No words spoken

Push and Pull

Before they all know it, they are already promoting another single titled 'Happiness'. The four girls particularly loved it as it is upbeat and fun to do  opposed to the slow tempo of their first single. The song peaked high on music charts while its music video was the second most-viewed K-pop MV worldwide for the month that it was released.

"Wow", muttered the English-speaking girl with blue ombre while all of them are huddled at her laptop reading all the positive comments and praises being thrown their way.

"I still want pink!"

"Yah! What's wrong with green?! I got yellow. Very cliche. They could've given me something different like... Rainbow."

"Guys, our hard work is finally starting to pay off and you spend the time complaining about your hair colours", the leader jokingly scolded.

"But.. pink!"


"Rainbow's very gay though."

"I'm not gay!"

"I said rainbow is. Not you unnie", Joy answered with a perfectly manicured eyebrow raising at the sudden defensiveness of Seulgi.

"Alright you two, and you, Wendy, listen", the leader interrupted. The bickering stopped and all the three members turned to listen to the petite girl. "It's gonna be our first time in an award show tomorrow so I hope we can at least do a few rounds of practice. Does that sound good to you?"

"Sounds perfect to me", Seulgi answered first and smiled at Irene while the latter gave a sweet smile back. The two got lost in each other's eyes completely forgetting the other couple in the room.

"Ehem!" The maknae interrupted, startling both Seulgi and Irene, but earning an elbow from the Canadian beside her. "Ow! What was that for?!"

"You just had to ruin the moment don't you?!", the other girl half-whispered, half-yelled.

"What moment? And why are we whispering?", Joy said only to be answered by an eye roll.


"Guys I am actually starting to freak out", Seulgi confessed as she cracks her knuckles. Another pair of hands immidiately stopped her actions and held her hands in place. She looked up to see Irene giving her a stern look.

"I told you to stop doing that."

"Yes mom."

Irene glared at her so she tried to do the cutest 'sorry' face she could pull off. She knew it worked because she noticed the older girl's feature start to soften.

"Seulgi, you'll do fine. You got me and I got you. We.."

"We got this!", the bear finished with a laugh and squeezed the leader's hands. "Just like the old times."

Irene gave a squeeze back, "Just like the old times."


The performance went really well. The girls' nerves have calmed down and they started talking to other artists. Seulgi excused herself from a conversation with Kim Hyoyeon to find her best friend.

"Hey Wendy, have you seen Irene?", she asked the girl who was busy rummaging through her bag.

"Have you seen my phone?"

"First off, never answer a question with another question. Second, no, I haven't."

"Geez, is it shark week or something? Or are you just feisty because you haven't seen your girlfriend in...", Wendy checked her watch and then looked back up, " 10 minutes."

"Please. She's not my girlfriend."

"Well, not yet."

"We're just best friends!"

"Are you still trying to deny your feelings when you literally asked me the other night if you were that obvious?"

"I was just asking whether I was too obvious that I missed her too much."

"Hey! Missed who?", another voice interrupted the conversation.

The two girls turned to look at the other person who turned out to be the maknae smiling out from ear to ear.

"Missed the seriousness of this conversation before you joined in with that sickening grin of yours", Seulgi spat out which turned Joy's smile upside down. She laughed at this and hugged the younger girl saying that she was just kidding.

"Have you seen Irene by the way?", she asked Joy this time knowing that she will not get a proper answer from Wendy.

"Oh! I saw her talking to Minho-oppa. There she is!", Joy said with her hand pointing at the direction of the leader who was standing a bit too close to Mino, (too close for Seulgi's liking anyway), with her hand on his arm laughing at something he said. Then Minho reached his hand out to Irene's face to wipe something off.

Seulgi's chest constricted at this, and it was too painful she had unconsciously put a hand over it as her eyes begin to water. She felt Wendy hug her from behind and put her head on Seulgi's shoulder.

"You okay?", the blue-haired girl whispered.

No answer.

Wendy detached herself from Seulgi and took her hand instead.

"Come here. Let's get you some water", she said as she tags the still silent girl with her, leaving a confused Joy behind.


"Hey, have you seen Seulgi?", the leader asked the youngest member.

"She's with Wendy-unnie somewhere", Joy said. Irene thanked her and gave her a tiny pat in the head. "Why is everyone asking me about everyone? Do I look like a walking GPS?", Joy mumbled to herself.

Irene continued searching for the other two girls. She smiled when she finally saw them huddled in a corner. The smile was short-lived though because it got wiped off her face the moment she saw Wendy take Seulgi's face to kiss her forehead.


The rest of the night was very awkward for the whole group. The leader was barely talking while Seulgi isn't any better. Even Joy, who was rather clueless, could feel the negative vibes radiating from her two unnies. She and Wendy tried to lighten up the mood but even their quirkiness isn't working.

As they all went to the stage again for the announcement of winners, Wendy quickly pulled Seulgi to the side.

"You should do something about this!", Wendy scolded.

"Do what? She was the one talking with another guy!"

"Well, is she not allowed to?"


"See? Now go talk to her. She seemed upset. Could be because you're not talking to her or it could be something else. Either way you need to fix this. We all know you're the only one who could ever make her smile."

Mino can Seulgi thought to herself. 

When she received no reponse Wendy said, "Can you actually bear to see her sad?"

Seulgi groaned. "Fine."

"Good! Now let's go before they even notice we aren't there. Also, you really need to sort your feelings out, honey."


They are all standing on the stage waiting for the winners to be announced. Seulgi and Joy were standing behind Irene and Wendy respectively.

Seulgi didn't know what to do. She at initiating skinship. She looked over at Wendy who looked back at her with impatience written all over her face. Her hands were starting to sweat and her heart begins to race as she slowly took tiny steps forward and placed her hands on the leader's hips.

She felt Irene jump a bit but she didn't do anything remove her hands so she thought it's a good sign. With this, Seulgi felt bold and took Irene's hands to interlace their fingers together.

To say that Irene was surprised was an understatement. She never expected the younger girl to initiate even the smallest of touches in front of thousands of people and a bunch of cameras ready to take every single snapshot. She couldn't help but smile though. She looked over to the girl behind her who was trying so hard to act nonchalant which made her smile grow even wider. Irene then looked over to their hands and started to play with them.

Wendy, who didn't notice Seulgi slipping her hands on Irene's hips, glanced to her side, and her eyes almost bulged at the sight.

Seulgi, on the other hand, felt so proud of herself.

She bent her head over to the left so that she could see  Irene's face and whispered, "You finally smiled. And I didn't even have to say anything."

Irene looked back and chuckled. "Don't be so cocky now."

The group didn't win but they all felt blessed to even be nominated and perform together with Korea's biggest K-pop stars.


"You all did well tonight girls. Thank you. We may not have won but hey, we were close. So let's just keep on doing what we're doing, and let's prepare for our new upcoming album!", the leader announced with a hint of excitement in her voice.

"Oh my god! A new album! That's amazing!"

"I know!"

" I wonder what colour our hairs will be! I hope I could be pink now!"

"Alright, alright. It's time to get some rest. Get in your room", Irene said.

"Goodnight Irene-unnie", Joy said and gave the older girl a hug.

Wendy did the same.

Seulgi approached her with a smile. "Goodnight", she said and was about to kiss Irene on the cheek but was stopped by the girl.

"We need to talk."



Don't kill me! I know Happiness was their debut single but I had to change things to fit with the story. :) Hope you're liking it!


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Chapter 14: Please update author-nim :'((((
Chapter 14: Hello ~

I've been reading your story recently and now I'm in love with it. Just take your time writing this but please don't drop it forever. I love your story and I think it's really cute. I'm looking forward to your reply, hwaiting! ^^
Chapter 14: take your time~~
margaux_mc #4
So is this story already done ?? hope not yet...
yeolow #5
Chapter 13: Updateuuu sooon xD
byuntae_hyung #6
Chapter 14: Awwwww i keep falling in love
izzie318 #8
Chapter 14: Filo here!!! Thank you author for watching The Rich Man's Daughter :) It's the best!!! Hope everyone would watch it too because it is the first and only lesbian series here in the Philippines...
Chapter 14: Hi author!!! I was so excited that I thought you updated but it's okay :') lol I'm a filipino and yeah the show its the first time I ship filipino artist lol xD glaiza and rian lol =))) Update soon!!!!
pataymalixa #10
Chapter 13: O<-<
I thought I was browsing at the complete tag.
Please update soon I really like your fic. ;)