
Push and Pull

Seulgi is confused. So confused with her feelings she started to acquire the habit of talking to herself to keep her sanity in check. Ironic isn't it? Well she blames it all on their leader.

Why does she have to look at me like that? Seulgi would sometimes say to herself. And why does she not know the definition of personal space? Despite her whining, she knows that she actually likes every second of it. God, what are you doing to me?!

She was busy ranting to herself when she got a sudden smack on the head.

"Oi! You need to see a professional!", Wendy said suddenly appearing out of nowhere.

Seulgi adjusted her position on the couch so that she now sits Indian style with a pillow on her lap.

"A professional?", she asked.

"Yeah, if you will keep mumbling to your imaginary friend."

"I was talking to myself!", Seulgi answered to defend herself.

Wendy rolled her eyes. "Like that's any better!", she said as she sat down beside her friend.

"So, what are you thinking about?", asked the Canadian girl.

"None of your business", Seulgi said then stuck her tongue out which earned her yet another smack on the head.

"Oh my god!", she said bending over to pick invisible items off the carpeted floor.

"Uhh. what are you doing?", Wendy asked sounding slightly concerned about the other girl.

Seulgi looked over to her, attempting to pull off a sad puppy face but failing miserably, "Trying to pick my shattered brains up. You hit my head too hard it fell off and broke into pieces".

Wendy laughed so hard she filled the entire dorm with laughter."Holy crap! Do NOT make that face ever again! Worst aegyo... I've ever seen in my life... I would rather have Joy sing Gwiyomi... to me... for 24 hours", she said in between laughs.


Seulgi started walking away towards their shared room leaving Wendy with a shocked expression on her face and a hand on the back of her head. "My brains.."


"Why do I have to be dragged into this?!!!!", Seulgi questions the girls on each of her side as they were trying to find the perfect store to buy new clothes.

"Because Irene-unnie has a scheduled interview so we didn't want to leave you alone. Besides, you have nothing better to do at home Unnie", Joy answered with a smile as she linked her arm around the older girl's.

"What she said!", Wendy agreed with a firm nod as she linked her arm too.

"Wrong! Sleeping is better than continually walking for hours without achieving anything! We haven't even bought a single thing!", Seulgi said as she drags her aching feet.

Wendy shook her head and muttered under her breath, "Irene-unnie was right. You are such a bear. A lazy one I might add". This didn't go unnoticed by Seulgi who side-eyed her upon hearing the name of her best friend.

"Hey! Let's go get some keychains! I saw one that looks like poo!", the maknae said her voice filled with excitement.

"Of course. Only you would get excited over poo", Seulgi huffed.


It's already gotten a bit late when they got out of the cinema. Wendy and Seulgi went to watch a movie while Joy left them to see some friends.

"Whoever decided that it's good to watch a horror movie is seriously an idiot", Seulgi complained as she held Wendy's hand tighter.

Wendy held on just as tight and said, "You picked the movie!"

"Well this is your fault because you smacked my head this morning so now I couldn't think anymore!"

"How is it my fault? You talked me into watching it. You said to follow your guts."


"I was gonna look at the posters and watch the trailer to see what it's about but you stopped me."

"Not listening anymore."

"And now you're blaming me."


"This is so your fault."


"Are you not really listening?"




"Oh look it's Irene-unnie!"

"Where?!", Seulgi said as her head spun around to look for the said girl.

"So what happened to not listening?", Wendy asked sporting a smirk.

"I..I'm not. You just said it aloud so I...", Seulgi said trying so hard to come up with an excuse. Finally, she gave in, "Am I that obvious?"

Wendy thought for a while and nodded, smiling sadly at her friend. She noticed how Seulgi's face shown quite a range of emotions all at once so she said, "We can talk about it another time. Whenever you are ready. And I know what you're thinking. I really don't mind. I'm from Canada bruh! Remember?" as she gave her hand a squeeze.

Seulgi smiled and heaved a heavy sigh of relief. At least she doesn't need to talk to herself anymore, and has an actual person to talk to. "Thank you."


They are still holding each other's hands when Wendy knocked on the door. They heard footsteps and the door swung open with great force. They were met by the sight of their leader already in her Pyjamas, looking really unhappy.

"Kang Seulgi. Son Seungwan.", she said with a firm voice while still trying to be quiet so as not to disturb the already sleeping maknae. She glanced down briefly at the two girl's intertwined hands then back at their faces.

"We didn't know you're already ba-"

"Well I didn't know that you were gonna be out late", she said before Seulgi could even finish what she was saying.

Wendy dropped Seulgi's hand and hugged Irene,"I'm sorry. I know you're worried. We lost track of time. It's not gonna happen again".

The eldest girl could only sigh then hugged the Canadian back, "Just make sure you keep your word".

Wendy nodded and excused herself to go to bed wishing the two girls a good night.

Seulgi, who had her head down the whole time, took a glance at Irene.

"Are you just gonna stand there or are you gonna hug me like Wendy did, and say sorry for making me worry?", the latter broke the silence.

The taller girl took tentative steps forward until she was inside the dorm. She slowly closed the door behind her and locked it.

After another few awkward seconds, she locked Irene in a bone-crushing hug.


"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you worry. You know that right? I really don't know what I was thinking.." Seulgi began.

"Hey it's okay", Irene said as she hugged back.

"Actually I'm thinking too much. That's why I invited Wendy to watch a movie with me. To clear my mind.."

"Seul, it's okay.."

"That's why you shouldn't be mad at her. You should only be mad at me. I'm really sorry. I.."

Irene broke the hug, put her hands on Seulgi's cheeks and pulled her in so that their faces are close. Too close for Seulgi's comfort as she tried so hard not to close the gap.

"I said it's okay. Stop explaining yourself", Irene said softly then let go of Seulgi's face which is starting to turn red.


The smaller girl smiled and said, "Now stop thinking and go to sleep. We'll talk about it tomorrow. Goodnight!"

She was about to go to her own room when she stopped in her tracks, turned around, and walked back to give Seulgi a kiss on the cheek."I missed you today. I wish I was able to go out with you."

The other girl shifted and took something out of her purse and handed it over, "I got you this". It was a bear keychain. 

"We went to a store this morning and I saw it. You said I am a bear right? Well if you ever miss me again, at least you will always have it to remind me of you", she said with a shy smile.

"I... Thanks."

It was Seulgi's turn to give the leader a kiss on the cheek. "I missed you too. Goodnight!", she said as she rushed to her room leaving a dumbfounded Irene rooted in her place.



I'm sorry about this chapter. I know it isn't that great but I will try and do better for the next ones!

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Chapter 14: Please update author-nim :'((((
Chapter 14: Hello ~

I've been reading your story recently and now I'm in love with it. Just take your time writing this but please don't drop it forever. I love your story and I think it's really cute. I'm looking forward to your reply, hwaiting! ^^
Chapter 14: take your time~~
margaux_mc #4
So is this story already done ?? hope not yet...
yeolow #5
Chapter 13: Updateuuu sooon xD
byuntae_hyung #6
Chapter 14: Awwwww i keep falling in love
izzie318 #8
Chapter 14: Filo here!!! Thank you author for watching The Rich Man's Daughter :) It's the best!!! Hope everyone would watch it too because it is the first and only lesbian series here in the Philippines...
Chapter 14: Hi author!!! I was so excited that I thought you updated but it's okay :') lol I'm a filipino and yeah the show its the first time I ship filipino artist lol xD glaiza and rian lol =))) Update soon!!!!
pataymalixa #10
Chapter 13: O<-<
I thought I was browsing at the complete tag.
Please update soon I really like your fic. ;)