Happy Birthday Kevin Oppa! ♥ :) And Suggestions - MUST READ! ^^

Please Be Mine

First of all.. It's 25 November today!!!! Which means...

It's Kevin oppa's birthday!!!  

Happy Birthday Kevin oppa!!! ^^ Haha I'm soooooooooo excited~!  xDDDD



Okay~! After the birthday wishes, now I've something to annouce!!

In this fic which is 'Please Be Mine', I know some of you wanted HyeJin to end up with Eli while some wanted her to be with Kevin.

So, I'm  having a hard time to decide who should she end up with. xD I've no idea now but I'll decicde in the future. If I've think of something, I'll just write it down so let's see my brain want HyeJin to end up with who! ^^

If the person she ended up with actually make you disappointed because you wanted her to be the other one, I would like to say sorry first but I hope you will still like the story and support it always!! <3 Keep looking forward to the fic!

And now the most important one~~~~~~

As I said earlier, some of you wanted HyeJin to end up with Eli and some want Kevin. So~ I'm thinking of writting two more fics!!! One of the fic the main character will be Eli and the other one will be Kevin!! ^^

So those Eli biased can read that Eli fic and Kevin biased can read the Kevin one!! ^^

Is it a good idea?? I need your suggestions!!! Please comment! :DDDD

And, next chapter is quite long and I'm half way done. So, I'm sorry for not updating but I'll try to update asap!! And I'm busy because my chior is holding a concert today.. So my lovely readers! Please wait for it okay?? Thank you so much! ^^


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Chapter 20: It was a great story. At one point of the story when Eli was jealous (beginning of the story) I was thinking what if Eli had said, 'HyeJin, I'm sorry but Kevin and I.... are dating.' I would've died from laughter but good story. :D
syirahkissme1339 #2
Chapter 20: The story were so...CUTE and DAEBAKK!! Almost of your fic is Great!! Hehe~ :D
Chapter 20: Haha! Happy ending.. I like it! xD
And all of you FF is..........
Chapter 6: I like this story.. But may I ask something? What's that song in chapter 6? Sorry, new fan of U-Kiss here... >////<
veenacava #5
kyahhhh its gooood
Sad that she wasn't with Eli :-( good story though! ^^b
jaeseopsanae #7
Aww this was cute :3 I enjoyed it!
nenestar #8
Aww~! I loved the ending (: