When everyone knows

Push and Pull


To mmarionne here's a chapter with less fluff so you wouldn't choke on whatever you're eating this time. XD
And please don't you all die on me yet. You need to live to keep reading! Also you need to live to witness more Seulrene in the future. LOL
Thanks to all new subscribers and don't be afraid to leave a comment! ;)

This chapter might not be that great but I hope you still enjoy reading it.


It was almost 10 in the morning when Wendy, Joy, and Yeri got back at the dorm. The maknae opened the door for her unnies while the other two were busy complaining about their sunburnt skin.

"Oh my gosh. It hurts like a b*tch!", Wendy whined as she flaps her arms in the air like a duck trying its best to take flight.

"I know", Joy said with a pout; her arms outstreched in front of her as she enters the dorm.

Yeri was already splayed on the couch, her bags carelessly discarded on the floor. "You look like a walking zombie, Joy-unnie."

Joy looked at Yeri with opened, feigning offense. "I would make one hot zombie."

"Zombies can't be hot. They're like dead. Walking dead."

"Well, do you know whoelse will be dead? You - if you don't shut your mouth in the next 5 seconds", Joy warned as she gave Yeri a death-glare.

"I'd make a hot zombie."

"You just said zombies can't be hot!"

"The rule doesn't apply to me", Yeri casually answered.

"I didn't teach you how to be a conceited b*tch!", Joy said as she huffed in frustration.

Yeri shrugged. "Yeah. You sure didn't teach me how to be conceited, but you did teach me how to be one hell of a b*tch", she said and threw a wink at Joy.

"Wendy-unnie, can we like maybe hold an audition or scout for Yeri's double? 'Cause I'm seriously about to strangle her to death."

Wendy could only roll her eyes at the youngters' childish banter.


The three girls looked at each other with wide eyes upon hearing the noise that came from Irene and Yeri's room.

"Did I hurt you?"

"A little."

"Sorry... I was going way too fast."

Wendy gasped. "Holy crap. What in the world is happening?", she whispered.

"Well there's only one way to find out", Joy said as she made her way closer to the leader and maknae's shared room. Wendy and Yeri were trailing behind her. They stopped in front and put one ear against the door. Wendy and Joy were standing facing each other while the youngest member was crouching down in between them.

"Why are we listening to the door?", Yeri wondered aloud.

"Shh!", Wendy said. Her index finger on her own lips, signaling the maknae to keep quiet while Joy had her hand on Yeri's mouth.

"It's okay. I just got caught off guard."

"Shall we continue? I'll be very gentle this time."


Yeri's eyes grew wider. "The door is talking!", she half-whispered and half-yelled.

"U-uhhmm. Wait."

"What? Did you not want to do it?"

"Do WHAT?", Joy whispered to Wendy.

"You're too young to know!", the latter answered.

"I just.. I'm not really good with this."

"You'll be fine. I've got you."

"I know."


There was a pause.

"I'm gonna take this off now."

"Ya. Just take it off already."

"Woah, someone likes it rough now, huh?"

Wendy's eyes grew even wider they looked like they were gonna bulge out of her sockets.

"Ah! Oh my god! Ah! Fck! Irene!", came a throaty scream from inside the room.

The three girls went back to the living room each taking a seat on the couch. Wendy and Joy's face were as red as a tomato while Yeri looked like she'd seen a ghost.

"My ears are scarred for life", Joy said.

"Let's be thankful it's not our eyes", Wendy commented.

"How am I supposed to live peacefully if the door to my room can talk", Yeri blurted. Two heads turned to look at her like she's grown another head. "What?"


Seulgi looked at her fingers that are now band-aid free and pouted. "I'm never wearing band-aids again."

Irene took her girlfriend's hands and kissed the back of them. "Sorry. I did warn you that it will hurt. I tried to be gentle but it'll hurt you more."

The couple were sitting at the edge of the bed, facing each other.

"Babe", Irene said and Seulgi looked at her -  the latter's heart skipping a beat upon hearing the term of endearment. "How are we gonna tell the other members?", she asked as she looked at their laced fingers.

"Well, Wendy already knows. There's just the maknaes left. I think they would understand. But..", Seulgi stopped mid-sentence then sighed before continuing, "they're young. I don't know whether they have been educated about THIS. Like... I mean, same- couples. Gays. Lesbians."

"I understand where you're coming from because that's exactly what I was thinking", Irene said nodding in agreement at what Seulgi said. "But, it's not fair to keep it from them. They will find out eventually. I'd rather tell them than have them hear it from someone else. At least we can explain, right?"

"Yeah. You're right... You're always right anyway. Like how you're the right one for me", Seulgi said with a smile.

Irene blushed and playfully shoved Seulgi's shoulder. "If you keep doing that, I might just fall harder for you."

"All the more reason to keep doing it then."

"I love you."

"I love you more."

"I'm never gonna get tired of hearing that."

"And I'm never gonna get tired of saying it", Seulgi said as she leaned in to kiss Irene on the lips.


Seulgi and Irene went out of the room and heard voices from the kitchen. "I think they're here", Irene said as her hold on Seulgi's hand tighten.

"Let's get this over and done with", Seulgi said as she reciprocated the grip on her hand.

Wendy was mixing batter on the kitchen counter while Joy and Yeri were on her side, watching.


Three heads turned to look at the source of the sound. Two pairs of eyes widened and went back to 'focus' on the cake mix.

"Good morning Unnies!", Yeri greeted with a wave and a smile.

"Hey. What are you doing?", the leader said as she let go of the bear's hand and joined the other girls.

"Wendy-unnie is just making cupcakes!", Yeri excitedly answered as she took a seat at the kitchen table.

"For breakfast? Very healthy", Seulgi retorted as she took a seat across Yeri.

"Unnie, it's 11:30. Not breakfast anymore."


"If you weren't too busy hogging Irene-unnie in the room, you would've been aware of the time", Joy mumbled but her statement didn't miss Irene's ears.

"Hogging me? What do you mean?"

Wendy elbowed Joy and the latter gave the Canadian a glare as she mouthed 'ow'. Wendy then gave her a warning look that says 'shut the hell up or I will make you'.

Wendy turned to Irene. "Hogging? She didn't say hogging. She meant hugging."

Joy rolled her eyes. She bumped her shoulder with Wendy's and the older girl looked at her annoyed.

"What?", Wendy whispered.

"Good job", Joy whispered back. She moved closer to Wendy. "As if hugging is any better!"

"Wow. I'm covering you for your slip-up and this is what I get. You're welcome."

"Guys..", Irene said but it fell on deaf ears.

"Because you made it worse!", Joy argued.

"If you only kept your mouth close this wouldn't be happening!"

"Guys, I'm right here and I can hear you", Irene said. Neither girl looked at her and continued 'whispering' to each other.

"She said she can hear us! Keep your voice down!", Joy said as she smacked Wendy's arm.

"Ouch! YOU keep your voice down."

"SON SEUNGWAN! PARK SOOYOUNG!", Irene shouted. The two girls slowly turned their heads to look at her, smiles plastered on their faces, hoping their cuteness will get them out of trouble. "Wipe those smiles off your faces and answer me. What do you mean by hogging or hugging?", Irene said as she put her hands on her waist.

"U-uuhhmm...", Wendy started but Yeri decided to in.

"Oh! Irene-unnie, Seulgi-unnie, I forgot to tell you something!", the maknae said.

Wendy and Joy heaved a sigh of relief at the interruption, momentarily taking the leader's scrutinizing eyes away from them. "Yeri's got perfect timing when she tries. I think I'll spare her life today", the younger of the two said to the other.

Yeri continued, "So the door to Irene-unnie and my room is talking!"

Wendy and Joy's eyes widened in horror. "Okay. I take that back", the latter said as she begins plotting of how she would be able to hide Yeri's body.

Seulgi propped her elbows on the table and rested her head on her hands. "Talking?"

"Yeah! It was telling Irene-unnie to take it off!", Yeri said then looked at Irene."I don't think you heard it though 'cause the door's still there."

The two other girls braced themselves for the wrath of their baby-faced leader and the group's bear. But a few seconds have passed but nothing happened. Then there was a giggle.

They turned around to see Irene and Seulgi trying so hard to hold back their laughters. "What's happening?", Wendy said.

"That was us", Seulgi tried to explain only to burst out laughing.

Irene continued for her amidst her giggling. "I was getting rid of the band-aids from her fingers 'cause they got burnt yesterday when she opened the popcorn carelessly. I tried to tell her it'll hurt removing them but she insisted. So we spent half of the morning trying to remove them because she was being a sook."

"I'm not being a sook. It really hurt", Seulgi said with a pout.

"Awww." Irene went to her side and put her arms around Seulgi's head while the latter grabbed her waist.

As realisation hit both of them, they turned their heads to the three girls. "Hang on...", Seulgi said.

"You were eavesdropping?!"

"You thought we were having ?!"

The couple said at the same time.

"Oh. So it wasn't the door."


The group just finished lunch and everybody was preparing to stand up and begin cleaning when Suelgi cleared , gaining everyone's attention. She reached for Irene's hand who was sitting beside her, and the older girl happily took her hand.

"Irene-unnie and I wanna say something. We... W-we..", Seulgi said trying to find the proper words to use.

"Seulgi and I are together. Like, together, together", Irene said as she held her breath, anticipating the other members' reaction.

The confession was followed by silence. Unbearable silence for Seulgi and Irene.

" yeah!!! I'm gonna be rich!", Wendy suddenly shouted making the couple jump a bit.

"That's not fair! You had your way with them!", Joy complained.

"Joy-unnie is right! Not fair!"

"All is fair in love and war! Besides, we didn't set any rules", Wendy proclaimed as she started jumping up and down.

"What is happening?", the leader questioned.

Yeri answered, "We made a bet on whether you will be a real couple when we get back from the beach house. Wendy-unnie was so convinced that her plan of getting you together worked but Joy-unnie and I disagreed so we made a bet."

"You made a bet on us?! Wait.. you knew?", Seulgi asked. Her mind still buffering as she tries to process what's happening.

Wendy temporarily stopped her victory dance to say, "Everybody else knew - except for the two of you." Then went back to dancing while the two younger girls were busy trying to hold her down.

Irene looked at Seulgi. "Well, that was easy."

"Wow. I'm dumb."

Three girls looked at Seulgi and said simultaneously, "Yeah, everybody knows that too."

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Chapter 14: Please update author-nim :'((((
Chapter 14: Hello ~

I've been reading your story recently and now I'm in love with it. Just take your time writing this but please don't drop it forever. I love your story and I think it's really cute. I'm looking forward to your reply, hwaiting! ^^
Chapter 14: take your time~~
margaux_mc #4
So is this story already done ?? hope not yet...
yeolow #5
Chapter 13: Updateuuu sooon xD
byuntae_hyung #6
Chapter 14: Awwwww i keep falling in love
izzie318 #8
Chapter 14: Filo here!!! Thank you author for watching The Rich Man's Daughter :) It's the best!!! Hope everyone would watch it too because it is the first and only lesbian series here in the Philippines...
Chapter 14: Hi author!!! I was so excited that I thought you updated but it's okay :') lol I'm a filipino and yeah the show its the first time I ship filipino artist lol xD glaiza and rian lol =))) Update soon!!!!
pataymalixa #10
Chapter 13: O<-<
I thought I was browsing at the complete tag.
Please update soon I really like your fic. ;)