Status: It's Complicated

Push and Pull

Wendy and Seulgi were out to enjoy their time off as the other girls have things scheduled for the day. It's already quarter past two in the afternoon when they decided to get some cold drinks to quench their thirst from the continuous walking they'd done.

"Oh my gooooooood! I could finally sit down!", Wendy said as she took a seat, falling in a comfortable slouch not minding how her position seems a bit too unlady-like for an idol like her

Seulgi sat opposite her, mimicking her friend's position. "I know. I can't feel my legs anymore", she said as she closed her eyes to relax.

After a couple of minutes, Wendy, straightening from her seat, said, "So, spill the beans."

"What beans?", Seulgi said as she scrunched her eyebrows with confusion over the former's choice of words. "Why will I wanna spill beans?"

"You're hopeless", Wendy said as she rolled her eyes at the bear's innocence. "I meant what happened in the kitchen? You do know you have some explaining to do. Heck, I wouldn't be dragging you here on my day off for nothing. So, spill", she said, her eyes filled with a glint of curiosity. Seulgi knew it wasn't really a question, but more of an order.


"I think I like someone", Irene said.

"Do I know them?", Way to go Seulgi. You could've asked the name already. She thought to herself.

"I'm not sure." Of. ing. Course.

Seulgi's stomach dropped to the floor while her heart stopped beating for god knows how long. The pain in her chest was excruciating and her mind was just racking up any possible person the leader could be liking at the moment.

"Seul?", she heard the older girl call out to her. She doesn't answer. She doesn't know what expression she's wearing but in all honesty, she couldn't really care less. The love of her life likes someone, and it was enough to make her world crumble to dust. She felt Irene step closer to her and was about to hold her hand but she took two steps back. She just couldn't, for the love of god, be able to stand near this girl otherwise, she would completely lose it - and she couldn't afford that. She must, at the very least, save the last bit of dignity she has in her.


"Hey guys!" Seulgi and Irene, both surprised at the sudden intrusion, turned their heads to where the voice was coming from and saw Wendy smiling from ear-to-ear, shopping bags in both hands.

Seulgi doesn't know what came to her. She felt like she wasn't in control of her body. She has no idea how or when, but she felt herself take quick small steps towards the third girl whose eyes grew wider as she continues to approach her. She went and cupped the girl's cheeks, and before they all know it, Seulgi's lips were on Wendy's - the latter letting out a faint squeak of surprise. Seulgi kept her eyes squeezed shut because she just wants to erase Irene's face in her mind, but luck's not on her side because she seems to have the older girl's face embedded in both her head and heart. She slowly let go of Wendy's face as she broke the kiss. She subtly looked to her side to see if Irene's still there - the girl was gone. She sighed.

'O..o-kaaaaay. What the was that?!", Wendy asked sounding infuriated by Seulgi's sudden action.

Seulgi doesn't have any answer either so she just bent her head down and stayed quiet. She felt stupid for doing it because 1) Irene doesn't know that Seulgi likes loves her way more than just a friend 2) She kissed Wendy 3) IN FRONT OF IRENE 4) which could make things awkward for the three of them and 5) She is the worst best friend ever for not even asking Irene who the person was.

"I'm waiting. We don't have forever", Wendy said as she toys with her bottom lip but still looking like she can pull Seulgi's hair out from frustration.

Seulgi, though, has had enough. She just wants to shut the world so without giving much of a care, she walked past the Canadian only muttering a quiet, "I'm going to go for a run".

"At 3:00 in the afternoon?!"

"You're an idiot", Wendy said with nonchalance.

"Rub it in." Seulgi placed her head in the palm of her hands and start massaging her temples then paused and looked up to say, "I'm sorry by the way. I didn't mean to bring you into this. And I - I.. I didn't mean to you know.." Seulgi's cheeks begin to heat up as she tried to finish her sentence.

"To kiss me? That's nothing. I'm glad you enjoyed it", Wendy joked but the girl across her didn't budge and still had her gloomy face on so she reached to take one of the bear's hands and continued, "Seriously, it's okay. I don't really care. I've had had a fair share of sweet lady kisses back when I was in high school you know."

The confession made Seulgi's ears perk up. "You did?"

Wendy nodded and released her hold of Seulgi's hand. "Yep! Just for fun."

Seulgi's eyebrows raised at this. "Really?" She then sat back and said, "You know, sometimes I wonder why I didn't fall for you instead".

"No. Just, no", Wendy said with a grimace.

Seulgi shrugged. "What? I'm hot. You're... okay", she said with a hint of smile on her face.

"Ya! What's that supposed to mean?!"


"It's cause she's too sweet and she's way prettier than I am", Wendy said as she played with the straw.




"You're not supposed to agree!", Wendy said with a hand over her chest and a feigned look of hurt on her face.


Irene just finished practicing her number for Music Bank alongside Minho, who was chosen to be her co-host. The latter offered to give her a ride home to which she said no at first but the guy insisted. She was about to step out of the car but Minho was quick to rush to her side and open the door for her. She gave him a smile and said, "Thank you."

"That's nothing", Minho answered. He started fidgeting with his keys. "Uhm.. I was wondering if we could maybe go out this Saturday? I have already checked with your manager and he said I could steal you for a bit after your scheduled studio recording. It's up to you though. I mean it's okay if you want to take a rest instead", he said sounding quite nervous.

Irene gave him a sad smile."Sorry Minho-oppa. I might want to take a rest for that day."

Minho gave out a sigh that was barely audible and showed his smile that could melt any girl's heart. "It's all good. If you change your mind, just let me know." He kissed her cheek and said goodbye.

Irene waved at him and waited for him to go before she went inside the dorm. Little did she know that a pair of eyes had seen the whole exchange, and a poor little bear had once again cried herself to sleep.


Eversince the 'kitchen incident', the three girls had tried so hard to disregard the awkwardness in the air whenever they are in the same room. They feel that they're doing a good job so far because the two maknaes seem as clueless and naive like a one-day old infant.

They all finished their schedules early so Joy suggested that they eat together because she reckons they hadn't done it in a long time. As much as Irene, Seulgi, and Wendy would like to reject the idea, doing so would not help trying to keep the problem a secret from the two youngest members of the group.

As per usual, Irene is sat at the head of the table while Wendy and Seulgi beside each other and across them are Joy and Yeri respectively.

Seulgi was having a hard time trying to get a meat out one of the plates in the middle of the table and this didn't go unnoticed by Irene. The latter was about to grab the plate for her but Wendy was already on it.

"Here", Wendy said as she handed over the plate to Seulgi. "Gosh, what are you gonna do without me?"

Seulgi pouted and said, "I'm go in one corner of the dorm and bawl my eyes out like a puppy who lost his master."

"Not this again", Joy said.

"Someone's just jealous!", Wendy spat as she quickly glanced to the side and locked eyes with Irene before the latter broke the eye contact as soon as it began.

Yeri grabbed some meat off the plate and fed the girl beside her. "Here you go unnie. I'll feed you!"

"Okay, but only because you're too cute", Joy said as she happily accepted the offer.

Seulgi would glance at the leader every now and then, fighting the itch to reach for her hand.

After dinner, Irene gathered the plates and started washing them. Seulgi brushed the awkward atmosphere and started helping but the older girl took her hands and stopped her. "Hey, I've got this. You should rest."

Seulgi retracted her hands and shook her head, "No, you should rest. I keep telling you that you overwork yourself too much. I don't want you to get sick again."

Irene smiled at what she heard. The smile was shortlived as Wendy walked in and wrapped her arms around Seulgi.

"Hey, do you need help?", she asked.

Seulgi nodded and said, "Yeah, I told Irene-unnie to take a rest but she wouldn't listen to me."

Wendy let go of her hold on Seulgi and took the leader's hands instead. "You go Irene-unnie. Seuldy's got this! Right babe?", she said as she threw a sweet smile at Seulgi before turning her attention back at Irene.

The latter sighed and muttered a small thanks before walking back to her room.


Irene is tossing and turning on her bed. She couldn't sleep properly these days as the image of Seulgi kissing Wendy keeps appearing everytime she closes her eyes. She doesn't know what to feel anymore nor what she actually feels. She loves Seulgi - more than anything else in the ing universe. It took her long enough to admit that because she's a coward. It's not easy when you're a leader of a girl group who fell in love with another member who's also girl. It's not easy when everyone tries to partner you with every male star they could think of because that's what the media is rooting for. It took thousands of phone calls, meet ups, and words of encouragement from Taeyeon to get her to finally have the courage to reveal her feelings for Seulgi- only to have everything end up in vain. She must've misread every handhold, every hug, every smile thrown her way, every kiss on the forehead, and every kiss on the cheek. She couldn't stop the tears falling from her eyes, and she couldn't be bothered to wipe them.

After a while, Irene decided to get up and grab some water. She noticed that the lights in the kitchen were still on so she continued her way to the fridge but stopped on her tracks when she saw Wendy and Seulgi holding each other with their foreheads touching, and their hairs covering their faces. As tears started to flood her face again, she took steps backward trying to be as quiet as she can then turned around and ran up to the room she shares with Yeri, keeping her sobs to herself so as not to wake up the sleeping maknae who remains sound asleep.

Irene grabbed her phone and sent a message.

To Minho-oppa:
"Are you still up for Saturday? xx"


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Chapter 14: Please update author-nim :'((((
Chapter 14: Hello ~

I've been reading your story recently and now I'm in love with it. Just take your time writing this but please don't drop it forever. I love your story and I think it's really cute. I'm looking forward to your reply, hwaiting! ^^
Chapter 14: take your time~~
margaux_mc #4
So is this story already done ?? hope not yet...
yeolow #5
Chapter 13: Updateuuu sooon xD
byuntae_hyung #6
Chapter 14: Awwwww i keep falling in love
izzie318 #8
Chapter 14: Filo here!!! Thank you author for watching The Rich Man's Daughter :) It's the best!!! Hope everyone would watch it too because it is the first and only lesbian series here in the Philippines...
Chapter 14: Hi author!!! I was so excited that I thought you updated but it's okay :') lol I'm a filipino and yeah the show its the first time I ship filipino artist lol xD glaiza and rian lol =))) Update soon!!!!
pataymalixa #10
Chapter 13: O<-<
I thought I was browsing at the complete tag.
Please update soon I really like your fic. ;)