pulling his knife out from the band of his pants and stabbing him multiple times. Once, twice, three times. He was crying and keeping count of the amount of times he had stabbed him.

He yelled, screamed and sobbed. He sobbed for his love. He sobbed for her freedom.


Taehyung came to his senses on hearing a shrill cry. The cry of his love.

He didn’t mean for her to see what he had done.

He didn’t mean to kill him right in front of her. Reality kicked in.

He had killed him. Kim Taehyung had killed a man.

He stumbled backwards, not believing what he had just done. He couldn’t have killed someone? Hating someone was no excuse.

He tried to come up with a million excuses. Everything had become clearer. This man was innocent, he didn’t abuse her. His mind was simply clouded by his anger at the time.

No. He knew the man wasn’t innocent. He knew that he had hurt her. He knew that it had been going on for god knows how long but he did nothing to stop it.

He knew it was wrong to kill someone. No matter how much hatred he had for the a**hole.

He deeply regretted his actions. He wondered what would happen now that this had happened.

Wondered about what she would think of him now that he had killed someone. The look on her face said it all.

She was terrified and scared. She didn’t know what Taehyung would do next.

Taehyung was a murderer.


An hour later, police cars had come over to the scene of the crime.

A girl was shaking, shivering next to a concerned officer.

The officer had tried calming her down in effort to get information about the crime.

She shook her head, eyes wide in disbelief.

She couldn’t comprehend what she had just witnessed.

She tried telling the officer what had happened multiple time, breaking into tears every time they mentioned her husband’s name. She avoided all mentions of Taehyung.

She couldn’t tell them about him. He was her first love for Christ’s sake!

She was wracked with guilt.

This wouldn’t have happened if it wasn’t for her.

But it wasn’t her fault, right? She had lived her childhood in poverty.

She didn’t want that to ever happen again. She couldn’t face the thought that one day her children might grow up to live the way she did.

With a terrible excuse of a mother and a good for nothing father.

With all the other children laughing at her because her uniform was too big, because she was dirty and she was vermin.

So she tried her best in her studies but couldn’t handle the pressure. She had failed everything.

She was about to give up on herself until she met Taehyung. But Taehyung couldn’t give her the financial support that she needed. She needed someone else.

She was shallow and hated herself for it.

Her greed and want for stability was what made this happen.

All her hopes and all her dreams were gone. All she ever wanted was a stable life.

She had sacrificed so much for it. She had sacrificed Taehyung.


Did you all watch the version? I actually cried omg

But i know that it's triggering so please stay safe and don't hesitate to ask for help when you need it!

There's always someone there who cares for you! Take care of yourselves! <3

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Chapter 9: Bittersweet...... I'm a mess right now. You did a really amazing job at writing this. Like how much can one cry? This is the second story that has made me cry after every chapter. And a lot too. I love it. Thank you for writing this. Just amazing. You're amazing. <3
Chapter 8: Wow..... WHAT?! ㅠㅠ ㅠㅠ ㅠㅠ ㅠㅠ ㅠㅠ ㅠㅠ ㅠㅠ Why why why?! Damn it. But thank goodness you wrote the alternative ending ;-; I just read! T^T
Chapter 6: I CANT ANYMORE TTTT-TTTT </33333333333 //crying a water fall// finally found time to continue reading this. I'll read the last 3 chap. When I get back from work ,_,
Chapter 1: Goodness.....
Chapter 9: I am crying right now. This story is so tragically beautiful and I love it so, so much.
jkween #6
Chapter 9: Omg i hate you >< i finally got over what happened in the last ending and now you just.... why? TT
no jk it's brilliant and i love your writing but the feels are just too much
I absolutely love this story! and I really like the alternative ending!! Keep up the good work :D
pencileraser #8
Chapter 8: I loved this. It was traumatizing to read, but I guess that was the point of this fic.
Chapter 8: Reunited. This is so sad. At least they are happy again. :)
Chapter 8: OMG I'm actually crying :'( you made such a good job of this! Loved it x